What doomsday scenario would you rather choose?


Senior Member
Why do we need Doomsday!?!? :p

Kidding aside, because Bible Prophecy foretells it and the signs of the times indicate it. Doomsday is just around the corner, we just don't know exactly how it's coming.

In the new Testament, Jesus told us what the Signs of the End Times would be. He gave us Prophecy, specific signs to watch for. These prophetic signs have happened. We are living in the End Times. CLICK ME to read the Scripture. (There's lots more prophetic Scripture about the End Times, Last Days, in the Bible...too many to list here.) Followers of Jesus be not afraid.


Senior Member
I agree we are in the end times, but no one knows the date or time. I feel anything could happen after August of this year...then again it could be today. One senerio could be that 12-21-12 may pass and everyone (most everyone) would say, "See I told you so" then sometime in 2013...watch out! A radio DJ said he wasn't concerned about 2012 but it was the solar storms of 2013 that worried him! I feel something from the sky will be involved...solar flares, Planet X, or perhaps an asteriod or aliens. Something will happen that will surprise everyone...even the most informed. Anyway...be ready and agree we are living in interesting times!


Junior Member
You said it right when you said, "I feel something from the sky". This is exactly where it will come from. Make no mistake about any of this. These are the end of times. Many will perish and many will be taken away. Peace to this planet and Gods blessings! ..bj


Senior Member
I agree we are in the end times, but no one knows the date or time...Something will happen that will surprise everyone...even the most informed. Anyway...be ready and agree we are living in interesting times!

Agreed! Jesus said, No man knows the day nor hour, not the angels, not even Him...only God the Father knows when it will happen (Matthew 24:36)...but Jesus said, we will know the general time by the signs, and to be watching and ready!


I can say which I'd rather not have happen. It involves some type of emp whether caused by nuclear weapons or solar flares. All electronics would be fried. Another dark age of man would occur.

I don't believe the end of the world is to happen, I believe the age of man changes. Changes drastically and those not prepared or willing to adapt will perish. In some ways it needs to happen. The ebb and flow of nature demands it. Our species has pushed mother earth and the ways of the universe. Balance will be restored and I for one will be ready. Survival and natural selection will once again play its hand in the development of our species and possibly/hopefully for the better of man and the universe/world we live in.

The great cleansing is near, that much I am sure. I may sound cynical but the truth hurts, the truth sets us free.


Senior Member
MY doomsday involves growing old, loved, surviving many of the worlds grandest changes and new wonders.

Hell ya!


Change must be embraced. When there is a doomsday event, which will inevitably happen, being loved all the while being prepared for survival may be the key to growing old. I like your enthusiasm but there is a fine line between optimism and naivety. Live as if you will die tomorrow, dream like you will live forever and plan for the worst. I'm not calling you naieve but not thinking about what could happen and not planning for worst case scenerios is.

I don''t know when shit will hit the fan but the history of earth proves that these events happen. Mass extinction events are natural occurances but we as humans have the ability to survive. Do we sit awake all night worrying about it? No, of course not. Do we make plans just in case? Wouldn't be a bad idea. Man is at a pivitol point in our timeline. We can't fully expect to sustain our wasteful, destructive lives indefinately. The biosphere can't sustain the raping of resources with little to no thought of its reprocussions.

Just a simple mans opinion.


Senior Member
I think this biosphere is just fine with or with out us and that it will outlive us if we can not be more honest with ourselves and exercise more self control. Bad things will happen... I agree. I am thinking pole shift.... although more currently I worry about massive propaganda.... like the pushing of this zombie media thing... I see it alot... the bath salts, maryland cannibals, cdc zombie drills ... it is riddiculas to me because the dead do not reanimiate ...not without running voltage through them .. Nooo zombies don't exist but media misdirection does. Propaganda, like the misconception of limited resources on earth. Damn near everything is repelnishable if humanity works for it. Even whooly mammoths can be re-cloned into existence. still....

Brings us to another doomsday thing I see... Erupting festering civil unrest. Civil war... that too is likely to happen right around the same time of the three day wait. 12-21-12


Senior Member
I think this biosphere is just fine with or with out us and that it will outlive us if we can not be more honest with ourselves and exercise more self control. Bad things will happen... I agree. I am thinking pole shift.... although more currently I worry about massive propaganda.... like the pushing of this zombie media thing... I see it alot... the bath salts, maryland cannibals, cdc zombie drills ... it is riddiculas to me because the dead do not reanimiate ...not without running voltage through them .. Nooo zombies don't exist but media misdirection does. Propaganda, like the misconception of limited resources on earth. Damn near everything is repelnishable if humanity works for it. Even whooly mammoths can be re-cloned into existence. still....

Brings us to another doomsday thing I see... Erupting festering civil unrest. Civil war... that too is likely to happen right around the same time of the three day wait. 12-21-12

Wasnt there just a thing in the news about some guy eating another guys face? took 3 shoots to bring the guy down. i havent heard anything else though, perhaps cause i dont pay much attention to the news.


Senior Member
I watched the Discovery Channel show, "Apocalypse How" where various doomsday senerios were discussed. #1 Super volcano eruption. There are seven in the world and the one in Yellowstone Park was featured. This would be a large eruption making any other volcano look like a pimple on earth. #2 Nuclear attack. Ten minutes after pushing the button we could be history. Since there are 20,000 bombs out there controlling all of them is nearly impossible. #3 Virus pandemic. Before we know there is a problem we could all be infected by a silent invisible killer... deadly germs. #4 Alien attack. I thought this one was interesting. They suggested that we would be like ants waving our fists at the invading aliens, being no match for them. Their argument was... why would the aliens leave us alone and not harm us, when we can't even get by without hurting each other or ourselves? These are the top four listed and of course their are other senerios that are out there. Be ready!
