Well, well, well...

Well, well, well...


While I've become pretty dis-interested in you now, there are some people here who deserve the common respect of having you reply to their questions. I've noticed you online several times today viewing other member's profiles and this thread. You've certainly had enough time to answer at least one or two questions, haven't you?

I agree with what August said, every minute that passes is just another nail in the coffin.
Well, well, well...

10:06 p.m. Pacific. My virus/intruder/firewall/security system, whatever you people call it, just notified me that an attempt was made to pry into my computer. I logged on here a couple of minutes ago, visited no other sites, just checked email.

There was another odd type of interruption or intrusion earlier today, while I was on a different computer in my office, and, again, had visited no other site.

Does the odd behavior of Perry have anything to do with this? The apparatus involved is far too high over my head to understand...
Well, well, well...

Originally posted by TheHeggy@Nov 18 2004, 06:42 AM

Did it log the IP where the attack was coming from?

Well, I don't know, it probably does do that; but the thing is, it couldn't have been from any of the email, since all I did was delete a bunch of ads. Do the ads have a way of trying to grab on somehow if they're deleted? Anyway, it didn't happen until I logged on to the forum; also, it took a few minutes and some activity by me before it happened here, as though it was tracking and saw its chance. Really weird stuff. Feeling of being watched.
Well, well, well...

Paul, which Firewall do you use? With most, you can "trace" an attack, and it'll show you the IP address of the attacker. PM it to a myself or another mod and we'll see if it checks out with anyone on the board
Well, well, well...

Jimbo seems good with this stuff, and I know Jedi is VERY good with it. PM one of them with whatever kind of Firewall or Anti-Virus thing you have and I'm sure they'll sort it all out for you.

If it was someone from these forums, they'd better hope he doesn't find out who it is. Hacking into a lawyer's computer? Naughty naughty, not a good idea.
Well, well, well...

Here's a question, and this is for the forum members as well. If I am posting in the wrong place, then someone please direct me to the proper place on the board for this topic.

Perry said:

I will not ask you for patience, since that seems to anger many on this board, a reaction I am unable to understand. That you expect me to come onto this board and simply divulge everything is not realistic, and that you refuse to understand my own concerns incomprehensible. There are things I was told I could reveal, and I will reveal them once I determine the cause of the discrepancies that I have noted between my knowledge of this period and the actual events I have witnessed since September of 2004, when I first arrived. I am not certain whether they can be attributable to the problems that always accompany the passing on of history, or if I have discovered something far more troubling. Hence my concern with the Coyote.

Now my question is... Why do we assume that a TT would come onto this board and jump through all our hoops in order to prove that they are who they say they are? I am not taking the other person's side in this matter, I am just curious about that assumption. We have a board here that is set up to hopefully draw a TT out to talk with us about who they are and about the future, but if you were to stand in their shoes for just a moment you would propbably react in a similar fashion. Immediately people will ask, some will badger, you for proof of your claim. Let's say you do have a machine and a manual and you post photos and photocopies of what you can allow to be put on the internet. It will probably be a little of what the forum members want, but not as much as they will demand later. You, on the other hand, know that if you give away too much information, you are putting yourself at an extreme risk. And then, let's say you do post something, later you find that people are trying to pick it all apart and prove that the diagrams and photos are really faked. It seems like a lose/lose sort of situation to me. I can kind of understand the hesitancy to provide proof.

Now, having said that, I can appreciate the concerns of those on our forum who want said proof. How are we to overcome this particular sticky wicket in the process of discerning who is real and who is a hoaxter? Will the TT claimant ever be able to satisfy everyone's sense of curiousity/standard of proof? And, if not, how will we ever be able to establish within a reasonable doubt the real TT from the hoax? Is there a litmus test for such a person's claims? Can we standardize it? And, even if we do, what if that TT claimant really is a TT and decides not to provide the photographic evidence for reasons of their own? Does that mean we discount anything the person has to say? What if we do and end up finding out too late that we ignored the person's claims out of our own rigidity?

