Paranormal Report: Black Eyed Children Stories

People react differently to different scenario's, or perhaps those afraid are more weak minded then those who aren't? We taught as males to be strong and protecting but nothing will ever prepare anyone for the Paranormal that exists in our world, and as far as all the accounts i have read on the BEK you HDRKID are maybe 1 of 2 who said they were not afraid, take it as you will but if a child walked to me in the middle of the night with pitch black eyes nothing i have experienced would prepare me for it and yes i would be afraid, this coming from a 5'10 250 pound Former Repo man, Ghost hunter, And Potential ET abductee.

The human mind and body are far more sensitive to their surroundings than most think, the fight of flight reaction is one that is most commonly used, when running across something that doesn't feel "right" or "normal" your senses kick in, and these extra heightened senses will make you more observant and also your "gut feelings" will be at a higher level, so once you get the initial feeling of "hey something isn't right with this kid" you notice the Black eyes and then the Flight or fight reflex kicks in because you just realised that, No this kid isnt right and this isn't something you have ever experienced before so your mind does not know how to handle it.

So there is a reason that 98% of everyone that has run into one is afraid, specially in the middle of the night, the other 2% are ether lying or have balls of steel.
Hi Blast Tyrant:
OK so you were a repo man. I knew a guy that was 22 and a repo man. He was getting paid $150 for each car he brought in. The bank cut his pay in half to $75 per car. He stopped because he was bringing in a Ferrari and got shot by the owner. Basically, he told me that $75 is not enough to risk his life any more.

Getting back to the BEK case. This one happened years ago. Actually, one of my neighbors saw a BEK girl and she did not let her in. This girl was about six. It was 3am when she knocked on the door and said, "Let me in. I need to use the bath room. I need to pee."

The lady near my house is a bank manager. She is friends with a lot of important people like the major. Her family has a lot of money. For example, her father own hotels and many companies. Lady told me that it could have been a ruse.

Namely, she said that the girl had solid black eyes. Also, that the terrifying tyke was very creepy. Get this, that the little girl made an animal noise. This is not that strange as I have heard of strange noises in other cases. Well, the bank lady was near panic. Her hands were shaking and she did seem in total terror over this one. She told me that the little girl was a demon or a vampire.

I asked her why she did not call the cops. Perhaps the little girl was the victim of child abuse or worse. She told me that the cops never do anything any way. Well, this lady had let into her house a man who mowed her grass. He stole $6,000 in jewelry from her and she did call the cops on that one.

Funny, she lets into her house a grown man. However, she is terrified of a little girl - strange world we are in.

Hi Blast Tyrant:
Well, some people are easy to scare. For example, I was with my brother in a haunted house and he was making scary noises. A mouse runs up his girlfriend's leg and she starts screaming. This was very funny as she is easy to scare.

The question is. Would you be scared of little girl with black eyes. Especially, if she was six.

If she was 6 and knocking on my door at 3am asking to use the rest room.......ya i would be a bit scared, but until i experience it i cannot say for sure.

Now if it was 3am and a 6 year old came frantically to my door scared and panicked like a 6 year old SHOULD be at 3 am then no i would let her in and call the police
Hi Blast Tyrant:
Well, everyone is different I guess. My dad is scared of seeing a rocking chair sway. I used to do it a lot when I was little and he would get angry at me. He said it would sometimes move. This was due to spirits being in the room. Basically, there was a poltergeist in our house that would slams doors shut and opens windows, but he or she never did frighten me.

Supernatural is exciting and part of an amazing universe. I thirst to learn more. Hopefully, one day we will know more about the mysterious world we are in.

People do fear seeing a ghost, but none has ever harmed me. Likewise, no BEK has ever done any harm to me. Maybe you think that the BEK are evil demons or vampires. That could indeed be the reason.

Fear is a major human emotion, to have no fear means you are not human, we all fear something. Me it is Spiders and Clowns.

Assuming BEK are real i very highly doubt they are of Alien Intelligence i am 99% positive they have nothing to do with the hybrid program as i am sure out ET friends know more about us than we do and they wouldn't be sending Hybrid children to people's houses at 3am. If a Alien wants in your house and or car it is coming in regardless.

