The U.S. Civil War II

Zeit Individuum

Junior Member
We're currently witnessing President Obama's overhaul of Universal National Health Care.

Basically, this is a legal order demanding that all businesses force workers to set aside part of their wages for medical health insurance in case they get hurt.

Some workers don't want to do this rightfully complaining that they don't earn enough to set aside money for health insurance and that they would rather take a chance and not have health insurance.

Unfortunately, private and public hospitals have to pay the cost of treating uninsured patients. 25% of all hospital expenses are due to covering uninsured treatment or free public treatment. That cost is passed to tax payers anyway and is taken out of working wages anyway.

Obama is just saying that everyone needs to pay into the system so that everyone will pay less for health insurance.

The U.S. Army family already has been enjoying Universal National Health Care for a very long time.

This also means that the government will have a stronger hand in what insurance companies can charge for treatment.

Businesses of all sizes in the U.S. don't want this because they feel they'll have to raise wages so the workers can pay health insurance. Existing business health insurance in the form of HMO's and the like cost a lot less but also cover employees inadequately.

So here is really what causes the next Civil War. It is quite simple, understandable and you can easily predict this is going to happen.

Big businesses just don't want to pay you what you are worth. They want to keep unemployment high so that you'll come to work for them for surviving wages because you're just happy to have a job. The executives that pay you really don't see you or your family. They only see you as a liability and an expense to be cost cut. They don't care about you at all. They want you to constantly work doing your job and the 2 jobs of your restructured former co-workers. You have 2 10 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch. If you're sick then your sick day counts as a vacation day.

Is it any wonder why people start living off the grid without a job polishing their rifles looking at the skyline with bitterness and murder in their hearts? Rich people of the U.S., you're in danger.

The Russian Revolution. The French Revolution. Time and time again history has shown us what happens to a group of people that get too greedy and horde all the wealth.

I swear to you on all that is good and holy that the people of the U.S. are about to revolt in great numbers. They will start waving red stars. Yes. When you see red stars over the United States that is when the fireworks will start.

I have studied to next Civil War of America; it is not civil but revolutionary. It will because by sickness of greedy of the leaders. I have been to this age and it is very bloody. The young leader will overthrow the old and the new nation will be founded by blood but will end in peace and equality.

Through my time travel, I have learned that war is pointless. War should only happen if a nation or people are at threat or being mistreated.


Senior Member
This is what we see. Sadly, our future is very grim. Hope that we can change it. Perhaps there is still time, but we are preparing. Governments are beating the drums of war. Get reading for what is coming.


walt willis

Senior Member
There will be wars and rumors of wars near the end times on earth…

I think that we all had ample warnings. John Titor may or may not be the real deal, but there is no doubt about the threat we all are facing. The question is just how many people are able to hear and listen?