Oh, and for those who questioned the comment about the elections in 2006, the TT claimant is correct. In 2006 there are the senatorial, congressional and gubenatorial elections. 2008 will be the next presidential run. So, his comment is not off. As to the rhetoric between the two sides of American debate, you have to have your head in the sand to not be able to hear it. I am not saying this is going to lead to a Civil War but the rhetoric is still very strong - even if some of it has gone underground for a while since November 2nd. I hear it and find it pretty disturbing.
Well, well, well...


Last night at around Midnight EDT my Norton firewall popped up two warnings that it was waiting for a scan. Then it locked up and the little green light went warp 9--I freaked out and shut it off. In the 4 months since I have had the Norton suite installed, that has not happened.

Does this mean I am important?


Excellent post. I think there is a fear of openly discussing the first topic you raise. I understand the danger of the either/or argument. But I tend to think all our members either believe a time traveler would post or a time traveler would not post.

The Perry contact diverges drastically from the Titor contact as far as motivation is concerned. Titor interacted with us because he enjoyed discussing a variety of topics with a variety of people and did so safely behind the internet. We were not a part of his mission, we were his down time, his bar friends. Perry, however, has included us in his mission and is all work with us. Already his mission is plagued with problems and he says he will keep us updated. Two very different perspectives on time traveler posting then: socializing and "real work". My imagination tells me that only one path would be taken by a true traveler.

I submit that someone from our future would be better off as a typical registered user. Someone who laughs and chats and debates as best as the internet allows. This would satisfy both motivations above. I am having my bar time AND collecting notes on "important" members showing up and making contact, observing elections etc. I further submit that I have conducted better research than both Coyote and Perry combined. For example: I know who sosuemetoo voted for and I know who CaryP voted for in this past presidential election. I further know WHY they voted for a particular candidate. I have had good exchanges with them both. Could I have gotten this information if I had told them I was a time traveler?

Imagine if we started a web server/forum that was trying to attract CIA agents or astronauts. What would their motivations be for posting and interacting with us and attempting to prove that they really were who they said they were? If a CIA agent were really trying to convince you of the way he spent his day, showing you cool guns, secret files, etc., I ask you, would he still be a agent? would you still consider him an agent? Would your confidence in that agency be rocked to its foundations?

Imagine for a moment you have been a billionaire for the past year. Really think hard about this. Imagine how your mentality would be altered by this fact. How you travel, how you eat, what you do with your time--what you EXPERIENCE. Now imagine that you are in a typical local American bar. First, would you tell people you are a billionaire? and second, would you go out of your way to prove it to strangers. No. Because you are busy being a billionaire. Their belief: Does. Not. Matter.

Perry and Coyote, are you still here? Gadfly?
Well, well, well...

Hi Perry:

If you have chance please answer these questions.

When does the Invasion of Iran start?
When is the draft signed into law?

This is a very important question.
Is Canada a safe place during the US civil war?
Well, well, well...

Originally posted by Paul J. Lyon@Nov 16 2004, 06:04 PM
But when someone like Perry protects us from the truth, and conceals information, and uses the forum for his own peculiar ends, my instinct tells me that he is lying and has nothing.

I think that I have permitted my vanity to overcome my common sense; but you see, it makes no sense to me that Coyote is telling the truth here, because he mispells my name. This means that I am not all that important, at least to him, especially since I have seen my name spelled in the forum correctly thousands of times, and anyone familiar with the site at all (especially a historian from the future) could hardly have overlooked it. Language is important in its details; an odd spelling is a tell.

I agree. Mispelling your name when he says you're a important figure in time travel is odd. If I got the chance to talk to someone important like that I would spell his name right. It rasies a red flag for me too when someone says I have important information on someone that can tell you the truth about the person then doesn't give it to you. I don't know if these problems have been solved yet because I'm really confused on the situation.
Right now it does sound like the two are working together because it is a little strange that both appear here and are like "Oh, that's him."
