NOT A HOAX! I've a legit video of a Portal w/ people exiting it! Need help on how to show the world...


No, I read the comments. I know where I'm supposed to be looking. I just... don't see any sort of portal there. Which is why I asked for a screenshot or something directly highlighting it. I must be blind.


Junior Member
I'm not in this for money, fame, etc... This is my first post, so I can't post the link yet (I need 3 posts, of course.) Please just read the narrative below until I can post the link. I'll post the same narrative once I am able to post the link, including more details, if necessary, and will answer any and all questions. Thanks in advance guys.

Here is a brief narrative of events:

** First, NO, there were NO cars moving behind the people, as it is impossible. There is ONLY approx 3 feet of ground, and a solid concrete wall behind them. **

I accidently caught this on my vehicle's back-up cam. The Portal begins opening as a horizontal blury/wavy/spiraling/swirling/mirage-type spot 2-3 feet in the air approximately 3-4 ft in front of the solid concrete wall at the 10 sec mark (you'll see it on the right of the screen, in-between the 2 bushes which stand to the very far right side of the wall), then 2 males walk ougt. Then the second opening begins in the same way at the exact same spot at 1:57 mark and 1 male walks out. No, there is not a door on that wall, nor windows. In fact the closest door is 40-50 feet around the corner from the portal. The portal opened about 20 ft behind my car at a 45 degree angle to the rear left of my car ( however it's on the right side of the screen here). The video is 100% REAL and completely UNEDITED without even the slightest bit of an enhancement/touch-up/or anything added.
Oh, yeah, because it's not like things like this can easily be made with the magic of editing


Senior Member
Everything but the video, which shows no visible portal at all, comes from words typed by the OP.
Sorry, no.
I think most of us already knew you could type words.

Your grades are now in and they are as follows:

Story Content: B-
Video Content: D-

Anyone who presents "evidence" and that evidence is a camera recording of another screen, I'm sorry but I immediately have to dismiss it. With the way videos are manipulated these days it's nearly impossible to give it any credibility just because of the recording itself.

Not saying you are a fraud but I am saying you present extremely weak evidence.
If you had a video link directly from your car to show us then it might be a different story.



Temporal Engineer
Here is a way I would hoax this. I would place a large pane of glass between the recording device and the rearview license cam display. By angling the pane of glass an outside reflection would appear out of nowhere. People could be walking on the side of the car and be picked up as a composite image by the recording device.


New Member
Here is a way I would hoax this. I would place a large pane of glass between the recording device and the rearview license cam display. By angling the pane of glass an outside reflection would appear out of nowhere. People could be walking on the side of the car and be picked up as a composite image by the recording device.
Not a hoax, a-hole, not in the least. Too bad you're unwilling to take it seriously. Your loss, well, mine too, I suppose, however I get shut down continuously, but clearly there are others in control due to this absolutely incredible footage, which I wasn't supposed to have.


New Member
No, I read the comments. I know where I'm supposed to be looking. I just... don't see any sort of portal there. Which is why I asked for a screenshot or something directly highlighting it. I must be blind.
Clearly, you are...
