The Planet X/nibiru/elenin Brown Dwarf Event Timeline, 2011


Senior Member
Check this out! This is not a lens flare as the video shows. Moving the camera while recording shows the movement of the lens flare but the "second sun" stays put. We are getting closer to public awareness that PX is coming.


Time Travel Professor
ZetaTalk Prediction 7/14/2012: Council of Worlds is facing off against the cover-up. Who is winning and who losing, and how might this end? Most of the battle is behind the scenes, in the consciousness of the public and the discussions in smoke filled rooms of the establishment. Contactees, who are now of a number approaching billions, are aware of the presence of Planet X and that their governments and in many cases their religious leaders have been lying to them. Those in charge of the cover-up are becoming increasingly polarized, which was frankly expected in situations like this, so that even as it weakens it appears, on the surface, to be hardening. Progress in this matter is gradual, as the establishment can see evidence handed to the common man has an upward and exponential trend.

What will emerge, on the media, after the announcement? One can sense the rustling around as various Internet personalities try to arrange a place on the stage, as someone who predicted this, who was warning the public all along, or who was caught (poor things) in the demands of the establishment that they lie, lie, lie to the public. We will certainly have NASA, now explaining where Planet X is at present and giving us updates on its progress. Never mind that they singled Nancy Lieder out as the person not to listen to, in the past. Both Don Yeomans and Dick Morrison, senior men at NASA, made it a point to mention me by name as the one person you should NOT listen to. Perhaps the Bad Astronomer guy, Phil Plait will be happy to explain why his website has dripped with ridicule all these many years. Just doing his civic duty, you know! And then there are the many who have claimed Planet X either is not real or claim it is out near Jupiter, even though photographic evidence shows the Moons of Planet X wafting between the Earth and Sun. The establishment no doubt will try to arrange preferential treatment of their lap dogs, but is there any evidence on what their preferences might be? Surprisingly, it seems they do not want military leaks to be on that list!

The John Moore show, 11 July 2012. A soldier in the military gave John Moore a call 10 July (according to the show) telling him that the last week the military have been conducting briefings for soldier families living on the East, West and Gulf Coast of the US. The soldiers were told about a planet that have entered the solar system called Nibiru and are to be causing very severe problems, much worse than what the world now is experiencing. Their families should prepare and be put on standby and ready to leave with little notice. So my question is: Why are they now informing military personal (if the show speaks the truth)? Is it an altruistic action or another agenda in play here?

Clearly they are not informing the public.

Private and trusted source …
[and from another]

These kind of briefings would take place .. 6 weeks to 3-4 months ahead at most … my source .. both mature men and both Viet Nam vets … my source is not the dependent … the original source does not even know they are a source.

ZetaTalk Prediction 7/21/2012: John Moore’s source was provided false information to embarrass John Moore, and discredit him. Given that the cover-up is so tense, the fear of a breach among those in the know so heightened that anyone even suspected of planning to leak information to the public is killed, what is the likelihood that dependents in the US military, en mass, would be informed? The concept is ludicrous, and anyone entertaining the concept a fool. The cover-up is poised to make an announcement, by Obama, a worldwide broadcast announcing the presence of Nibiru, aka Planet X, nearby. When such an announcement is made, the cover-up is most concerned about maintaining control of the message. In that ZetaTalk has been on target since its birth in 1995, even tracking Planet X into the inner solar system in 2003 with documented evidence, it cannot be disputed. It is also too widely known to be eliminated and has proven resistant to being discredited. But there are dozens of individuals, generating their own prophecies and garnering their own following, who will try to grab the stage. The cover-up wants to be the voice that is listened to, in control of the message, and thus these other human sources of information are being taken down, ahead of time.


