Proof John Titor was a fraud...or not?


Junior Member
For me, the biggest argument that John Titor was a fake is that he never once mentioned 9/11. He never mentioned New York, 9/11, terrorism. It's one thing to forget a sports score 30 years ago, it's another thing to forget Pearl Harbor being attacked, or 9/11, or JFK being assassinated. Instead, Titor talked about events that never happened - the 2004 olympics being cancelled, a vCJD epidemic, a civil war ending with the Russians nuking the US. If John Titor was a real time traveler, how could he forget 9/11 when he "left" in march 2001, a few months before 9/11?

In Johns defense, he talked about going back in time and preventing Pearl Harbor being attacked, but in the process that allows the Germans to develop a nuclear bomb and use it against the US...

From Johns perspect, 9/11 was an event that started a chain of reactions that caused a corrupt government to fall. Without 9/11, maybe in John's world a civil war would have never happened, and the corrupt government would still be in power...

If this is the case - Titor intentionally didnt mention 9/11 because he wanted it to happen so it set in motion events that ultimately led to events he talked about - maybe john decided to come public not to warn us about 9/11, but instead of warn us of events in this decade.

Instead of talking about the 2004 olympics being cancelled, maybe he was talking about the 2014 russian olympics being cancelled. Russia, after all, in johns stories is the savior that bombs the US Federal govt causing John's rebels to win.

Instead of talking about a vCJD epidemic in the 2000's, maybe he meant this decade.

Instead of being born in 1998, maybe he was born in 2008 with a civil war starting this decade.

The picture john paints does not match the 2000's at all. But if you re-read everything he said and compare it to today, he's very accurately talking about today.

He talks about selfish people who wouldnt stop on a highway to help a stranded motorist - that's the tea party. Just today there were articles that Republicans want to eliminate food stamps.

He talks about olympics being cancelled - that's the 2014 olympics, being cancelled either over anti gay laws recently passed in Russia, or the US boycotting the Russian olympics over Syria.

He talks about a civil war based on a government giving people security over freedom incorrectly judging what people want. That's the government since 9/11 spying on americans in the name of security.

He talks about a pandemic caused by tainted food supplies caused by large companies. That's today with the rich and corporations causing the FDA to allow food imported from China.

He talks about bad leadership causing a vacuum in the middle east causing arab countries to be more aggressive towards Isreal. Just today on the news i saw a report that Turkey has shot down a helicopter in Syria, something they would never do but feel emboldened with the outcome in Syria - "Analysts said Monday's downing of the Syrian helicopter could presage a shift where Ankara takes an increasingly confrontational stance against Syria just as Washington has de-escalated its own policy."

In short, if you re-read all of Titors posts, he is not trying to divert disaster in 2001. Instead he's trying to prepare us for the mindset that leads to WWIII.

The signs are obvious what's going to happen. You dont need to be a time traveler to see Johns perspective, or to see the chain of events in front of us leading to a world war. In 2001 i would have thought Titor was a complete lune. But looking at the world today it's like he's moderating current events. The country is splitting apart and Washington is so incompetent nothing seems to stop it. If i was Titor, maybe i would have said nothing about 9/11 too, let the events happen.
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Senior Member
Excerpt from John's posts that I believe were clues about 9/11 (there is another quote, but I would have to search for it. His Mother mentions it in her quote below):

February 09, 2001

JOHN TITOR: "Telling you about impending plane crashes or other disasters (provided I could give you exact dates and times) may save lives at one point but cause cascading changes that take others at a later point."

NOTE FROM JOHN'S MOTHER: "After reading this through a few times, this paragraph caught my attention. This is the second time John spoke about planes crashing and I wonder what he meant about other lives taken at other points."

John also said something about a skyscraper missing in New York. I don't know if that was the exact quote, and I'd have to look it up. IMO, the above quotes were clues that John gave about 9/11. POST NOTE: Ren posted John's quote in the next comment.

About the years being off in events that happened on his Wordline as compared to timing of events on our Worldlne, I suggest reading the following thread: John Titor - off by a decade?

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Senior Member
"The oldest one was a skyscraper that don't exist in New York." ~John Titor

He was saying..

Sound Judgment

Junior Member
"The oldest one was a skyscraper that don't exist in New York." ~John Titor

He was saying..

