Too Dark to Know the Truth


Active Member
Holy shit, that's an incredible video. I don't know what to say.

"Implications too profound" "Deeply disturbing" Jeez...

Carlson is a credible dude, and I tend to agree with him and what he says, here, and also the way he says it.

It means that it's extremely dark AND that the government is involved.

So dark that the masses would go nuts? That sounds scary.
We can ask Marty about the UFO stuff maybe he have the answer


I don't think they eat souls. From what I understand, they'd more or less consume the negative emotions and suffering of our souls.

We emit energy that changes with our mood, and the most "Intoxicating" energy to a lower level spirit
is that of fear and anger.
I guess it gives them "a high unlike any other".

IMHO, the word Eat is used metaphorically instead of the even darker, more direct word, Possess.

That old saying, 'you are what you eat' comes to mind.
Only nothing is being literally eaten, not where the soul is concerned.


I guess it gives them "a high unlike any other".

yes this is very close.
it is more like there whole purpose is to take as many of us as they can to hell with them.

the devil and his fallen angles/demons come only to kill, steal, and destroy.

if you are in a state of fear/terror you no longer believe in or have lost your faith in GOD's ability to handle the situation.
bingo !!!!!!! the kill.
they have effectively killed you, as you are now living in a fallen state of unbelief. dead in your trespass and sin.
the steal..
they have stolen your faith. then the devil comes and takes away the word from their heart, so that they will not believe and be saved.
the destroy..
they have destroyed your very soul as you are now on the path to destruction destined to be cast into the lake of fire..

anger is much the same.
it to display's a lack of faith in GOD to deal with the situation and meat out justice on your behalf.
our pride tells us that GOD will not/cannot punish them enough.
therefore, we must do it ourselves/become GOD and dole out the beatdown.

for them to be able to torment even one of us into a state of unbelief is the ultimate nanny nanny boo boo in GOD'S face...

it is the story of Job for each of us as we walk along our path through the valley of death we must never forget or doubt ..

I know my redeemer lives, HE will never leave or forsake me ever faithful to forgive me and cleanse me of all unrighteousness...

uh yeh!!!!!! the BIBLE is packed full of accounts of contact by (aliens/angels) and sightings of things flying through the sky's.
right if they are not from here/earth well they be aliens..
since they had no aircraft back then it must have been Alien space craft of some sort.

anyone who looks into it and reads the BIBLE with an open set of eyes will see the evidence right there in print.

if you are dumb enough to speak with your local preacher/pastor about the aliens and spacecraft in the BIBLE .
you most likely will be shown the door and be given a swift kick in your ass on the way out just as I was, when I did.....

the devil has three weapons he will use against us all.
lust of the eyes. ooooh that looks good.
lust of the flesh. ooooh that feels good.
pride of life.... ooooh I deserve that.

the hour is late, and the day is far spent, my shadow is long Apon the ground.
the time is close at hand when a wise man will keep silent about coming of the LORD..
the day is soon to come when all who believe will be hunted down like a rabid dog...


Senior Member
I believe they influence the minds of other humans to take out specific human characters
not physically but to character assassinate certain personality types and alter their timelines
so they end up stuck in endless time loops of insanity. Gangstalkers drive intelligent
people insane and neutralize threats to the reptillian plans usually pretty well,
but some of these victims do not commit suicide and continue fighting
which infuriates them. But they need human bodies, many of them are what
the ancients would have called "Demons" and so they're not all powerful. It's about having a strong unbreakable will


Active Member
I guess it gives them "a high unlike any other".

yes this is very close.
it is more like there whole purpose is to take as many of us as they can to hell with them.

the devil and his fallen angles/demons come only to kill, steal, and destroy.

if you are in a state of fear/terror you no longer believe in or have lost your faith in GOD's ability to handle the situation.
bingo !!!!!!! the kill.
they have effectively killed you, as you are now living in a fallen state of unbelief. dead in your trespass and sin.
the steal..
they have stolen your faith. then the devil comes and takes away the word from their heart, so that they will not believe and be saved.
the destroy..
they have destroyed your very soul as you are now on the path to destruction destined to be cast into the lake of fire..

anger is much the same.
it to display's a lack of faith in GOD to deal with the situation and meat out justice on your behalf.
our pride tells us that GOD will not/cannot punish them enough.
therefore, we must do it ourselves/become GOD and dole out the beatdown.

for them to be able to torment even one of us into a state of unbelief is the ultimate nanny nanny boo boo in GOD'S face...

it is the story of Job for each of us as we walk along our path through the valley of death we must never forget or doubt ..

I know my redeemer lives, HE will never leave or forsake me ever faithful to forgive me and cleanse me of all unrighteousness...

uh yeh!!!!!! the BIBLE is packed full of accounts of contact by (aliens/angels) and sightings of things flying through the sky's.
right if they are not from here/earth well they be aliens..
since they had no aircraft back then it must have been Alien space craft of some sort.

anyone who looks into it and reads the BIBLE with an open set of eyes will see the evidence right there in print.

if you are dumb enough to speak with your local preacher/pastor about the aliens and spacecraft in the BIBLE .
you most likely will be shown the door and be given a swift kick in your ass on the way out just as I was, when I did.....

the devil has three weapons he will use against us all.
lust of the eyes. ooooh that looks good.
lust of the flesh. ooooh that feels good.
pride of life.... ooooh I deserve that.

the hour is late, and the day is far spent, my shadow is long Apon the ground.
the time is close at hand when a wise man will keep silent about coming of the LORD..
the day is soon to come when all who believe will be hunted down like a rabid dog...
Yes that is correct when alien come back as reveal the whole world that they are evil or they like that tv series V


Senior Member
Yes that is correct when alien come back as reveal the whole world that they are evil or they like that tv series V

The main thing i think that has everyone confused is terminology.
What most people are thinking of as "aliens" are not exactly
aliens at all. Many of them are not exactly "demons" either
they fall into an entirely new category more akin to
fallen angels evil spirits and other things.
