The U.S. Civil War II


Temporal Engineer
You could call them the puppet masters as well. Just follow the money trail. It's not hard to figure out. But there are more players than just the puppet masters. Way too many anomalies in 911. I'll just bet the puppet masters are just a bit worried about that. Things never seem to go according to plan. It's the hidden players that will be calling the shots this time around.


Senior Member
Is it really Not ok to call ren out here? I mean... shoot... maybe I do want premission to be onry.... IDK....

Sometimes I just do not want to tolerate fraud fake liar troll attention whores.... Not that I am saying that about ren.... I feel for ren given our past conversations.... He reminds me of an ex of mine. She too was a compulsive liar. Clinically diagnosed.

It is a .... 'difficult' .. on everyone.

I have digressed. My apoligiess to ren.

I think a second civil war is already on.. I mean obama is killing people US citizens... US children. 16 and 17 year olds..BOys and girls.... The fed declared war on herself. We are all the victims. This has to end as soon as possible and the socipathic need to be dealt with in the most effective and damage minumizing manner..... prevention is the best cure I guess... I know not.. BUt civil war is here... They declatred on us and I think HISTORY SHALL REMEMBER AS SUCH.

With out a doubt... I'm calling it here first.


I hate to put it this way and, hope you don't take offense but, most people on here don't want to reveal information openly and, freely you have to be able to read between the lines and, try to put pieces together. If your new to this kind of stuff then, I would recommend you accumulate as much information , terms and, knowledge so you can tear information apart from the rest.

As for your question I've never heard of DPI ( Dunk Punk Institution ) however from what he has read DPI is more like the 0.1% of the 1% if your saying the 1% is the elite then, the 0.1% is the elite of the elite.
No offense but people who throw out random sentences without explanation should just keep to themselves. It perpetuates hoaxers and those seeking attention. If this kind of behavior is normal and tolerated it makes it easy for persons who know nothing to claim knowledge.

If you wish to speak on forums than prepare to back up your arguments and theories. I don't think me asking for clarity on a subject should be a source of ridicule.

bobby harris

New Member
We're currently witnessing President Obama's overhaul of Universal National Health Care.

Basically, this is a legal order demanding that all businesses force workers to set aside part of their wages for medical health insurance in case they get hurt.

Some workers don't want to do this rightfully complaining that they don't earn enough to set aside money for health insurance and that they would rather take a chance and not have health insurance.

Unfortunately, private and public hospitals have to pay the cost of treating uninsured patients. 25% of all hospital expenses are due to covering uninsured treatment or free public treatment. That cost is passed to tax payers anyway and is taken out of working wages anyway.

Obama is just saying that everyone needs to pay into the system so that everyone will pay less for health insurance.

The U.S. Army family already has been enjoying Universal National Health Care for a very long time.

This also means that the government will have a stronger hand in what insurance companies can charge for treatment.

Businesses of all sizes in the U.S. don't want this because they feel they'll have to raise wages so the workers can pay health insurance. Existing business health insurance in the form of HMO's and the like cost a lot less but also cover employees inadequately.

So here is really what causes the next Civil War. It is quite simple, understandable and you can easily predict this is going to happen.

Big businesses just don't want to pay you what you are worth. They want to keep unemployment high so that you'll come to work for them for surviving wages because you're just happy to have a job. The executives that pay you really don't see you or your family. They only see you as a liability and an expense to be cost cut. They don't care about you at all. They want you to constantly work doing your job and the 2 jobs of your restructured former co-workers. You have 2 10 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch. If you're sick then your sick day counts as a vacation day.

Is it any wonder why people start living off the grid without a job polishing their rifles looking at the skyline with bitterness and murder in their hearts? Rich people of the U.S., you're in danger.

The Russian Revolution. The French Revolution. Time and time again history has shown us what happens to a group of people that get too greedy and horde all the wealth.

I swear to you on all that is good and holy that the people of the U.S. are about to revolt in great numbers. They will start waving red stars. Yes. When you see red stars over the United States that is when the fireworks will start.

well well well i already know that this is anothe oppression on the south the north who are still the union but remember the south is still the confederate states yes we will have another war same like in 1861 it will repeat again. i am planning to call a secession to the union for NC and i am not joking it will happen as soon as the right time comes i will hit the tv stations and will speak out and call all those to arms and then change the american flags back to confederate it will happen not now but as soon as time gets close its time to close the door on those who dont even care about americans at all all they care about is the rich and wealthy and the thier own money


New Member
The Civil War will happen. I cannot say that it will be Obama that started it. But I can sure as hell say that he didn't exactly help his government puppetmasters cases. The only thing that can save the country from itself is Direct Action. If everyone sits around and talks about how they don't want something, and how they're against something else, and how equality for the working class, for minorities, and for women is important, but if the talk is where it ends, then we're doomed. The sooner we tear the system down, the sooner we can make something better. I don't need a government to raise a family, or work hard to live comfortably. Hell, the government is the ones who tell me how I should raise a family, and they're also the first ones who dip into paychecks to take taxes. We're better off without them. And people always bring up the argument, "If we don't have government, then we won't have cops to enforce our streets." We've gotten to the point as a country where the police no longer help move forward into turning the country into a better place. They limit the rights of people, oppress people who don't fit into their "Upstanding Citizen" stereotype, and ultimately can't help you when you call them, unless a violent act has occurred. In a whole, it should be the community who watches out for each other. You should be able to call on your neighbor, or friend, or family member, when something happens, and they can help you out. Community watch programs, and street teams for trash cleanup, and road construction could be implemented in communities instead of state funded slave labor. I'll stop where I'm at, because this will quickly turn into a novel.

