
Senior Member
I am back. What I said is as follows.

1. We are Type 0 civilization.

That is because Western Religions messed it up. That does not mean India, Japan and China are in to it. They are basically as imbecile as we are here.

So, the whole planet is in Type 0 Civilization. How it is going to change?

Well, in 200 years, the State of Florida will be under the sea. During and up to that point, it will be turmoil. Since most major cities next the Sea will be gone including Vatican. It will be across the Planet. Everyone will suffer.

Then people will take a look at what they have done and a new religion will emerge. What that would be...I have no idea.

Then we will focus on Science and Technology and review our religions towards a better path.


To that we had comments…mostly on Muslims. I agree with the comment very much. It is this time Frame. Let us talk about the future.

Now my posting is looking at the future and the religion we have all across the planet. While no one can predict the future 100%, based on thought patterns, higher beings can to 1000 years. That is how Quantum System works.

In the meantime, I used those outside thoughts against present growth across the planet and talks from my friends over the last 20 years and hence my posting. What is that?

The idea is for dual Muslims to join together perhaps by eliminating one group or over powering them to be one group. That is what ISIS is doing. Then they will go after all non-Muslims as a matter of fact. Pakistan bad groups are into it. Whether it will happen, I have no idea, but I have talked to Christian Priests in the past and they have this prediction. They think that Saudi Arabia and Iran will have Nuclear Weapon, courtesy of Pakistan and get in to it along with the local groups.

Add that to our Type 1 Civilization called Ramayana People. Here there is no proof but the situation is as truthful as it can be. Someday, the world will discover that. All I am doing is bringing that someday to now.

Here we are mixing hearsay and present sociology together to develop the future.

I was a person whose soul was born during Ramayana time frame as Space Engineer. They left Earth due to climate issues like Antarctica to Mizar Star systems. Now in 100,000 years they have developed to be a Type 1 civilization, mostly due to the growth in Spiritual matters. Unfortunately, they are not here to break bread. In fact we forgot about them.

Their thought that comes from them is that we are backwards in spirit format and hence are not ready to connect to them until we are ready. That means, we do not have similar structure such as Sanatana Dharma that they have.

So, in the meantime, our souls in Heaven do not like this fact and setting up our growth such that we will be before the major climate change happens after the sea deluge. That is about 500 years from now.

So, the deluge will happen now like in 200 years such that humans will change the process and redo all activities for travel to outer space and get support from out=r other neighbors in Milky Way Galaxy.

Our new structure in space ships will start in 500 years. Details will be based on who does what.

Hence the discussion about the future path. This is where Heavenly Spirits, Angels, Other neighbor people come to play. It is hard to take in…but these are just thoughts. You may or may not agree with it.

There you have it. There is no point talking about Lord Krishna to Western Groups. It would not go anywhere. But Indians could not. Hence the war will go to the Indians (Remember Mahabharata) . But, we will pass that.

I am open to suggestions. .....something to add: https://www.my-big-toe.com/
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Senior Member
About 25 years ago i read A Lord Krishna that was handed to me by another.

But in the law of life i gave it away to enhance anothers life.

Some good points there Krish.


Senior Member
About 25 years ago i read A Lord Krishna that was handed to me by another.

But in the law of life i gave it away to enhance anothers life.

Some good points there Krish.

I am connected to him Spiritually. It is a fact and not fake news. We can talk about that later...as to their group was in India (Dwaraka) some 13,000 years ago and stayed for 1200 years and moved across the planet.

YouTube has about Dwaraka as 12,000 years...that went under the sea
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Senior Member

Ever since I was opened to the spirit world and the Universe (more like Multi-verse), I have different views of the society I live in.

What has happened at a small scale is that...

1. I do not go to the Library since these are old stuff...
2. I talk to people slightly differently on sociology including TV and Movie series whose authors look like idiots.
3. My ideas in Technology opened up as now, I can believe certain aspects are possible.
4. I think there are too many imbeciles by reading Quora
5. Connecting to dots such as Medical Information is easy now rather that taking words from the doctor as the Bible.
6. Learning the Knowledge much more as I get the information from Akhasic Record (or what eer name you want to put - like Quantum Library)
7. And more...like what has happened in the past such as Odin. Ramayana. Mahabharata, Ancient Aliens TV Series etc.
8. I talked to a friend of mine about Deep Meditation. After two years, he can talk to his relatives and their friends in Heaven and finding similar stuff like mine. He is going though an Education from them. That is amazing.

Hope you might have similar experience....after deep meditation.


Senior Member
I ran out of idea talking to Lord Shiva Group. I thought non-Indians would enjoy it...we shall see...

alpha centauri

Active Member
Thank you. Time to read...

Kupamanduka - Wikipedia
Interesting that they have an extra expression for this state of consciousness.

I ran out of idea talking to Lord Shiva Group. I thought non-Indians would enjoy it...we shall see...

I have a lot of question.

The most people dont even think this civilization exists. The scientists trace back civilization to 10 000 years but not earlier as far as I know.
I think this Göbekli Tepe (Turkey) is the earliest acheological site that they admit.

