The Perfect Nation
Originally posted by Paul J. Lyon@Sep 1 2004, 09:21 PM
I appreciate your willingness to see from my angle, Grayson, and I hope you see that I was responding to the use of the term \"fool\" more than anything else. I apologize for my overreaction to it. It made me want to send my second over to set terms to recover my honor.
Another thing occurred to me, though, and that's the Anglo-American trait of having the real mess take place on foreign soil. This is the underlying bitterness behind the accusation of \"imperialism,\" that is, that it's best to have the killing and shooting elsewhere, preferably in a poorer region. Not that both British and American countries have not seen their share of bloodshed on home ground, but, well, not quite their share.
Because of the \"old country\" ties and the sense in both countries of relative geographical safety, and their wealth and stable societies, the people tend to think of the real risky politics as occurring elsewhere: certainly nothing like a civil war, we presume, is a likelihood in New York or London.
I tread lightly here. It has been my observation in recent years that the UK is ever coming closer to the brink of Social Revolution, in such a manner as has not been seen since our own Civil War.
We are Governed by voracious Politicians seemingly bent on reducing our middle class to beasts of burden, fit to only feed the coffers of the Exchequer in order to fund our brave new order. Europe has us so entwined in the buearacrcy of Brussels, the Maastricht Treaty, our new European Constitution and the Human Rights Act that we are endeavouring to satisfy too many agenda's at a cost to our own National Individuality and Treasury. We are lost in a sea of conflicting and demoralising Euro-Directives which continually strip the wealth of our Nation to pay for Social Regeneration Initiatives across Western and Eastern Europe and constrain our Laws and Rights as British Citizens.
We are forced to provide free access to our Country from all who call, who are mainly Easter Europeans bent on utilising our Social Security System to pay them, educate them, provide free housing to them and care for their health. Free to them, with the burden of financing this madness falling on the average tax-payer.
If we say no to this abuse, if we ask that they eventually become net contributers or seek to limit their rights to take and never pay, we are branded Racist and subject to action in the European Court of Human Rights.
France, Germany and all other Member States do not offer this free ride and as such do not have to endure the burden, nor inequities of the system. Nor do they help foot the bill. Britain has had this generous Social Benefits System for many years, the others have not. Thus we are hoist by our own petard and since these transient populations are unlikely to travel to anywhere were these benefits are not available, Europe is happy to see this mass migration end on our doorstep.
In this Country, if you are an Eastern Europena who lands seeking aid, you get a house and an income for you and your family. On top of this, we supply and education, language courses and re-training for employment. Generously we add free health and dental care and provide allowances for furniture and home decoration.
If you are a native englishman, with Wife and Child, you are not entitled to housing as you are not a priority ethnic group, nor free education past the age of 19. Dental care is limited and our Health Service is a lottery depending on where you live.
National Socialism is gaining favour in the UK, as is our displeasure with our process of Democracy. In the 60's, a Politician named Enoch Powel made a speech known as the
Rivers of Blood speech, in which he predicted the UK sliding into this mire and went on to say that England would rebel and the streets would run with rivers of blood. That day is fast approaching.
We have become smug and complacent. This system is not so solidly grounded as it seems. It reminds me of Virginia City, Nevada, which was spread out on the side of a mountain in the 1860s, all undercut by a network of mines and tunnels. While not very much of the town ever actually fell through, it still gives you a sinking feeling to stand in it. It must have been a much worse feeling with 10,000 people standing on it; when I lived there, it was a \"ghost town\" of fewer than 500 residents.
It is an illusion, don't you think, that the real problems with the social order are all the problems of Asia, Africa, and Latin America? That's where we go to do the shooting.
Why look inward and see your own failings, when you can look out and see them in others?