The War on Christianity in America

Regarding the War on Christianity and those who believe in Jesus Christ, this Scripture always comes to mind.

Jesus said: "If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you." John 15:18
Regarding the War on Christianity and those who believe in Jesus Christ, this Scripture always comes to mind.

Jesus said: "If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you." John 15:18

I guess Jesus and I have something in common.

What I don't like about the "war" on Christians is that we are all assumed to be the same. I call myself and alternative Christian and do not subscribe to the same philosophies as fundamentalists, yet I am still judged by the ignorant.

Humanity will never change. A great deal of Americans and Europeans refuse spirituality, refuse religion, deny science, deny medical advances, believe in nothing, won't obey laws (especially traffic laws), won't help others, and are the same ones that do the judging and declaring of war. Well, good luck to them! Hope it all works out!!!
Its hard to divide religions. You have so many different kinds, different groups in those religions. Some within Christianity are this, some are that. Its easy to lump everyone within a religion together. I try not to.

The problem with religion in schools, is, what religion do you teach? There are so many out there, and different beliefs, sects, for each. You cannot just teach one. You can't teach Christianity to someone who's religion is Buddhism. You can't teach Judaism to someone who's religion is Muslim.

Not every religion out there believes in prayer. If you have that in school, what do you do with those who have beliefs where prayer doesn't exist? And that is the issue. The diversity of religion.
What I don't like about the "war" on Christians is that we are all assumed to be the same. I call myself and alternative Christian and do not subscribe to the same philosophies as fundamentalists, yet I am still judged by the ignorant.

Humanity will never change. A great deal of Americans and Europeans refuse spirituality, refuse religion, deny science, deny medical advances, believe in nothing, won't obey laws (especially traffic laws), won't help others, and are the same ones that do the judging and declaring of war. Well, good luck to them! Hope it all works out!!!

I totally agree! You and I are on the same page there.
I agree that there is a time an place for religion, but why do atheists only attack Christians?
Why can't atheists just put giant A'son their lawn and believe what they believe but stop telling Christians it offends them to put a nativity scene in their yard? Why does there HAVE to be a war? It has become more than removing the word "God" from government. (Incidentally, the concept of GOD is not just Christian). It is has become "I don't believe in anything so I judge and persecute you for being Christian. I have a right to believe but if you dare show you are Christian we will declare war on you."

THAT is wrong.
Excerpt from a conversation from elsewhere that says a lot:

Here’s what my deal is with religion…

The concept of wonderment, philosophy of our origins and why we’re here, …the idea of a greater awareness and higher spiritual state of being …I am all for it.

I read the bible. I research all sorts of beliefs. I mingle with people of different faiths. I ask a lot of tough questions.

I see a lot of commonality in the message of a lot of religions, a reoccurring theme, if you will. …something ancient predating recorded history. The message is about love and respect, righteousness, peace, tolerance, patience, understanding, and all that is virtuous and moral. It was about how to achieve a better state of being, both as a whole as well as individually, physically and spiritually…a path to what is ‘GOD’.

That’s what all those parables and ancient myths and such are about. They are lessons and reflection upon ourselves to help humanity become our very best.

A lot of people missed the point. Instead of finding god, they are worshiping ‘things’ and preaching fear and hate and everything opposite thereof. They are exploiting the message for political gain or control, using it as a justification to violate, for war/genocide…or things like scaring the hell out of children with threats of eternal hell fire and damnation for not following strict dogmatic bullshit.

Merry (teach your children a lesson in selfishness and materialism by participating in a mass conspiracy to lie to them by telling them there is a jolly fat man with a magic reindeer driven sled that delivers presents through chimneys to good children all over the world) Christmas

Why not …Merry (teach your children a lesson in giving by donating time and food to a homeless shelter) Christmas ? WWJD?

People get wrapped so tight around religion that they miss the point. Ultimately, finding what you see as god is something that is going to have to be done on an individual level. Finding a category to fit into and getting wrapped up in it is not going to get you very far. You are not going to find god by eating crackers, arguing someone to spiritual death, because you have this or that blood, or killing faggots and/or infidels.

When I cannot get a straight answer out of countless people, many of which claim to know the true word of god, there is something wrong with religion. Religion has been perverted and exploited to the point of something disgusting.

I know what god is. And I don’t need to categorize it. I just need to find it.

That being said. …damn right we are building our own tower.

I can sit here for a long long time identifying a gazillion things wrong with humanity. But the bottom line is that we are headed the wrong way. If we continue at current course and speed, my guess is that humanity will either enslave itself by it’s own stupidity and selfish nature, or destroy itself with the sword it lives by.

Try getting through to people, offer a better way. They won’t listen.

…like you said…

” Unfortunately, nothing will change until there is a huge societal crash which will tear away the inconsequential nonsense people strive for today ”

” The abandonment of children because they get in the way of Tower building is a sign of how low we have gone. ”


” I’ve known many who cannot have children and regret it every day of their lives. I know many others of my own and the current generation who could have but choose not to have children. They lavish their “love” on their dogs or cats or ferrets. Some day, sitting there at the end of their lives, I really wonder what they will think about their choices? ”

I find it interesting, these discussions about abortion and the ‘scientific’ explanation of when life begins, etc.

Personally, I see children as part of what is the temple of god. They are our path to ‘eternal life’.

Everything that we are influences our children. They become us, both via our DNA as well as everything we teach them. As we grow old and die, they take the reins, and pass them down to the next. They are the legacy of our creation, of our image and likeness. Creating a life is the closest thing we can do to being godlike. It is a true miracle in my opinion.

There is no beginning or ending of life. It is a continuum. Life in this world is eternal through our children. – Youth is King

If people don’t want children, then I say live and let live, but it is my humble opinion that they are denying themselves the real riches in life.

Indeed, …What does being fruitful without multiplying do for them in the end? What is a ten thousand square foot house, a Ferrari, and a membership at the local country club worth on your death bed?
I agree that there is a time an place for religion, but why do atheists only attack Christians?
Why can't atheists just put giant A'son their lawn and believe what they believe but stop telling Christians it offends them to put a nativity scene in their yard? Why does there HAVE to be a war? It has become more than removing the word "God" from government. (Incidentally, the concept of GOD is not just Christian). It is has become "I don't believe in anything so I judge and persecute you for being Christian. I have a right to believe but if you dare show you are Christian we will declare war on you."

THAT is wrong.

No, what is wrong is when you claim that all atheists hate Christianity.

1. Not all atheists are as aggressive as you might believe
2. It has nothing to do with Christianity, it has to do with a belief in a God period.

Maybe you should spend some time overseas, in a Muslim country, or a Jewish country. There are atheists over there. And they attack people of those religions, because of that, their belief in a God.

Its easy to assume, that because someone doesn't like what you like, it has to be because you are Christian. Its like a black person who gets pulled over by a white police officer, and the black person assumes they got pulled over because they are black. Because of the racial tensions in this country, with whites and blacks.

Its easy for me to assume, when I hear the word "sinner" "heathen" because I'm gay, that the person is Christian. Why? The Christian influence of views against homosexuality. But that isn't true, there are plenty of other religions out there that condemn homosexuality. And not all Christians are against homosexuality.


What it comes down to is emotions. We are emotionally driven. And when you hear someone say "I don't believe in God" and you are devoted to Christ and the holy father, you assume they are speaking about Christianity. If a person who is devoted to Judaism, hears the same, they will think that the person doesn't like their Judaism.

You see my point?