This sounds nothing more than a on-line legend much like Slenderman
Hi everyone. In the last few days I have done a lot of research on the black eyed kids the result of which was my blog article on the black eyed kids. In my article I have talked about the various bek sightings, theories, etc. Here is the link to my article: Black Eyed Kids |All About Occult. I request all of you to please read my article on the above link and please leave your comments after my blog article to tell me if I have made any mistake or not and if I missed something out which I should have added to my article. Please do read the article and share your comments.
Close Encounters Of The Black-Eyed Kind
Part 1

25 August, 2013
Written by Dustin Naef - Contributor - It's Saturday evening. A 34-year-old suburban school teacher is home alone when hears a knock at her door.
Just one knock.

She ignores it at first, but moments later she hears another knock, and begins to feel very uneasy. Her heart starts beating very rapidly. Cautiously she goes to the window and looks outside. There's a non-descript middle aged woman standing on the sidewalk, gazing blankly at her house. Her panic subsides and she opens the door, presuming it’s one of her neighbors needing help.

The woman walks forward and stops six feet in front of her. She looks into her eyes and there's nothing there. All her thoughts dissolve and it’s as though she cannot perceive the rest of the world.

She feels numb, hollow, as if she's no longer in control of her own body. She can see nothing in the woman's eyes, no emotion, no life. They are just black.

As she stands there numb with shock, the black-eyed woman standing outside her doorway opens her mouth and says, "Let me in." When the woman speaks, her breath quickens and she feels faint. So she quickly shuts the door and locks it, too terrified to even look out the window again. She admits that she has never encountered this strange woman again, but can still feel her presence, and suffers from episodes of panic which make her feel as if she's going to die. It's as if the moment she opened the door, this being gained access to her.

She still see's her in her dreams. It's as if she's taken over her mind. She doesn't know what she is, or what to do about it.

You can leave a haunted house...but how do you leave a haunted body or mind?


Image Credit - Dustin Naef

A man in Abilene, Texas is sitting in his parked car late at night, writing out a check to put in a drop-box when a rapping comes at his car window.

He turns and sees two young boys standing outside his car, asking for help. They urgently need a ride home so they can get some money from their Mom, and catch a movie that's playing at the theater across the street from where he's parked.

"C'mon mister, let us in. We can't get in the car until you do, you know." One of the boys pleads.
The other boy doesn't say a word.

The man becomes uneasy, noting the movie showing the kids want to see, at this late hour, is already half over.

"Just let us in," the boy desperately pleads.

"We'll be gone before you know it.

We'll go to our mother's house."

To his shock, the man suddenly becomes aware of the fact that his hand is straying towards the lock on his car door, which is engaged.

Almost as if some compelling, hypnotic force is mysteriously guiding his movements; he's in the process of almost opening the car door when he suddenly comes to his senses and pulls away, his mind snapping back into sharp focus.

That's the moment he looks into the boys eyes, as if seeing them for the first time.

They are coal black. No pupils. No irises. Just two black orbs reflecting the glittering red and white lights of the theater's brightly-lit marquee.

His face flushes with fear, betraying his horror. The silent kid's facial expression changes, seeming to indicate to the man that whoever they were, and whatever they really wanted, they have just been found out.

The other boys face is livid now with anger. "C'mon mister," he says again, "we won't hurt you. But you have to LET US IN! We don't have a gun!

"An edge of panic and desperation creeps into his clearly agitated tone: "WE CAN'T COME IN UNLESS YOU TELL US IT'S OKAY--LET...US...IN!"

Suddenly the man grips his gear shift in a panic, he slams his car into reverse, and then tears out of the parking lot.

From that day on, he wonders what would have really happened to him if he'd let those boys into his car and given them a ride.

The Black-Eyed People

Those who have encountered them describe sensing an air of evil malevolence behind their vacuous gaze; but other people who have met them face-to-face say that their strangeness goes much deeper than that. Some people who have met them report feeling an alien presence staring at them, something demonic . . . something not human.

They're often described as emotionless, gaunt, hollow beings, almost as though they have no soul.

People report them appearing seemingly out of nowhere, they come knocking on your door or appearing next to you by your car, or on the street.

Sometimes you feel someone staring at you, and you look up to find their glassy black eyes locked on you in hunger. They always want something from you. They want a ride, to use your telephone, to be invited into your space, or for you to go with them. If you refuse, they grow more insistent.

Stories of these strangers, whose eyes appear to be black, began appearing on the Internet around 1998, and the encounters are eerily similar.

These strangers usually appear and ask for an invitation into your house, or car, or to go for a walk with them down some lonely path.

People from across the globe have reported encounters with black-eyed people.

You have to wonder who (or what) are these soulless beings are that approach calmly, quietly, and strike fear into those who encounter them?

