Questions for John Titor


Junior Member
JT went rouge & reportedly came down with radiation poisoning. I believe this explanation because the GE machine was okay for one or two jumps, but not meant for constant use as a means of transportation.

JT did leave this worldline and had agents after him.
So him and his younger self left?


Senior Member
So him and his younger self left?
This GE time displacement unit was not the best machine to time travel in. This is due to technolgies taking a nose-dive post nuclear war.There's no protection other than the barrier divison made from the simulated Kerrs Balck Hole microwavic divider. So radiationj does get into that shell. If you've ever watched a pinball machine work, this is somewhat like how Titor traveled in time, as he had to use other timelines in order to try and get back to his own timeline.

These travels could have caught the authority notice of the time travel management and he may have been making a mess of things is why he probably became a criminal. The posting which I had seen, he was starting to suffer from radiation ageing and poisoning. So, this doesn't get real good for him near the end.


New Member
Three questions for John and one statement.

I never believed you left our world time line John. I believe you stayed so on my beliefs my questions are asked to you.
#1 Why did you take your younger self on time jumps especially if what you said about the machine being off would negate you from returning to the origional time line left?
#2 In 2000, what did you do to change our time line that created the Mandela effect in 2009?
#3 If the war could not be overted then why did you try? You changed our time line so drastically that we avoided some issues but in the end we are still facing the same just much later. So yeah, why did you bother if it can not be avoided?
Last Bonus Question
The C204-C206 machines. Today on our time line they hold patents with an indvidual. I believe in your time line these machines were meant for interdimentional travel to venture to where the ET's come from, built by skunkworks and general electric but your military unit diverted that tech to conduct time travel missions. It didn't go to plan, did it?

When you return back online I would appreciate it if you answer these questions. You already knew I was going to ask them!

PS. I am open to discussing anything with the younger version of John Titor on this time line who by now would be what 25-26 years of age? I am sure you have memory of your older self visiting you and your mother and I am sure you have information. Contact me privately through the site. I will not publically disclose your contact info. I just want to get some answers to some questions for research purposes.
So the Marlin B Pohlman patents were rejected because he abandoned them. Probably due to his going to prison for rape. So no one actually holds patents for the c204 nor the science behind it.

That is a common misconception that stems from not understanding how patents work. Anyone can file a patent. It's a lot harder to get it approved. If you go look it up it clearly says abandoned.


New Member
My comment was directed at those in our government that wish to destroy freedom and prosperity. And bring back slavery and poverty for all. I was under the impression that you also lived in the free world. Censorship is a tool of the socialists.
I am a communist. We want no such thing. Ur confusing soviet style socialism with all of socialism. No one in the US government is a true socialist not even Sanders or AOC. They are capitalist millionaires telling people what they THINk they want to hear.

U advocating for murdering people you disagree with or misunderstand is literally censorship taken to its logical conclusion.

A true communist (not a soviet fetishist) would want to maximize the freedoms of the US. Which we don't really have anymore.

Last time i checked its the so called fake socialists in government who want to take your guns away. Karl Marx wanted to arm the entire working class so their fuckery could be minimized.


Junior Member
So the Marlin B Pohlman patents were rejected because he abandoned them. Probably due to his going to prison for rape. So no one actually holds patents for the c204 nor the science behind it.

That is a common misconception that stems from not understanding how patents work. Anyone can file a patent. It's a lot harder to get it approved. If you go look it up it clearly says abandoned.
interesting, i had not kept following up with it and i did not know that about him. Interesting!


New Member
Kairos ~ Sorry you were lost a long time ago and you're still lost.

Deal with the anger inside yourself then come see me. I will prove you straight.


Sorry, Darling. You're fun to watch. But, you can't manipulate me because I love you too much.

Always have. Always will. Taught by whom?


Father. Son. Spirit.

John Himself? Knows whom was born for this.


Sorry to disappoint you. Post another stupid video.


I am as strong as God himself, but human. Imperfectly human with a perfect heart of intent proven through out my life.

God looks at your true intent!

TRUMP wins. You can thank me later.

In the Savior's name Jesus Christ,
I'm from the future. Trump lost. Biden is the president and somehow is even worse.


New Member
So the Marlin B Pohlman patents were rejected because he abandoned them. Probably due to his going to prison for rape. So no one actually holds patents for the c204 nor the science behind it.

That is a common misconception that stems from not understanding how patents work. Anyone can file a patent. It's a lot harder to get it approved. If you go look it up it clearly says abandoned.
All of the people who funded and backed the programs were in sexual cults.
Alot of the original ideas of travel came from secret societies and almost 75% of them were caught in sex acts.
The real billionaires who funded these programs were just families connected in politics with the government.
Some were military but most of them were elitist families backed by years of trade in the middle east.

When the initial idea of time travel came about, it had already been created.
But the reference towards people like him are the originators of the modern travel industry.
Dessert storm, bin laden, etc; it wasn't about oil, it was about archeology.


New Member
People think oil and the Bush administration, 9/11, the bin laden family, Sadam was about oil and material.


It was about the findings.
When they found the Baghdad battery, it was a spur towards black military op sects to infiltrate certain areas; sumeria, ancient Persia, etc.

They were finding objects.
Same thing happened in world War 2.
Hitler wasn't killing his own race, he was searching for a pure hybrid.
The search to become a technological king.

Something thats always been there right in front of people's eyes.


Active Member
People think oil and the Bush administration, 9/11, the bin laden family, Sadam was about oil and material.


It was about the findings.
When they found the Baghdad battery, it was a spur towards black military op sects to infiltrate certain areas; sumeria, ancient Persia, etc.

They were finding objects.
Same thing happened in world War 2.
Hitler wasn't killing his own race, he was searching for a pure hybrid.
The search to become a technological king.

Something thats always been there right in front of people's eyes.
Maybe he was looking for Darth Vader lol that part machine and part man but Star war was a real deal hmmm
