The United States Will be ATTACKED SOON


So who is going to attack?

They said cartels and terrorists. The cartels run Mexico. It wouldn't surprise me if they have military equipment or run their military.
The cartels threatened enter and attack the U.S. However, we must be planning an attack in Venezuela because it was announced that our air force is stationed out there.


Senior Member
I told you we were threatened. We now have troops in the Caribbean ready to defend our country. Do you believe me now?
I still think it has more to do with the terrorists, though, but there is only so much they can say on tv.

No Paula, I don't believe the USA is going to "War" with any country, neither are you going to be "Invaded" by any Country...
General Mark Milley was reminding the US population that there is a "war" waged against not only Covid-19, but also Terrorists and Drug Cartels.....Its only you Paula that wants to believe there is something more sinister to what the General spoke about....I firmly believe its Presidents Trumps way of trying to take the "sting" out of Covid-19 by reminding the people that there is also Terrorism and Drug Cartels that pose a threat.....The General is seen in the eyes of the people as the prime defender of the US, President Trump thought it was about time the Army had a say about matters instead of just the politicians and himself.....Personally i liked what President Trump did, it will give most of the US population a psychological lift, especially after the sudden surge of Covid-19 deaths....


Senior Member
I heard it fine @TimeFlipper and i agree with your appraisal of the speech.

At this point in proceedings, the USA Government have enough problems at the moment then to publicly announce an attack or being attacked.

But everyone sees things in their own way.


Senior Member
I heard it fine @TimeFlipper and i agree with your appraisal of the speech.

At this point in proceedings, the USA Government have enough problems at the moment then to publicly announce an attack or being attacked.

But everyone sees things in their own way.

I definitely do not believe for one microsecond that the US will attack any country, or be attacked...There are only 2 ways of seeing things on this thread, you either believe or disbelieve it :D..


No Paula, I don't believe the USA is going to "War" with any country, neither are you going to be "Invaded" by any Country...
General Mark Milley was reminding the US population that there is a "war" waged against not only Covid-19, but also Terrorists and Drug Cartels.....Its only you Paula that wants to believe there is something more sinister to what the General spoke about....I firmly believe its Presidents Trumps way of trying to take the "sting" out of Covid-19 by reminding the people that there is also Terrorism and Drug Cartels that pose a threat.....The General is seen in the eyes of the people as the prime defender of the US, President Trump thought it was about time the Army had a say about matters instead of just the politicians and himself.....Personally i liked what President Trump did, it will give most of the US population a psychological lift, especially after the sudden surge of Covid-19 deaths....

They are not "reminding" us anything. And it isn't sinister. They are literally going to war with the cartels. You don't put troops in the Caribbean near Venezuela for grins and giggles. We are probably going after Maduro.

Trump targets drug cartels exploiting virus pandemic, deploys Navy and Air Force assets

"Trump targets drug cartels exploiting virus pandemic, deploys Navy and Air Force assets"

I've never heard of troops being deployed for no reason. I am on Trump's side. I HOPE they go after them.
Enough is enough. See, you don't understand that the cartels affect American government and politics, too. Also there is proven
child trafficking in Venezuela.

You also missed the part where he SAID the cartels wanted to ENTER OUR COUNTRY. <---- a threat

P.S. this isn't about me. It's about politics. I often find that people who are either confused or do not have facts to debate often resort to insults.


Junior Member
For real though, the severity of the reaction here is unprecedented.

I don't remember anything even close to this for bird flue, swine flu or any of the other, arguably more fatal, epidemics. It's not normal. It doesn't make sense.
This virus IS more dangerous than the other flu's you mentioned. For one thing it spreads differently and people are contagious up to two weeks before they feel symptoms. Probably, there is information from what happened in China that is not being shared so when you don't have all the information it is easy to feel like you are being dupped. Putting everyone on lockdown is a financial disaster for every industry so why would that be done if it was not necessary?
