The Perfect Nation

The Perfect Nation


Al relates that there is a form of 'money' to be exchanged for personal desires. As a society that has little "personal posesions or items" and the "doo-dads" artifacts that are not available for barter of any kind, so that takes them out of the loop, what is left for trade is Time. Trading personal Time rather than items.

The society where he lives L-5, a space station, is based on the fact that everybody pulls their own weight, thus ensuring that everybody has what they need to thrive.

Al states that when Russia sends a manned mission to venus, the crap hits the fan here on earth, Nuclear War caused by the "Kooks". Crazy People?, Terrorists? who knows..

According to Al, the folks that had working computers became the ruling class, "The Council" and there is one Central World Bank

The coasts are ravaged due to tidal waves from earth quakes, "Pretty stupid to build on the coasts wasn't it?" (cheeky devil wasn't he?)

And last but not least, "buy All the NavCom stock you can". What The Hell??? If a society goes bust after a nuclear war, wouldn't you think that the stock market would go bust as the blasts, EMP's, took out all the computers...

Of Course, you could always use Semaphore and a series of about 3000 Boy Scouts streching across the continental US to relay Buy/Sell orders....
The Perfect Nation

Originally posted by diabeditor@Sep 8 2004, 07:31 PM
Since the topic is the \"perfect nation\" I'd like to get things back on track by saying that the Star Trek idea is ideal: no money, people have no need for material possessions because everybody works for the common good. I don't mean communism or socialism either. A country where people help one another, no one goes hungry or without a bed to sleep in, etc.

Well, let's see: the guy with the pointy ears has sex every 7 years, the captain either kisses or judo-chops every new life form encountered, the doctors have the dispositions of defrocked alcoholic priests, the entire society is modeled on the military and everyone wears polyester pajamas and beatle boots.

Let's see, that place or this one...
The Perfect Nation

And astro mechanics that just can't seem to get the power out put right. But hey, you can have a cup of soup any time you want or better yet, a nice slimy bowl of young freshly hatched Klingon G'raglsh Ak'ahs. Nothing like a replicator that is functioning properly.
The Perfect Nation

Originally posted by TheHeggy@Sep 13 2004, 03:44 PM
As long as it can make fries and pizza, and I get some 'space action' from time to time....

Depends on how many arms the -action- has. :huh:
The Perfect Nation

Originally posted by Grayson@Sep 13 2004, 04:52 PM
Depends on how many arms the -action- has. :huh:

Why? It never mattered to Kirk, or to Riker for that matter. :D

Hmmm, little multi-armed Heggies, on second thought, you're right! :lol:
The Perfect Nation

Originally posted by DadOf5+Sep 14 2004, 01:56 AM--><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-Grayson@Sep 13 2004, 04:52 PM
Depends on how many arms the -action- has.? :huh:

Why? It never mattered to Kirk, or to Riker for that matter. :D

Hmmm, little multi-armed Heggies, on second thought, you're right! :lol:

See, made me shudder too. :huh:
The Perfect Nation

Isn't that a national dish of Scotland, multi-armed Heggies?

Of course, in a Perfect Nation, rather than a apple in a pigs mouth, each little arm would hold a glass of 50 year old Single Malt Scotch. HOOT MAN!!!
