Debate What is the very nature of Time?


Senior Member
Thanks Kairos. However your answer brings me to another question. Just how important do you believe an understanding for this unification is?

I am not sure. Maybe it matters; maybe we are a long way from being able to utilize it in any practical fashion.

But just to better understand the bigger picture it helps to abandon physics as the fundamental science from which all others derive. As I pointed out, there are deeper concepts to understand reality than just physics. Just looking at computability as a basis for the inherent intelligibility of reality shows a deeper reality than merely physics. Intelligibility is simply assumed by most people, but there is no reason to believe the universe had to be intelligible at all.
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Personally I believe that our universe as a whole & in its entirety is all just indestructible information. The trick to it here is that I believe our universe as a whole & in its entirety is many different forms or types of indestructible information* which all come together or coverage onto each other to construct an extremely super massive astronomically large complex information construct. I see the focal point of conscious perception as being a source & destination or information location for the outbound & inbound flow of perceivable information. Heck I even see time as being the continuum of the existence of this indestructible information.
(* I believe that these different forms/types of information include quantum state information, quantum mathematical information, quantum boolean information, quantum possibility information, quantum polarity Information and quantum physical/tangibility information.)
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Senior Member
In computer science we sometimes look at everything through the lens of information theory. This is a boundary area between physics and CS.

I would not expect all information to be indestructible, however. It actually seems that information is very much perishable. Entropy kills information. The laws of thermodynamics are a bitch.


Senior Member
To understand what time is. First, we must understand what reality is. Elon Musk claims that it is actually a computer simulation that is similar to a modern video game. Well, that is what he says. That said, the astral realm does feel vaporous. Not sure on like why this is. Maybe you have thoughts on the reality we are in.

The basic simple premise of a theoretical paradigm which attempts to explain how Energy or Quanta may give rise to Time/Continuum.

Author: Quantum Pythagoras Newtonian amateur theorist.

UNPUBLISHED WORK Copyright 2019 Quantum P. Newtonian Am.T.

I am not a properly trained fully qualified Mathematician, Scientist and or Physicist. In turn it is because of this that it is very important for you to hold all of the scientific theory in which you are about to read as being in highly suspect of its truth. In other words just because the scientific theory in which you are about to read contains fancy words & neat concepts doesn't mean that it is true.
!!!---- END DISCLAIMER ----!!!

As you can see above my online name is Quantum Pythagoras Newtonian and I am a science enthusiast/amateur theorist whom for the last 20+ years has been using everything that I've ever learn about mathematics & science to develop my own personal theoretical comprehension for a great many things. In turn some of these things include the 'BASIC' fundamental theoretical principles of the quantum based polarized hyper super symmetry dimensional physics that I theorize to be associated with the construction of our dimensionalized physical realm. When I say this I literally mean the construction of a physically spacial quantum mechanical energy or quanta caused dimension, such as our space dimension, & not some x y z idea of a dimension which may have come from more than 2,000+ years ago. At the same time though I have also been developing my own personal highly theoretical quantum model for these quantum based polarized hyper super symmetry dimensional physics. In fact all of the scientific theory in which you are about to read is going to come from this highly theoretical form of dimensional physics and or from this highly theoretical quantum model.

Before we get down to business it is important for you to know & understand, in a nutshell, just exactly what it is that I believe and or theorize. You see I believe that we exist of and inside an extremely super massive astronomically large informationally physical & physically informational multidimensional polarized complex truth quantum logical matrix derived of a digital resolution of multiple different instances of a specialize form of entangleable & unentangleable quantum information. *1. And believe it or not the time dimension which is said to arise from this highly theoretical polarized complex truth quantum logical matrix is just freaking beautiful.

(*1 For those of you whom prescribe to the holographic universe theory not only should you think of SFQI as being the thing which causes the manifestation of the hologram itself, but you should also think of SFQI as being the thing which causes all of the hologram's holographic objects to act tangible and or intangible in reference to each other.)

It is to my understanding that our space dimension is physically spacial as put forth by that which causes the physical manifestation of its spacial causing structure & our time dimension is temporally spacial as put forth by that which causes the manifestation of temporal duration. It is also to my understanding that physical space is physical space & temporal space is temporal space & physical space is !(not)temporal space & temporal space is !physical space. In other words it is to my understanding that not only are our space dimension and our time dimension 2 very different types of dimensions with 2 very different types of spacial area, but it is also to my understanding that our space dimension and our time dimension have their own identities as put in place by being separate entities or something in their own selves. The trick to it here is that in order for there to be the space-time continuum not only must our space dimension & our time dimension converge onto each other but it is of my belief that they must do so through that prime fundamental thing which makes them what they are. *2. In turn I believe that this prime fundamental thing is energy or quanta. You see I believe that energy or quanta itself is the thing which interfaces both space & time or time & space. In other words it is of my belief that when time dilates for the fabric of our space dimension time is actually dilating for the energy or quanta which causes the physical manifestation of its spacial causing structure. But because I believe that our space dimension's spacial causing structure is caused by energy or quanta I in turn believe that the fabric of our space dimension inherits this temporal distortion.