Actually, he wasn't saying. Thanks to those who archive all things on the Internet, we now have the actual text *the actual audio recording read by Art Himself at the time it was publicly aired* from that first Fax which holds an entirely different comment regarding the infamous 'building in New York.' The words, "that don't exist," just don't exist on that copy. :)

My how things mysteriously change over the years when it passes on from keeper to keeper, eh? Oh, but when the text doesn't jive, it is just as easy to say something like... "Oh! That must have been from ANOTHER Johnny, not the same one I remember!' haha. How many 'Johnny's are we up to now as of this date?? Three... four?? Toss another Johnny-clone into the ring. ;)

Yeah, easy to dismiss what cannot be logically explained. But hey, check out the "Art Bell" actual-voice reading of the Fax (there are links posted all over the forum) reading and see for yourself.


Senior Member
"The oldest one was a skyscraper that don't exist in New York." ~John Titor

He was saying..

Actually, he wasn't saying. Thanks to those who archive all things on the Internet, we now have the actual text *the actual audio recording read by Art Himself at the time it was publicly aired* from that first Fax which holds an entirely different comment regarding the infamous 'building in New York.' The words, "that don't exist," just don't exist on that copy. :)

I believe you are incorrect about the quote posted by Ren. I will post more after I have referred to my Research Journals on JT.

There were two (2) Johns on our Wordline, and there were two (2) faxes sent to Art Bell. We know this from the video John Titor Letter 177 tempus edax rerum that was posted on Youtube in November 2009. It was posted by Larry Haber, attorney for John's family, per Johns' instructions, so it is considered as a valid message from the two Johns.


Sound Judgment

Junior Member
There were two (2) Johns on our Wordline, and there were two (2) faxes sent to Art Bell. We know this from the video John Titor Letter 177 tempus edax rerum that was posted on Youtube in November 2009. It was posted by Larry Haber, attorney for John's family, per Johns' instructions, so it is considered as a valid message from the two Johns.

Yes, but I am interested in ONLY the Fax that was read on the air, verbally by, Art Bell, on his program, Coast to Coast. Any other Faxes that where 'not read' by Art verbatim, or not read or relayed by a valid member of his staff, who are independent of any ties to John's group, is suspect here. Much as I find anything, even the smallest detail from one 'Larry Haber' or member of his own family, to be just as suspect of anything valid and authentic in my view. So a strange video of slates and graphics and animations, cut on someone's 'Final Cut' and voiced by a Vo-Coder program, can sit there all day and amount to zero evidence, no matter how creatively cryptic they may make it seem for entertainment value.
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Senior Member
I am interested in ONLY the Fax that was read on the air, verbally by, Art Bell, on his program, Coast to Coast.

I'm pretty sure we had the audio in a Youtube Video for at least one (maybe two) of the faxes sent to Art Bell posted here on Paranormalis, but I cannot locate it. Perhaps one of our members can find it and post it here.

POST NOTE: I found the date listed on another Forum. Art read one of the faxes on October 29th, 1998. It is listed in Art Bell's old Archives HERE. If someone can find that show on Youtube, then we will be able to hear Art read the fax.

Fax Listed on Art Bells Archives 10-29-98, cropped.jpg
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Senior Member
"You can alter history in the new universe that you have just created. Most of the time the changes are subtle. the oldest one was a sky scraper that don't exist in New York ."

Our very own Pamela labelled this 'Fax 1'.

The reason you find this perplexing is due to the presence of temporal engineering. In fact, John mentions its temporal engineering in this very quote!

Notice how John used 'don't' as in skyscraper(s) don't exist. John is college graduate of The University of Florida, probably at Fort Lauderdale. This might be a deliberate grammar mistake.


Senior Member
Good catch, Sam.
We know that because this YouTube video was posted by John's lawyer, that this validates that the YouTube video is from John. This can not be disputed.


For me, the biggest argument that John Titor was a fake is that he never once mentioned 9/11.

The people who made up Titor were not superheroes and their mission was not to go back and save humanity from all disasters.

- Choosing not to warn someone makes them a fake? Who said he didn't anyway?
- Who would really believe him/them anyway? Why bother?
- Multiple time lines.....think about it

His/Their same predictions are spread throughout literature for centuries. Perhaps people need to read with new eyes.

Instead of talking about the 2004 olympics being cancelled, maybe he was talking about the 2014 russian olympics being cancelled. Russia, after all, in johns stories is the savior that bombs the US Federal govt causing John's rebels to win.

Maybe it meant something else.

Instead of being born in 1998, maybe he was born in 2008 with a civil war starting this decade.

Maybe 1998 had another significance

The picture john paints does not match the 2000's at all. But if you re-read everything he said and compare it to today, he's very accurately talking about today.

Yes. Even people of the past were talking about today.

In short, if you re-read all of Titors posts, he is not trying to divert disaster in 2001. Instead he's trying to prepare us for the mindset that leads to WWIII.


The signs are obvious what's going to happen.

Agreed. The signs date back to the Jesus era.[/quote][/quote]
