The Dot

Re: The Dot

Some of them have a vail, depending the country or the religion.
And yeah, no little girls with dots. It must be age related. Maybe it's when you are adult according to their standards. Like, when you get to 18 or 20 years old.
Re: The Dot

wow I always thought the vail was tied to being married or not, only the young maidens were vailed. no peeking without the purchase price. all the old married hags were not hiding the goods anymore
Re: The Dot

Yeah, vails are about being married or not as I remember. They take that stuff very seriously.
Re: The Dot

man and to think I get pissed about pushup bras, makeup and girdels. ya know false advertising and all. how could you ever get married like that, not even knowing what she realy looks like, do she have teeth, how bout a mustash,
Re: The Dot

so just what are we spose to learn from this dot thing?????
and how will it help us at all??????
or is it just a neat gadget to fool around with???????
seems like useless information to me
Re: The Dot

It's color shows if our global consciousness is posifive or negative. If it's red, there's something negative going on in the world maybe. Some say that right before 9/11, the dot has been red for a certain period of time. Stuf like that I guess.

Like now, it's green, it's supposed to be good.
Re: The Dot

ok, so if it turns red,
do we all go out and find some one to tell a joke, and see if it turns green again.
I mean why should we care????
and just how do it know whos pissed and when.
do they call old ladies for a pole like gallop or what.
it make no sence to me
am I stupid or somethin I just don't see any use for it
Re: The Dot

Well, it's possible that it has no sense at all, you're not wrong. The color is created by paterns between random numbers. It's all random. It's like playing with a dice, it has no sense at all. According to them, if you throw your dice 10 000 millions time, you could find a patern, and then, create a graphic that could lead to a dot color. That's it lol
Re: The Dot

ok good thought I had missed somethin
so if I got it rite, they set up a computor and turned it lose playin with its self, and we get colored dots to look at
man only in AMERICA
somebody get me a beer this shit is gettin to wild to watch sober
