What Evidence Would You Need for a Time Travel Claim?


New Member
I am a man of science. Being a man of science, I am henceforth a man of physics. Therefore, I am very skeptical any time I hear Time Traveling claims. I believe not only that time travel is real, but that there are many methods of doing so. For me, it's not a matter of physical proof, or predictions coming true (as many have seen with John Titor; whom I very personally believe to be legitimate). I don't really require much proof, because when it comes to time travel it's either hit or miss with me. The best way to convince me, I suppose, is to explain how your time traveling machine works. Machines like Mr. Gibbs, is remarkable in the practical use of natural and manmade magnetic fields as a means of time travel. John Titor's machine is interesting because of the use of gravity as a means of time travel. I find that reading how the machine works is much more rewarding than things like predictions, or physical evidence, personally. I suppose it's just a hope that one day I'll work on and operate one of my own.


I herd about that Mr. Gibbs time machine thing, many have said it does not work, one guy (a alleged time traveler) called coast to coast am one time and said he's only worked in the desert..........?


Senior Member
I am a man of science. Being a man of science, I am henceforth a man of physics. Therefore, I am very skeptical any time I hear Time Traveling claims. I believe not only that time travel is real, but that there are many methods of doing so. For me, it's not a matter of physical proof, or predictions coming true (as many have seen with John Titor; whom I very personally believe to be legitimate). I don't really require much proof, because when it comes to time travel it's either hit or miss with me. The best way to convince me, I suppose, is to explain how your time traveling machine works. Machines like Mr. Gibbs, is remarkable in the practical use of natural and manmade magnetic fields as a means of time travel. John Titor's machine is interesting because of the use of gravity as a means of time travel. I find that reading how the machine works is much more rewarding than things like predictions, or physical evidence, personally. I suppose it's just a hope that one day I'll work on and operate one of my own.

I can seriously hear you on this. Especially in the midst of instruction manuals. I am not sure what proof I require... I do know I am not big on predictions and that I am always telling people that he was only recanting his life story and not making iron clad predictions in the stone and cosmos.... However , for what he recounted of his life, our world line has followed suit many a time. We are almost out of a comparison timeline for the story itself. 2036 comes soon 2012 is here.. Titor said something unstoppable would happen. I doubt he meant the change in the calendar date given the weather and what not... Anyone else catch the Twister in Polland? anyways , .... Boson Particle confirmed.....Hawking changed his mind long long ago as Titor said he would/did to others...Olympics continue , Civil war in the US is seriously a mater.. of.. come on guys.. the president can kill me or you... I'm a US citizen and the son of a bitch can kill me with US tax dollar DRONE STRIKE.. No over sight. No trial. NO charge.... just their word... and they already admitted to killing children...... make no fucking mistake we in the US are in the midst of a civil war.

They Declared it.

So who was honest and what not..... time still insists upon rendering her verdict.


Yes. This was addressed in Conviction of a Time Traveler.

Interestingly, the 5100 also has an interesting part to play in this as well.
What I am getting at is John Titor wrote about this in 2001, when google was in it's infancy and wikipedia has just launched, I doubt this info was on either site....unless it was written in books prior to 1998 ?? If anyone has any info on this please post a reference or a link please let me know. The only thing Wikipedia states, under "Early Problems" is " In May 2006, reports surfaced of an early manifestation of the Y2038 problem in the AOLserver software." I need to get to the bottom of this.... I am thinking John may have told that "Special Developer" over at IBM in 1970's (the one who tweaked (modded) his 5100, about the Y2k and maybe also the Y2038 problems, maybe that "Special Developer" told other Programers and over time (years) plans were made to fix it (at least the Y2K bug) because the fact is Y2K did not hit us as hard as it should have, I remember being told by the media it was going to be devastating....but all it did was some minor issues across the world which were eventually fixed...someone can correct me if I am wrong but I am starting to think John may have averted Y2K for us (this timeline) he once posted : "Yes, the Pearl Harbor example relates to Y2K. Have you considered that I might already have accidentally screwed up your worldline?" This tells me he did.......just by the fact he asked that "special developer" to tweak his 5100, because supposedly only maybe 5 people over at IBM were suppose to know the 5100's full potential at the time. John knowing this too would of raised red flags and questions to any one over at IBM who knew it too. We know he got someone to "tweak it" (maybe that special developer was related to him? and that's why he did it?) John himself said he was chosen for the mission because some apart of the team that developed the 5100 was related to him....the fact is that if he let in that "special developer" on Y2K or Y2038 that would of changed out timeline instantly...............computers are and essential part of everyday human life for a wile now if they were all to go bad at the same time, that would of caused a global war and civil wars. Time was changed when they invented the first computer and we cant go back now, just like when they invented the first wheel..... If their is anyone out there that can maybe shed some insight into this please reply asap, Thanks.


They always kept asking him why did you come to 1998 & 2001 to post on a message board, what time traveler would do such a thing !? and go of mission knowing that the time machine had a recording log of all the stops he was making and his superiors would see this !? the only thing he usually replied was, that he was here for personal reason's and that he did not want to be believed but that he only hoped we could open to the possibilities of time travel (something to that effect...) I AM STARTING TO THINK he was really here to see if what he had done before averted Y2K and also to see himself as a baby and warn his parents about certain things that were to come.......(he mentioned he had met himself twice during his time travel journeys) more over I believe in the end he regreted averting Y2K for us, because no civil war came out of it and hence we would never learn to change......? which is another reason I think he decided to post to give us another perspective so maybe as a collective we could one day change things for the better ? I mean No civil war or WW3 has happened yet...so I know things have changed......
They always kept asking him why did you come to 1998 & 2001 to post on a message board, what time traveler would do such a thing !? and go of mission knowing that the time machine had a recording log of all the stops he was making and his superiors would see this !?
Nothing Titor did was contrary to the requirements of his mission

I mean No civil war or WW3 has happened yet...so I know things have changed......
Two things:
1) You are assuming Titor told the truth in his posts and
2) Upon John's arrival, his WL of origin is/was 98.5% similar to ours according to the statistical analysis he claimed to have conducted upon his arrival. IF you believe this portion of his story which it appears you do, do you really think something as macro as a national - level l civil war, the thousands of deaths and its international implications for generations could only account for 1.5% difference?

Do you think it is possible that John was less than truthful in some of the things he spoke about?


Senior Member
John Titor 1 absolutely lied about some things because they are contradictory.
The "time-travel" equipment he displayed is Civil Defense radiological detection equipment from the 1950s.
The Civil Defense logo is prominently displayed in each photo.
Now if you were a hoaxer, wouldn't you hire someone to weld something that looked different?
My cousin is a professional welder artist. I could pay him to build a very big time-machine looking thing if I wanted to pull off a better hoax.
So either John Titor is just playing a big joke on all us non-critical thinkers, or he is discrediting himself.
Why discredit himself? -- keep himself safe from those who have figured out he is the real thing and want to force him to give them tips that will earn them a lot of money.

Another thing about John Titor, his entire family history and location isn't true. Most likely to protect his younger self and his family.

The economics are contradictory. Big business is still around able to initiate a time-travel project when the world economy has collapsed?
The use of money and credit cards in a barter society?
I don't buy it.

John Titor 1 is real. He's just lying about some stuff. Especially the dates. Other things he has said have happened and there are no holes in those stories.

Now you could argue that he is just a futurist and a very good guesser of how things will turn out based on current trends. But some of it is just too prophetic and extraordinary for it to just be good guessing. He's such a good guesser that he should be working with the stock market, not perpetrating hoaxes. And that is why I believe he is the real deal.