Time Travel Professor
Moon Wobbles

During the Earth wobble, the Earth moves in space, the magnetic N Pole shoved away by the magnetic N Pole of Planet X and then later bouncing back. Thus objects like the Moon would appear to move in the sky, during wobble points. The Earth wobble shows up on satellite images, as the globe moves under the satellite, the clouds twisting first this way and later that way during the Figure 8 of the wobble. Those who have had opportunity to observe the wobble while looking at the Moon have reported rapid motion in a short period of time. To date this has not been captured on film by the startled observers, but Gordon James Gianninoto quite unintentionally captured the wobble on the morning of July 3, 2012 at 8:26 pm. Jumping up to snap the Full Moon on the horizon, he took a second snap 20 seconds later to ensure a good result, and later was astonished to find he had captured the Moon on the move. Of course, this is the Earth on the move, but to those standing on the surface, it appears the Moon is moving.
IMAGE: Gordon’s Moon
These two photos I took from the same camera position within less than one minute apart at sunset on July 3rd, show the moon not rising with the sky at 1 degree each four minutes, but sliding south, without gaining altitude, at least half the diameter of the moon, 1 degree in less than 60 seconds. Normally, any photos of the moon rising would show it going up in the next frame, 1 degree every 4 minutes with the sky. But here we have the moon moving horizontally more than 1 degree and not gaining any elevation, in two consecutive photos both saved as being taken in the same minute, 8:26 pm July 3rd, 2012. The camera is a 14 MP and it processes the image, displays it on the LCD screen, and is ready to take another picture about no more than 20 seconds later than the first. Perhaps 10 seconds. I wanted to take the photos and run back inside to avoid the bugs. I did not change the zoom, the focus, or the exposure. I did not delay between photos. About 6 months ago, I saw Orion rise in the NE, then Sirius, and went in for half an hour. When I went back out, Orion and Sirius had not risen one bit but had slid about 75 degrees to the south. That was from the wobble as well.
At 8:26 in New England, on July 3, 2012, the Moon is in the SE. The globe, in the midst of its Figure 8 wobble, has the Sun high noon over the Pacific. The Figure 8 wobble moves in such a way that the view toward the SE from New England would have the globe moving up, under the Moon, such that the Moon would appear to jump to the right and drop. This coincides with what Gordon captured, the Moon suddenly jumping to the right as he pointed his camera at the rising Moon at Azimuth 127, in the SE. The Ecliptic in the view from New England is slanted from lower left to upper right. The Moon should very slowly move along the Ecliptic rising, not dropping or remaining in place, as the evening progressed. It certainly should not jump directly to the right in less than a minute.
IMAGE: Earth Tilt
The Zetas have predicted a more severe and detectable wobble, in the war on the cover-up, with the wobble increasing and the rate of increase accelerating.
ZetaTalk Observation 6/16/2012: The Council of Worlds has threatened a series of shocks increasingly devastating to the cover-up. The presence of Planet X was frankly obvious during the recent lunar eclipse and Venus transit, and the Earth wobble is raising questions even among those who do not look to the skies. They’re not going to go away, they’re going to continue.
ZetaTalk Observation 7/14/2012: Progress in this matter is gradual, as the establishment can see this will not last forever and evidence handed to the common man has an upward and exponential trend. The Earth wobble has been increased so that the Sun almost appears to rise in the North at times, and the Moon Swirls of Planet X are visible naked eye around the Sun, seen by many and captured on video. What goes on in the minds of those at the helm in the establishment when they realize the common man can absolutely ascertain the Earth wobble by the position of the Sun, and are doing so! There has been steadfast erosion in the ranks. This trend has pock marked the ranks of the establishment determined to maintain the cover-up so that it looks like Swiss cheese, rather than a wall of solid determination.


I have to agree there Watchdog the time of public awareness is close soon it will pass by us and be visable to everyone as it makes the turn and heads back to the long end of its orbit... from this point on things should only get more fascinating as the days go by


Active Member
I think that show is bunk there Opmmur. I've been living and working in the Middle East now for the last 5 years or so and haven't heard diddly squat like that.
