Debunking Ouija Boards.

I think you guys have misintrepreted me a little. (The alternative is that you're...not very nice people and I'd rather not like to believe that, you know?)

I'm not saying all "supernatural" stuff is easy to debunk. I'm not even saying all of it isn't real. (Incorporated into mainstream science =/= not real) I'm just saying there are a lot of instances of people lying, cheating and generally using supernatural explanations to pull a fast one on other people. I hapen to hate those people, and take great pleasure in showing them up as the charletans they are.

Now, on the other hand, if someone could, without a doubt, prove to me that, say, PaulaJedi's story about the lighthouse ghost was true? I'd be over the moon! I'm the kind of skeptic that wants to believe, but doesn't want to be so gullible as to believe any old story, you know? It's all about being open-minded, but not so open-minded as to end up with a head full of junk.

Would you both mind uploading those EVPs somewhere? I'd love to hear them!
Aaaaw. Now I feel like a nasty female. There was a terrible miscommunication. Please accept my apologies. I'm sorry. We would be happy to let you listen to anything that would make you believe and join us on the spooky side ya know?
Aaaaw. Now I feel like a nasty female. There was a terrible miscommunication. Please accept my apologies. I'm sorry. We would be happy to let you listen to anything that would make you believe and join us on the spooky side ya know?

Apology accepted. :)

Incidentally, I do have one rather spooky story that I've yet to explain to this day, although I do have a couple theories.

So, one day I'm walking to school. I must have been about...14-15, maybe? There was this alley that I would always take as a shortcut, leading back behind some bungalows. It probably cut 10 minutes or more off a potential 30 minute walk, so it was definitely worth it.

Anyway, one morning I turn into the alley, and what do I see, sitting there in the middle of the path? A pile of what I can only guess were multiple sets of intestines. And we're talking big, like from a dog, or (hopefully not) a human, or maybe a cow. There's a distinct, but faded red stain underneath them, as if they've been there for a while. As you can imagine, I hightailed it out of there without looking too closely.

Now the weirdest bit? On my way home, I check the alley again. (It's only like 20 feet long and well lit) The pile is gone, along with the stain. Not a trace.

As far as my theories go, I'm guessing it was either a practical joke, although not intended for me, (As I had very few friends at the time and even less enemies, and certainly none who would do that) or for whatever weird reason someone (likely a butcher) was carrying them through there and dropped them by accident. It couldn't have been a wild animal attack as there wouldn't be anything big enough in the UK to leave that much behind. There was nothing in the news so I doubt it was some kind of serial killer thing either.
I think you guys have misintrepreted me a little. (The alternative is that you're...not very nice people and I'd rather not like to believe that, you know?)

I'm not saying all "supernatural" stuff is easy to debunk. I'm not even saying all of it isn't real. (Incorporated into mainstream science =/= not real) I'm just saying there are a lot of instances of people lying, cheating and generally using supernatural explanations to pull a fast one on other people. I hapen to hate those people, and take great pleasure in showing them up as the charletans they are.

I'm being defensive/sensitive due to the original poster, and nothing I'm saying is personal, anyway. I'm just a rebel and if I can rant, I'll rant. LOL

Now, on the other hand, if someone could, without a doubt, prove to me that, say, PaulaJedi's story about the lighthouse ghost was true? I'd be over the moon! I'm the kind of skeptic that wants to believe, but doesn't want to be so gullible as to believe any old story, you know? It's all about being open-minded, but not so open-minded as to end up with a head full of junk.

I understand. It's hard to prove if you weren't there. I have copies of the EVP on my wesbite along with a photo I can't debunk (unless it's a bug).
I ALWAYS take the stance of ruling things out FIRST before assuming paranormal, but as for the EVP, you'll have to take my word for it that no children were there.

Click on MORE:
EVP | Poltergeist Tower | Your portal to the unknown

Photos | Poltergeist Tower | Your portal to the unknown
I understand. It's hard to prove if you weren't there. I have copies of the EVP on my wesbite along with a photo I can't debunk (unless it's a bug).
I ALWAYS take the stance of ruling things out FIRST before assuming paranormal, but as for the EVP, you'll have to take my word for it that no children were there.

Click on MORE:
EVP | Poltergeist Tower | Your portal to the unknown

Photos | Poltergeist Tower | Your portal to the unknown

I'm having trouble identifying the child in the two recordings. I can hear the person in the foreground asking "Can you tell us why you're here?" and the two people talking in the background, but I don't seem to hear a child singing?

In the photo, are you referring to the purple light near the bottom?
