TheSerbRyder_ReTurns' Views on John Titor

10 January 2001 01:13
E(8) x E(8)?

no john, t=emc, time = E x M x C and ull have to figure out squared or 3rd what ever thats called, and C may not even be part of the equation, forgive me im being cryptic ;)

i made this for you john! good luck! the world may never know, only time will tell ;) john time is the 4th dimension right? that may be the piece you missed
are you sure? haha, theres only 5 FULL STARS! how bout that?

john did say theres debate about the stars on the flag in the future ;)

He said their was a debate to keep the one they had or return back to the original. Regardless of that your avatar still has seven stars... not five like you first claimed and would of likely run with if none of us had paid closer attention....

An eye for detail is a great thing indeed.

I mean if we wanna get technical about the stripes on the face of your avatar I count 6. Anyone else?
10 January 2001 01:13
E(8) x E(8)?
10 January 2001 23:10
You mentioned a divergence percentage between time lines. How is it possible to measure divergence?
The measurement for worldline divergence is an observation variable isolated to the distortion unit. An effective analogy would be a "gravity radar". The unit's sensors take a "snapshot" of the local gravity around the unit before a flight. During travel, this baseline is periodically checked to make sure there are no major changes in the environment that would cause a catastrophic mass failure (brick wall appearing from nowhere). The percentage of VGL divergence from one worldline to another is a calculated guess by the three computers that control the unit based on its starting point. It is useless in describing characteristics of individual worldlines.
There is a bit of folklore about the first distortion driver who reaches a destination with a zero divergence. This would mean they had traveled on a space-like trip to their own worldline of origin. This paradox is quite possible although highly unlikely. I wonder if anyone out there can take current string theory and make that one work on paper?
You said 6 curled up dimensions. The current string theory suggests that there should be at least 7.
I may be mistaken but I thought it was pretty well established now that (N-10) was on track.
He said their was a debate to keep the one they had or return back to the original. Regardless of that your avatar still has seven stars... not five like you first claimed and would of likely run with if none of us had paid closer attention....

An eye for detail is a great thing indeed.

I mean if we wanna get technical about the stripes on the face of your avatar I count 6. Anyone else?

im getting technical about time travel, not my face
11 January 2001 09:04
I must admit (forum name), you have succeeded in confusing me. The more I read your postings, the more I question my understanding and local use of social interaction, courtesy and logic. However, I also believe that all viewpoints have some inherent value even if it's not apparent.
I take it you won't answer my last post?
I took a look at your last posting and didn't see any questions. However, I now realize that I may be mistaken in assuming much of what you wrote was rhetorical. In may be helpful if you add some indication that you are asking a question you wish someone to comment on.

this was me asking the question
I am being technical about inconsistencies and alleged claims on your part. To be frank you have reached a serious level of annoying and you totally need your own thread just like "rens general comments" thread.
If you're from the future, than you should know what happens to (personal names of people on forum)? Am I involved in time travel?
This is the only question I found from your postings that you could be referring to. Again, I have no knowledge of you in any possible future nor would I comment on it if I did. As far as the photograph of me in a uniform, I'm not sure what that would prove even if I had one.

me again
You need to answer people more quickly. You answer questions only when it is convenient for you. Your answers appear to be just enough to satisfy someone but you have enough time to just look it up in a book.
I'm not sure what you mean by that. In earlier postings, I have stated that I'm trying to avoid repeating myself and frankly there are some items that are just over my head or that I have no knowledge of. It is curious that you feel knowledge can be something owned or somehow that becomes less worthwhile if it's passed on.

me again when i was mad at him