walt willis

Senior Member
OUR COLD CIVIL WAR, By Benjamin Smith
On the heels of NDAA, ObamaCare, Stimulus, Son of Stimulus, Patriot Act, takeover of auto, energy, media and movie industries, and the relentless implementation of Agenda 21… the Obama regime running our country into the ground has issued an updated Executive Order which suggests the probability of impending MARTIAL LAW.
We are left to scratch our heads and ask……… Why now?
The only possible answer is…America is in fact, right now, in the vicious throes of a Cold Civil War.
Cold as in non-violent and Civil as in nationwide; an attempt to force a new government-controlled ideology upon an unwilling public.
And the forces implementing this agenda are relentless.
The National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order is nothing more than a blatant attempt to stir trouble of the highest intensity. The regime is looking to see who jumps and to see the movement that happens amongst the most vocal defenders of our rights, (you and me). They are poking us to see if we will go over the edge and do something so stupid that there will be a crisis… it will be our fault… and if any of our number are provoked enough to rise to the proverbial bait — they will finally lower the hammer… all in the name of “national security and public safety.”
These are classic Soviet style tactics designed and implemented in an effort to make us react, get us to either flinch and shut up, or overreact and get suppressed. It is also an exercise so they can gather intel on who is who and who has pull.
Many of us are trained. We know this game…But we cannot stand down. We cannot be silent. We MUST stand together as one…WITHOUT VIOLENCE, for there is no going back from that; we MUST speak out with the conviction and the authority granted by our unalienable rights and the United States Constitution!
Remember Martin Niemöller and his immortal wisdom about the failure of courage in speaking out; “Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.”
The regime is limiting our speech on a daily basis, so speak up while you still can. But be smart about what you say. Do not be tempted to phrase your words in terms of violence. For this is the way of the enemy and we should never stoop to their low and bloody tactics, whether in word or deed.
Keep preparing for rough times ahead. Stock your pantry in preparation for lean days, even as the regime attempts to make such things illegal. Focus your mind on liberty, that it should never die.
I cannot tell you exactly what is coming but I know, as do you, that something unprecedented in American history, perhaps even all human history, is coming soon.
This is the common theme in most of all the conversations that I hear… there is something coming, no one really knows what it is; they just know that whatever it is, it will be momentous. The discussions range from quantifying this “something” to describing what we will do after “IT” happens. I even hear serious open conversation of the Biblical “End of Times.” People, even those outside the grassroots Tea Party movement, feel it in their bones.
Speculation runs rampant as people ponder the feeling in their gut. It could begin with something as simple as personal unemployment. It may be the 2012 general election — or NOT. Or it could be any number of events that will trigger Martial Law and the now legal occupation of America by her own troops, under the un-Constitutional NDAA.
Those types of events are limitless and terrifying. It could be a full scale crash of our economy and dollar. It could be a new World War launched by Israel attacking Iran, or vice versa. It could be the launch of the rumored North Korean EMP attack designed to hurl America 100 years back into pre-electronic time. It could be Islamic jihadists succeeding in a catastrophic terrorist attack. It could be the enemy within if the Obama Administration’s aided and abetted “Occupy” movement transfers and escalates the violence witnessed in Oakland to the rest of the country.
Whatever the trigger might be, we are about to get the education of a lifetime on what it is to struggle. It will either make us more committed Americans, earning the Latin communitas – or it will literally tear us apart. I believe that the source of this struggle springs from the complex sublimity of global despotic tyranny – ultimate oppression.
Our culture is in the midst of a moral dilemma where bad is now good and what was deemed originally American by our Founders is now un-American. The Founders are all but outlawed because soon, unless those who hate freedom are halted, after the regime finishes destroying the Bill of Rights they will also totally erase the Founders from the educational curriculum. They will outlaw the works of our Founding Fathers and destroy their very existence, burning books and erasing American liberty from history. It will be done incrementally and they will transform our history into one that aligns with their totalitarian views.
Every single day we have now turned to reacting to what the regime is putting out instead of looking to where they are taking us. The powers pulling the levers of tyranny are every day more draconian and daring in scope as they usurp our institutions and drain the power from our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Most all of the stories that are important and should be seen are buried by the complicit media at the end of the weekly news cycles and under the cloak of darkness.
In Quantum Theory there is a concept called a singularity or a black hole. Just as a black hole cannot be seen in space, the actual truth and facts of the world situation and the intentions of the U.S. government must be judged by the influence exerted on the objects around it — extortion, manipulation, intimidation, czars, fascist over- regulation designed to purposefully strangle an economy and legislate away your right to defend and provide for yourself — all in an effort to force you into their food line dependency and powerlessness!
The gravity of a black hole is so monumental that even light collapses upon itself. And in the same way, the lights of liberty are also collapsing upon themselves as media, government officials and useful idiots corrupt our understanding of American Exceptionalism so we can never really know the nefarious plot that seeks to turn our good country into an empty carcass they can declare the “failed” American Experiment. Their answer to the great philosopher’s question, “Can man govern himself” will surely be no.
It must be noted that this current Administration is not the only perpetrator. A long history of Administrations, both Republican and Democrat, have eaten away at our freedom. This Obama Administration, so fatally attacking our liberty, is just the one closing the noose. The broad strokes of true Communism were tightly woven into the ObamaCare and Stimulus bills, yet most Americans had no clue. The technocratic, lawyer-istic drool contained within those bills made it even harder to comprehend that Soft Tyranny was the true intent. And Soft Tyranny always ends in Hard Tyranny — a horror not yet experienced by Americans never exposed to adversity and real stress — where tyrannical forces purposefully separate us from each other, turn us against each other (compulsory service, Ready Reserve, NDAA and the coercions in 5201 of ObamaCare) and control every aspect of our lives… lives which then become CRUEL because YOUR life will now be totally and completely ruled by THEIR choice.
IF THEY WIN, even the passion to be free and ultimately the reality itself of being free will be as if these blessings have never existed. Tyranny can never allow such powerful ideas to remain in the collective consciousness.
They will burn our books and they will attempt to erase our God. Because without the concept of freedom codified in books by the brilliant minds of Cicero, Locke and Montesquieu; without the inspiration and institutions from our Founders; without the guidance of God to the understanding that there is a higher power than the government, there would never have been our nation “conceived in liberty.”
But while I believe this struggle in which we are engaged is the struggle of the century, nay, the struggle of all centuries, I also believe in American Exceptionalism.
I believe that the heart and soul of America is strong and vibrant and that we shall not falter in our commitment to liberty.
We live NOW in the times that will try men’s souls…CHOOSE NOW!
Are you a Summer Soldier, a Sunshine Patriot only to speak out when times are easy and there is no risk?
Or are you an American Exceptionalist who will STAND with me, RIGHT NOW to preserve our liberty, our beliefs and the American Way?


