Weird things about youself


Junior Member
Yeah, but look close enough and you can see things from your mouth in it. LOL. Grosses me out.
But...they are ALREADY in your mouth. In the glass is where they go to die. In your mouth is where they GROW. Doesn't that gross you out even more? That every second of every day there are little microorganisms growing in your mouth, feeding on the left over food you ate hours ago?

Doesn't that just make you want to scour and rinse your mouth?


Yeah, but look close enough and you can see things from your mouth in it. LOL. Grosses me out.
But...they are ALREADY in your mouth. In the glass is where they go to die. In your mouth is where they GROW. Doesn't that gross you out even more? That every second of every day there are little microorganisms growing in your mouth, feeding on the left over food you ate hours ago?

Doesn't that just make you want to scour and rinse your mouth?

haha. No. Not at all. It's just one of my strange pet peeves.

Another one:

Can't drink out of antique glasses, even if they are clean.
