McDonald's logo explained

Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

well you youngins can still get away with that stuff now. but the body goes through metabo. changes at key years. 20-25, then every ten years or so. it always slows down, the older you get the easyer it is to put on wieght. trust me on this I know. one day you will get out of the shower and say who the f*$k is that in the mirror????I know what I look like and that fatass aint me.:eek:
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

lol That's why I try to eat less fast food now. It's not that easy !
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

good stand firm, you'll be glad later.
my 17 yr.old says, the only thing fast about it. is the way it collects on your ass.
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

Yeah, and it takes a lot of time and efforts to get rid of all that fat.
I can't believe how many people are eatin there.

When I went there last night, there was a classic "fat familly". You know, fat-dad, fat-mom, fat-kids lol
It's a McFamilly :eek:
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

we callem
big as a buffalow
ugly as a gorrilla
sorry that wasn't very nice
but damn it was funny:D
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

LOL I like it.
That's a good one dude !

The sad thing is that it's bad, but so true sometimes lol
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

A few times per year at my local McDo (it's a small one), there are some buses full of chinese dudes stoping by to eat some trash food.
They are taking photos of themselves in front of everything they can find, like gas pomps, cars, toilets doors lol

They'll miss the McSushi ! lol
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

They'll need to get to the McToilets. I never use those toilets there, are they pink with fur on the seat ? lol