You get the point. We're screwed. We're angry. We're the only hope left.


Senior Member
Preach on, they need to hear it... more then that they need to be about it.

I started off in DA... these days I am still commited to my actions bu I am also attenting city council meetings and attempting to secure positions inside the system.....

I am not trying just one method or the other but every which way I can to better the system... to fight the system... to make a new system.

Often I feel alone. But in my time I have met a few others... brave fuckers not even being afraid to talk of the dirty things... Vandalism and harassment wont win the war but it damn sure beats just talking about problems.


Senior Member
The Civil War 2 will happen unless we all decide to keep it from happening. Right now there is too much resistance. But if we force a more fair wage distribution system, or at least ensure that everyone can live on survivable means such as garden farming, internet access, a mini-laptop and a smartphone -- we could very well avert this thing. The wealthy elite don't have to die. They just need to be subjected to previously instated fair laws.


Senior Member
This just in.
Obama abandons Israel –

John Titor said:
"Does the current relationship between Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war?
Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election. The Jewish population in Israel is not prepared for a true offensive war. They are prepared for the ultimate defense. Wavering western support for Israel is what gives Israel's neighbors the confidence to attack. The last resort for a defensive Israel and its offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction. In the grand scheme of things, the war in the Middle East is a part of what's to come, not the cause."

Imagine you are Jewish and you are able to travel back in time to Germany in 1935. All around you are the patterns of thinking and action that will lead to a great deal of harm, death and destruction in just a few years. You have the advantage of knowing what will come but no one will listen to you. In fact, they think you're insane and the situations you describe could never happen.



Senior Member
This just in.
Obama abandons Israel –

John Titor said:
"Does the current relationship between Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war?
Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election. The Jewish population in Israel is not prepared for a true offensive war. They are prepared for the ultimate defense. Wavering western support for Israel is what gives Israel's neighbors the confidence to attack. The last resort for a defensive Israel and its offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction. In the grand scheme of things, the war in the Middle East is a part of what's to come, not the cause."

Imagine you are Jewish and you are able to travel back in time to Germany in 1935. All around you are the patterns of thinking and action that will lead to a great deal of harm, death and destruction in just a few years. You have the advantage of knowing what will come but no one will listen to you. In fact, they think you're insane and the situations you describe could never happen.

Yes, and the coming Nuclear World War III is tied in with the current events listed below...

Prime Minister Ben Netanyahu's full speech given 9-27-12 at UN, addresses Iran's Nuke Capability

Prelude to Armageddon: Ahmadinejad declares Israel will be 'eliminated' as leaders gather at UN

Obama warns U.S. will ‘do what we must’ on Iran

Iran threatens attacks on US bases in event of war

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: Iran on brink of nuclear bomb in 6-7 months

19 Signs That Israel And Iran Are On The Verge Of War

Russia will enter into the War over it's Treaty with Iran and other (anti-Israeli) Middle Eastern Countries will join in.

AP Interview: Ahmadinejad (Iran) pushes New World Order

Anti-American fury sweeps Middle East over film

Three Star General: Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated Our Government

According to John Titor, China will become involved in a war with the U.S.A. after it forcefully annexes Japan, Taiwan, and Korea...and China will try to invade the U.S. I believe the current events listed below are a prelude to this happening.

Will this lead to John Titor's forecast that Japan was "forcefully annexed" before N Day?

Taiwan, Japan fire water cannon in disputed island controversy

United States is obliged to come to Japan's aid if attacked by China, top U.S. diplomat said.

Bible Prophecy also foretells all of these things regarding a World War involving Israel, Iran, other Middle Eastern Countries, Russia, and China.


Senior Member
That's a question of interpretation.
Will tensions between Israel and the rest of the Middle East be the cause of World War 3? How couldn't it be the cause?
The Russian naval base in Syria is supposed to be the primary cause.
Yet the U.S. and Russia become allies against a rising powerful Islam.
Russia and China are to discover very valuable resources. Russia just discovered a mine of diamonds.
China's new wealth is supposed to calm it down.
Japan and Korea are to willfully join China along with other Asian countries to start a new federal nation.
That is what is supposed to happen.
But this down hill ski course is changing rapidly. We're no longer on the trail that I took in my world.
