What Evidence Would You Need for a Time Travel Claim?


John Titor 1 absolutely lied about some things because they are contradictory.
The "time-travel" equipment he displayed is Civil Defense radiological detection equipment from the 1950s.
The Civil Defense logo is prominently displayed in each photo.
Now if you were a hoaxer, wouldn't you hire someone to weld something that looked different?
My cousin is a professional welder artist. I could pay him to build a very big time-machine looking thing if I wanted to pull off a better hoax.
So either John Titor is just playing a big joke on all us non-critical thinkers, or he is discrediting himself.
Why discredit himself? -- keep himself safe from those who have figured out he is the real thing and want to force him to give them tips that will earn them a lot of money.

Another thing about John Titor, his entire family history and location isn't true. Most likely to protect his younger self and his family.

The economics are contradictory. Big business is still around able to initiate a time-travel project when the world economy has collapsed?
The use of money and credit cards in a barter society?
I don't buy it.

John Titor 1 is real. He's just lying about some stuff. Especially the dates. Other things he has said have happened and there are no holes in those stories.

Now you could argue that he is just a futurist and a very good guesser of how things will turn out based on current trends. But some of it is just too prophetic and extraordinary for it to just be good guessing. He's such a good guesser that he should be working with the stock market, not perpetrating hoaxes. And that is why I believe he is the real deal.
I don't know if I agree with you on the "Civil Defense radiological detection equipment from the 1950's" thing....I have seen some pics of those and I don't think they look like the pictures John posted. If you have any pics or links I would gladly take a look....

Did he lie, I am not sure on that yet. Did some things seem contradictory, maybe. We keep forgetting everything is possible, John also said their existed a world line in where he actually " spilled the beans " again affirming that all possibilities are possible and have happened and or are happening and will happen.........(whatever that means, still trying to wrap my head around that one....) remember the cat in the box & the many worlds interpretation ?......

was he playing a joke ? I think not to factual and elaborate and not funny at all...............( and many other reasons )

Do you have pics of the logo you mentioned on JT time machine ? as for John being a futurist I disagree, I am a Futurist I love Zeitgeist and Peter Joseph, Juaq Fresco (The Venus Project). John Titor was and is beyond that stuff.....


They always kept asking him why did you come to 1998 & 2001 to post on a message board, what time traveler would do such a thing !? and go of mission knowing that the time machine had a recording log of all the stops he was making and his superiors would see this !?
Nothing Titor did was contrary to the requirements of his mission

I mean No civil war or WW3 has happened yet...so I know things have changed......
Two things:
1) You are assuming Titor told the truth in his posts and
2) Upon John's arrival, his WL of origin is/was 98.5% similar to ours according to the statistical analysis he claimed to have conducted upon his arrival. IF you believe this portion of his story which it appears you do, do you really think something as macro as a national - level l civil war, the thousands of deaths and its international implications for generations could only account for 1.5% difference?

Do you think it is possible that John was less than truthful in some of the things he spoke about?
I don't get it maybe you can elaborate, JT said the civil war did not start until 2004 (in his world/time line) he was gone by 2001 ??? instead we got, 9/11 and the war on terror and now maybe a civil war down the pipeline (2012-2013) 8 years later and it also looks like WW3 is around the corner, which he said happen in 2012-2015 in his time line. Yes I think it is possible John could of been "less than truthful" in some of his postings I have not concluded my thoughts on that yet........


New Member

That does not look like John's time machine, as for the logo I cant make it out ?
I'm not seeing any resemblance to John's machine either. I compared several pictures of the Civil Defense Equipment with every John Titor pic, and I don't believe it to be the same equipment. I'm not discrediting anyone's skeptical claims as they may be more correct than my own belief in validity of JT's claims, but I don't think those machines are the same.



That does not look like John's time machine, as for the logo I cant make it out ?
I'm not seeing any resemblance to John's machine either. I compared several pictures of the Civil Defense Equipment with every John Titor pic, and I don't believe it to be the same equipment. I'm not discrediting anyone's skeptical claims as they may be more correct than my own belief in validity of JT's claims, but I don't think those machines are the same.
I have to agree with you PerfectStrange on that one.....


Senior Member
You're all kidding, right? This is not the critical thinking that I want.
You'll have to cut and paste this url address in your browser's address bar in order to avoid the Tripod trap. You can clearly see that John's time machine picture is fake.



You're all kidding, right? This is not the critical thinking that I want.
You'll have to cut and paste this url address in your browser's address bar in order to avoid the Tripod trap. You can clearly see that John's time machine picture is fake.

O.k. did what you said, all I see in this pic is a Civil Defense radiological detection equipment from the 1950's sitting on top of Johns Time Machine it does not look to be intergraded or apart of the time machine and does not match with his machine (looks like it just sitting on top of it in an angle, it's not even sitting parallel to the other dials and buttons). I think he put that there to throw people off (maybe government people). Also it might be news to you but he also put up other pictures where the radiological equipment is on the floor not even on his time machine......you can go to johntitor.com-john's links-time machine 2 pic and you can clearly see the damm thing on the floor........

John Titor - Time Traveler


More over John never said he did not posses Civil Defense radiological detection equipment, clearly from the pictures he did and or his family members did....also if you go to "Cut away" under john's links at johntitor.com he clearly posted of description of the Time Machine (which was made by GE) and it's nothing like 1950's radiological equipment.......critical thinking ?