(*2 It is to my understanding that space-time itself should also have its own identity. However it is of my belief that this identity is an identity construct, in that it is a singular identity which is constructed of 2 or more smaller identities that combine together through the action of union or unseparation and act as 1 identity. You know, kind of like how 2 or more smaller numbers add together through the numerical action of union or unseparation to construct a larger number & how this lager number has/gets its own identity but yet this lager number's identity is dependent upon the identity of the 2 or more smaller numbers which go into making it what it is.)

A question for you to think about while you read. Just exactly what is the energy or quanta which may cause the physical manifestation of physical spacial area, & how might this energy or quanta cause temporal duration, & just exactly what is temporal space?

When it comes to my own personal highly theoretical quantum model not only do I theorize that there is a quantum mechanical system associated with the core foundation of the prime fundamental source substance of everything that is physical/tangible, but there is also a specialize form of quantum information which is said to be the key core component of this quantum mechanical system. In turn this specialize form of quantum information or SFQI is said to be strictly quantumly informationally mathematical in nature. *3 & 4. At the same time though it is through the polarized & unpolarized quantum informational magnitudes contained of and or inside this SFQI that not only is this SFQI said to exist with the ability to define & cause and or put forth the physical manifestation of all of the physically fundamental things which make our dimensionalized physical realm what it is. *5 & 6. But it is through the dynamic/changeable nature of these polarized & unpolarized quantum informational magnitudes that this SFQI is also said to exist with the ability to define & cause and or put forth all of these physically fundamental things' dynamic quantum state of physical manifestation. In other words when it comes to my own personal highly theoretical quantum model not only is this SFQI said to be the prime fundamental source substance of everything that is physical/tangible, in that it in itself is said to be energy or quanta, but the whole sum of our space dimension & all of that which is in it is said to be both physical & informational all at the exact same time, in that it is said to be informationally physical & physically informational.

(*3 I don't really like using the terminology 'strictly quantumly' but I have no choice. You see there is an essence to this informationally mathematical quantum information which not only requires us to separate it from our human defined mathematical system, but this essence also requires us to assign it to its proper mathematical system and the words strictly quantumly satisfies this need.

*4 While I described this specialize form of quantum information as being strictly quantumly mathematically informational in nature it is also said to have a physical/tangible nature, a polarity/dimensional nature, a boolean nature and a possibility nature, among others, one of which is said to be its information location nature.

*5 Under this scientific context the the terminology 'unpolarized' arises from the frames of reference of polarity. In that it arises because that which is polarized aka positive or negative in reference to 1 thing may be unpolarized or carries the polarity of zero in reference to another.

*6 I don't really know if it's proper to describe these polarized quantum informational mathematical objects as being polarized & unpolarized quantum informational magnitudes. The problem here is that these polarized quantum informational mathematical objects are said to be bound to the mathematical laws of polarized cancelation & uncanelation and magnitudes are the only mathematical objects that I know to be bound to such things.)

So now this is where SFQI is said to give rise to time/continuum. You see while the polarized & unpolarized quantum informational magnitudes contained of and or inside SFQI are said to exist with the ability to undergo change, under normal circumstances, the quantum boolean conditions which are said to give rise to these polarized & unpolarized quantum informational magnitudes themselves is said to be indestructible in nature. *7. In turn it is through this indestructible nature all the way down at its core foundation that the prime fundamental source substance of everything that is physical/tangible is said to exist with constant continuation. In other words because the prime fundamental level of SFQI is said to be indestructible in nature in this theory SFQI itself is said to have the continuum of its existence. Of course another way of looking at it here is that because the prime fundamental level of SFQI is said to be indestructible in nature in this theory SFQI itself is said to exist with its own 'Dimensionalized Constant Continuation Time String'. The trick to it here is that because this prime fundamental thing is said to be the that which causes the physical manifestation of our dimensionalized physical realm our space dimension & all of that which is in it is also said to have the continuum of its existence for as long as SFQI causes it. Which in turn should be thought of as being all of these things' 'Duration of Continuation'. You see I believe Einstein made a mistake when he said space-time continuum, in that I believe he should have said space-energy-time continuum. Think about it, does energy or quanta exist because the fabric of our space dimension exists or does the fabric of our space dimension exist because energy or quanta exists?

(*7 Under the terms of this highly theoretical quantum model the quantum boolean conditions which are said to give rise to SFQI's polarized & unpolarized quantum informational magnitudes come from what it is that I theorize about the polarized binary symmetry of energy(or quanta) as put forth by spherical or whole dimensional complex truth quantum typecasting boolean algebra.)