New Member
After the Titor´s Timeworld (T)rism, We got the Pamela´s Timeworld (P)rism This means that Civil War Begins... What? In the Words of Ron Paul: "My understanding is that espionage means giving secrets or classified information To The Enemy Since Snowden shared information With The American People His indictment for espionage could reveal or (confirm) that The US Goverment views YOU and ME as the ENEMY¨


New Member
Stage 1:
Operation Insider Threat
by Dave Hodges -
June 26, 2013 - Featured, Main, Martial Law
Tagged: FEMA, goldman sachs, martial law, ndaa, obama, police state, tyranny - no comments
Americans live in a time of unprecedented tyranny through the enactment of unconstitutional legislation like the Patriot Act and the sham courts we call FISA. The entire Constitution was set on its ear by the passage if the NDAA, and of course we have witnessed a 100 mile wide Constitution-free zone instituted by DHS that runs along the entire border of the US. Investigative reporters Andrew Breitbart and Michael Hastings were murdered for what they presumably learned and were about to reveal. And, of course Ed Snowden is literally running for his life for revealing the criminal domestic spying activities of the NSA. As if these abuses were not enough, there is a relatively new federal spying program which has pretty much flown beneath the radar and this program poses a direct threat to every single federal employee and if you are a Federal employee, dust off your resume and preserve your humanity.
The Federal Government Is Not Your Friend

The NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS and the DHS are not your friend. They are not combating foreign terrorists. Their mission is not to protect you from Al Qaeda. Their undeniable mission is to protect the global elite from you and your anticipated failure to submit to the tyranny being rolled out across the country in the form of an administratively imposed martial law.
Read More:
Operation Insider Threat | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show


>Basically, this is a legal order demanding that all businesses force workers to set aside part of their wages for medical health insurance in case they >get hurt.

Which is why businesses like mine will never hire because we can't afford it. We "hire" subcontractors but not real employees. It hurts the economy.

>Some workers don't want to do this rightfully complaining that they don't earn enough to set aside money for health insurance and that they >would rather take a chance and not have health insurance.

Some people legitimately cannot afford OR ARE DENIED for stupid reasons and then are forced to file bankruptcy after having a c-section,
when 90% of America doesn't have to pay for having a baby, except the middle class, of course.

>Unfortunately, private and public hospitals have to pay the cost of treating uninsured patients. 25% of all hospital expenses are due to covering >uninsured treatment or free public treatment. That cost is passed to tax payers anyway and is taken out of working wages anyway.

So, charging $15 for a bottle of .25 peroxide, for example, is justified?

>Obama is just saying that everyone needs to pay into the system so that everyone will pay less for health insurance.

50% of America (real statistic) doesn't pay income tax. The middle class is paying for people who fake back aches so they can go on
disability. The only people paying into the system is the middle class and they are the same ones being told to bend over when a
medical emergency happens. I pay income tax. I collect sales tax for the state. I was denied health insurance for stupid reasons.
I foot the bill for illegals and people who don't want to work.

>The U.S. Army family already has been enjoying Universal National Health Care for a very long time.

Yes, but I read somewhere that even veterans are losing benefits.

>So here is really what causes the next Civil War. It is quite simple, understandable and you can easily predict this is going to happen.

Racial tension? Our rights being slowly taken away (i.e. firearms, etc.), a failing government - many reasons for civil war, yes, and if you look at our country's past, things never changed unless it happened.

>liability and an expense to be cost cut. They don't care about you at all. They want you to constantly work doing your job and the 2 jobs of your >restructured former co-workers. You have 2 10 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch. If you're sick then your sick day counts as a vacation day.

True, and Americans are LUCKY to get 1 week of vacation a year. In Europe, it is typical to get about 5-6 weeks. Employees end up happy and remain loyal and stay for years.

>Is it any wonder why people start living off the grid without a job polishing their rifles looking at the skyline with bitterness and murder in their >hearts? Rich people of the U.S., you're in danger.

Well, some just live self employed because there is no other job out there to get. Good money, but no insurance, no stimulus check, HIGH TAXES, might I add...

>The Russian Revolution. The French Revolution. Time and time again history has shown us what happens to a group of people that get too greedy >and horde all the wealth.

Then it NEEDS to happen again.

We Americans sit on our McDonald's made arses watching football and don't fight for our rights. Well, I'm not one of them. I'm no longer silent.

N-Day, come.
