UFO Whistleblower David Grusch and the Bipartisan UAP Disclosure Act


Senior Member
Just ask why do you want to hide the obvious, thats about it.

If they are going to so hard to hide, deflect, discourage, cover up ya can bet ya fine ass its A benefit, or B stalling a shitstorm.


Just ask why do you want to hide the obvious, thats about it.

If they are going to so hard to hide, deflect, discourage, cover up ya can bet ya fine ass its A benefit, or B stalling a shitstorm.

It’s not really obvious though, with all the false info from hoaxes and disinformation agents. There’s so much spread around, it’s hard to tell fact from fiction. Hopefully this hearing helps pick out what is true or false.

That being said, I’ve seen some good ideas for questions thrown around on Reddit that people have sent over to the Twitter thread.


UAP Hearing featuring David Grusch, David Fravor, and Ryan Graves.

Rumors are swirling of what might be revealed in this hearing, above all the suggestion from multiple sources that David Grusch is willing to name people who have been killed to cover up these secrets.

However, what we know for sure is that government whistleblowers are going to be going on record and under oath telling the American public, and the world at large, that we are not alone and that we have been interacting with NHI and their technology for almost 80 years or more.

This hearing could be the straw that breaks the camels back, or a huge nothing burger for some, depending on how deep down the rabbit hole you are. The public, however, seems to be the main audience.

The hearing starts at 10am EST.

Anyone else gonna be paying close attention to who says what, what is said, and of course, what isn’t being said?


This link should work outside the US.



Found a good post with an overview of what was said at the hearing.

Very, very interesting and they did in fact ask some good questions people submitted to them through Twitter and Reddit.

Some people are still harping about lack of evidence and all the “it’s classified” answers, but those classified answers are just as powerful as answering clearly. Something is going on and he can’t talk about it at all, or if he can, not in any real detail.

As for the evidence, it has been given to the appropriate people through the appropriate channels.

David Grusch said he would be happy to provide those classified answers in a closed door setting as early as immediately after the hearing.

Very interesting indeed.


I also noticed many people spending more time making statements than asking questions, or repeating questions that were already answered under oath and on record at this very hearing.

Looked like they might have been wasting time intentionally to me… but what do I know?


News from Ross Coulthart on the future of disclosure.

Looks like it’s about to start for real.

Coulthart: "Incredible as it may seem, Roswell was true. The 1947 Roswell crash. There are multiple other crash retrievals that have taken place."


Coulthart: "To the extent that a journalist can feel that something is corroborated, I have spoken to multiple witnesses on background who have assured me that not only is Mr. Grusch a witness of high repute and high credibility. I have spoken to people who have directly witnessed what he is saying he has been told about. I asked Mr. Grusch, what about bodies, and he does confirm that there have been non-human... yes... alien... bodies recovered. Incredible as it may seem, the United States government, and possibly other governments in the world, are in possession of not only non-human technology craft... and other technology, they are also in possession of alien bodies. I have spoken to people who have told me they have seen alien bodies. When I was first told that by those people I did not for the life of me believe it. I truly... I've still got trouble dealing with it."


Coulthart: This is a huge pivotal moment in American history. I believe very strongly, based on the information that i have received from my sources, that corroborate what Mr. Grusch has told me, that there has been a massive long cover-up lasting 80+ years inside the American government. There has been a concealment of retrieval of non-human spacecraft. There has been a concealment of multiple species of non-human intelligence to this planet."