A question to evolution:
I found people that claim that they can change their appearance . Is that the future? DId you also hear about the Rama Civilization
I think the law of one claims that for five densitiy beings it is normal. We are third density being.

A question to that Rama group:
I found an American that had blue skin color.

Do the Indian Gods from that group look like that? I think Krishna also had blue skin colour. Or did they change their appearances when they came to the Indian? I heard that in 2 or 3 generation we can do that, too (our planet).

Is the Rama Civilization equal to Lemuria or Mu or is it different?
I also heard about a war between Lemurian civilization and Atlantis. Is that true? And Atlantis were negatively plolarized and wanted to enslave this Lemurian civilization? In Pato's story about Atlantis they fought the Greece people not the Lemurian people.

I also heard about a catacylsm at the end of each age and that it will happen soon. The people were Non-Hindus that told that. And
that only good people will survive and the others will die. What is true about that?


Senior Member
Interesting that they have an extra expression for this state of consciousness.

I have a lot of question.

The most people dont even think this civilization exists. The scientists trace back civilization to 10 000 years but not earlier as far as I know.
I think this Göbekli Tepe (Turkey) is the earliest acheological site that they admit.

A question to evolution:
I found people that claim that they can change their appearance . Is that the future? DId you also hear about the Rama Civilization
I think the law of one claims that for five densitiy beings it is normal. We are third density being.

A question to that Rama group:
I found an American that had blue skin color.

Do the Indian Gods from that group look like that? I think Krishna also had blue skin colour. Or did they change their appearances when they came to the Indian? I heard that in 2 or 3 generation we can do that, too (our planet).

Is the Rama Civilization equal to Lemuria or Mu or is it different?
I also heard about a war between Lemurian civilization and Atlantis. Is that true? And Atlantis were negatively plolarized and wanted to enslave this Lemurian civilization? In Pato's story about Atlantis they fought the Greece people not the Lemurian people.

I also heard about a catacylsm at the end of each age and that it will happen soon. The people were Non-Hindus that told that. And
that only good people will survive and the others will die. What is true about that?

Since you are still interested to whatever I have to say…Here it goes. I have to tell the truth as I understand it,,,If I do not know, I will say so.
for example as I learned about people worshiping at Churches and Temples. These places where a large number of people that go by, provide a psychic energy in place. I went to an old Catholic church and had the meditation. I found out that such is the case on Earth,,,It is a natural thing.
The most people dont even think this civilization exists. The scientists trace back civilization to 10 000 years but not earlier as far as I know.
That is 100% correct. I came from a civilization that were here 100,000 years ago called Ramayana. They did not have any enemies here. So, what you hear is not tight. Ramayana has a serious book by Indians.
I think this Göbekli Tepe (Turkey) is the earliest acheological site that they admit.
To them, what happened 10,00 years ago stays with our people. Not any furtherer.
I found people that claim that they can change their appearance . Is that the future? DId you also hear about the Rama Civilization
I do not think so. I am from Rama Civilization. I know how to design a space ship, but the sad part is we do not have the technology items such as Electrogravitic systems and Organic Artificial Intelligence…but we are working on it.
I think the law of one claims that for five densitiy beings it is normal. We are third density being.
Depends on what it means…could be…
I found an American that had blue skin color.
Ramas do not have blue skin. I was a Nordic Guy, we had Chinese and Indians as subgroups. The Lord Shiva group had Light Indigo color since they developed from Plant Life. They are five billion years old Creatures but look almost like us except have four arms.
Do the Indian Gods from that group look like that? I think Krishna also had blue skin colour. Or did they change their appearances when they came to the Indian? I heard that in 2 or 3 generation we can do that, too (our planet).
As I said, they come from Plant Kingdom. We come from Animal Kingdom. Because they saw five billion year old people, they called them gods. That is because these live more than 1200 years at a time, like 2000 years. Our plants such as Redwood live that long. By the way, they can talk to Plants quite normally. My rose said that I am giving them 10-10-10 which is burning them, So, I had to get slow burning fertilizers.
One thing I learned is that the Lord Krishna group are taking Humans and moving them up in spiritual value over the next 500 years. That moves them 100,000 years from natural growth. I am in it as a team. There will be many other Humans take part…Who knows, you could be one too, since you connected with me.
Teams member to communicate with each other at a subtle basis.

alpha centauri

Active Member
Ramas do not have blue skin. I was a Nordic Guy, we had Chinese and Indians as subgroups. The Lord Shiva group had Light Indigo color since they developed from Plant Life.

Why this seperation into the Ramana group and other groups if you can incarnate in every body you choose?
I mean than you dont need evolution. What is the sense in that? I never understood that.

Another question:

Why do the aliens dont make contact with us? Or do they have contact with or Leaders and they lie to us?
I mean aliens in generell not only the Ramana Civilization.

I do not think so. I am from Rama Civilization. I know how to design a space ship, but the sad part is we do not have the technology items such as Electrogravitic systems and Organic Artificial Intelligence…but we are working on it.

Why do you need Organic Artificial Intelligence? I read that some Greys are robots. Do you mean something like that?