Some people have speculated these black-eyed beings to be everything from extraterrestrials to demons – they have been here for millennia, living alongside us, working alongside us, breeding with us – and most of us don’t realize it. Not until we accidentally catch a glimpse of their dead black-eyes.

Witnesses frequently report odd variations in their manner of appearance, which tends to cause them to stand out; sometimes they're dressed in clothing from some bygone-era, or wearing inexplicably strange color combinations--like someone who either wants to call attention to themselves--or alternately, someone who's completely oblivious about how they're dressed in public. Some make terrible mimics when they try to pass themselves off as a normal person and blend in with a crowd.

If the black-eyed beings are children, they do not act shy and reserved in front of strangers like most kids. They're very forceful about what they want, and insistent in their attempts to intimidate and persuade people in verbally demanding some kind of help or assistance. Black-eyed children are said to be able to cultivate their speech and express themselves in a manner far, far beyond their years.

Evil and malevolence is a common feeling people get in their presence, but this is not reported in every encounter. Sometimes there's just a very odd, amorphous, ill-defined feeling of alien strangeness in connection with eyewitness reports. There's a sentiment that many of these black-eyed people appear homeless, and roaming about forlornly, seemingly without a place to go. Like lost souls doomed to wander the earth endlessly. They're routinely described as showing up unexpectedly at someone's house or vehicle. For some odd reason, they need to feel invited in by somebody, like some kind of supernatural vampire.

Recently I’ve begun to wonder if encounters of black-eyed people have anything to do with "energy vampires" or “mind parasites”.
Close Encounters Of The Black-Eyed Kind
Part 2

26 August, 2013
Written by Dustin Naef - Contributor

In doing research on this subject I ran across an absolutely chilling case which has many of these common elements, and this isn't the only case of this type that I've found. There are many.

This is a real-life X-File which could have been lifted directly from Chris Carter's television series, but it's absolutely real--and ironically involves the FBI, possible mind parasites, a black-eyed person, and UFOs. Make of it what you will . . .

The Urge to Kill

"Even all these years later, it is difficult to talk about. Reliving it through talking about it is difficult to say the least, but I want you to understand what happened. It was like coming out of some horrible trance or dream. I can only liken it to (and I don’t want to overdramatize it) being possessed by something so awful and alien, and the next morning waking up and remembering what happened and realizing that in the eyes of the law, and certainly in the eyes of God, you’re responsible." - Ted Bundy, from his last interview.


Ted Bundy

I'm going to warn you in advance, what I'm about to be getting into is very dark and gruesome subject matter. Lieutenant David Grossman, a former army Ranger and paratrooper, who taught psychology at West Point and is the Professor of Military Science at Arkansas State University, wrote a book about a topic which has not been the subject of a lot of scholarly work or research up to now.

It is called "On Killing," and is about the act of killing another human being and the devastating psychological cost a person pays for it.

The good news is, Grossman's research into the subject reveals that the vast majority of human beings and soldiers are loathe to kill another person.

The average and healthy individual has such an inner resistance against killing a fellow human being that he will not of his own will take another life if it is possible for him to turn away.

Apparently this has been an ongoing problem for generals and warmongers for quite some time, i.e. how to get strangers to kill one another in war.

He cites many different examples of soldiers refusal to fire on the "enemy" taken from direct accounts of historical battlefields.

Unfortunately, he writes, modern armies have been busy devising ways to influence soldiers through Pavlovian and operant conditioning to overcome this fellow love for other human beings. Worse, Grossman goes onto say, this kind of conditioning and desensitizing people to violence has spilled over into mainstream media, movies, and video games over the past decades, which he believes is one major factor contributing to the growing numbers of mass murderers and rampage killings we see so often in the news today. Especially those involving teens and young adults.

The psychological devastation that killing another person causes someone is well-known through veterans coming home from combat and suffering from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, among other things. Murdering someone is utterly crippling to the psyche of a normal human being.

Biologically we are normally just not adapted to being able to take another human life without some kind of deep-seated, personal motive behind it, something that justifies our actions, or drives us to that kind of extreme behavior.


Should we fear black eyed people?

But there's some people out there that are more than capable of killing strangers and people they don't know, or have any connection to whatsoever, and they seem to have no emotional reaction to the horror of their acts of murder; and when they kill their victims, in terms of the level of violence and suffering they inflict, they go far, far beyond what any human being would be capable of doing to somebody, even under the worst duress.

These kinds of people have no remorse or conscience, it is though they are not even human; in fact, killing people and making them suffer is probably all they ever think about . . .