Now if you think of the dimension that we humans know as being our time dimension as being the dimension of the distribution of the continuum of the existence of the core foundation of the prime fundamental source substance of everything that is physical/tangible then this, theoretically speaking, means that what we humans know & experience and or mathematically quantify as being a period of temporal duration is actually a period length of the continuum of the existence of SFQI(or quanta). The trick to it here is that because 1 of the components of the existence of SFQI is said to include SFQI's dynamic quantum state of being means that the dimension we humans know as being our time dimension is said to be filled and or volumeized with all of SFQI's different instances of change in quantum state & the length periods of continuum, no matter how small that they may be, that these quantum states are held. At the same time though it is also to my understanding that it takes more than 1 instance of SFQI(or quanta) to cause and or become or construct large complex dimensionalized physical realms. But because each & every single instance of SFQI is said to exist with its own dimensionalized constant continuation time string means that under the terms of this highly theoretical quantum model our space dimension's time dimension said to be dynamically sized(think sideways !longways) in direct proportion to the total amount of SFQI which goes into make our dimensionalized physical realm what it is. *8. In fact under this theoretical context each & every single temporal instance contained of and or inside our dimensionalized physical realm's dynamically sized time dimension is said to be denoted and or identified by the 'Quantum State Construct' of the statically held but dynamically changing quantum state of physical manifestation of everything all at once in that instance of SFQI's(or quanta's) relative time continuum. You see while there may not be the universal simultaneity in the exact amount of time or temporal duration or length of continuum since the big bang in this theory for time & temporal relativity there is the universal simultaneity of physical manifestation & quantum state of physical manifestation across some and or all of this time/temporal duration.

(*8 Think about it. If time & all of its components arise from SFQI or quanta then this would mean that each & every single instance of SFQI or quanta must exist with, possess and or carry time & all of its components. Which, theoretical speaking, means that when multiple different instances of SFQI or quanta combine together through the action of union or unseparation to construct large complex dimensionalized physical realms all of the tiny time dimensions associated with all of these different instances of SFQI or quanta must also combine together through the action of union or unseparation to construct their large complex time dimensions. Picture a bunch of infinitely open ended dimensionalized constant continuation time strings all added together through the action of union or unseparation over the sideways tangent of dimensional separation to construct a larger temporal plate.)

As I'm sure you can see there is a lot more to all of this than what first meets the mind. The problem here is that it takes a small book to completely & thoroughly explain all of what it is that I theorize about time & temporal relativity. In fact there is more scientific theory missing from all of this than what I care to admit. However before I end there are 3 things that I would like to point out. First under the terms of this highly theoretical quantum model it is said that when the temporal space contained of and or inside the dimensionalized constant continuation time string of an instance of SFQI which goes into causing the physical manifestation of the fabric of our space dimension dilates this dilation is not said to be happening for all of the different instances of SFQI which go into causing the physical manifestation of the fabric of our space dimension. In other words in this theory for time & temporal relativity not only is there scientific theory which talks about areas of localized temporal distortion inside space but the intensity of these areas of localized temporal distortion are said to be highly relativistic in nature. Second while the constant continuation of the indestructible nature of the core foundation of SFQI is said cause SFQI's existence to be continuous or !broken up into discrete chunks/units there is still something associated with all of this that I believe Scientists and or Physicists would call the quantum of time. Third while the constant continuation of the indestructible nature of the core foundation of SFQI is said to guaranty SFQI a past, a present & a future constant continuation itself is not said to guaranty what quantum state of being SFQI will be in in that future. In other words in this theory for time & temporal relativity the quantum state construct of the future is said to be open, in that it is said to be put in place by the state changing interaction events of SFQI's ability to act tangible in reference to other instances of SFQI over time/continuum. In fact there is some scientific theory associated with this last point out which talks about quantum possibilities & a quantum predictive system, however I am not going to get into any of that stuff here...

Sincerely QPN Am.T.

UNPUBLISHED WORK Copyright 2019 Quantum P. Newtonian Am.T.

start at edge

Active Member
Maybe everything is nothing and nothing is everything.
There is a trinity – space, time and matter, that go all together. That is – you can not have only one of them and the other two missing, or two of them and the other missing, otherwise nothing would make sense. From these, time and space are flexible (very difficult to change them within the equation, but flexible, not impossible).
Space is not something self-existent – it is created by something that has a mass (matter). Everything that has a mass, creates its own space. You can not have an “empty” space, that contains nothing, it is mind bending to even have a space that contains one single thing, as it creates paradoxes – if it is only one, then how big is it?, since there is nothing to compare it to, how fast does it move?, since it does not get closer or further to or from anything .. in this case, such a “singularity” could be the very cause of a “big bang” .. fact is that everything eventually turns into math, pure math.


Senior Member
To measure time has become a man made concoction.

In antiquity it was quite different. It was measured by the sun and the moon.

Then there is to be controlled by time (today) , sit in a cave with no light or solitary confinement then come back as say you understand time:)


There is a trinity – space, time and matter, that go all together. That is – you can not have only one of them and the other two missing, or two of them and the other missing, otherwise nothing would make sense. From these, time and space are flexible (very difficult to change them within the equation, but flexible, not impossible).
Space is not something self-existent – it is created by something that has a mass (matter). Everything that has a mass, creates its own space. You can not have an “empty” space, that contains nothing, it is mind bending to even have a space that contains one single thing, as it creates paradoxes – if it is only one, then how big is it?, since there is nothing to compare it to, how fast does it move?, since it does not get closer or further to or from anything .. in this case, such a “singularity” could be the very cause of a “big bang” .. fact is that everything eventually turns into math, pure math.
That was Teslas belief. Everything is nothing and nothing is everything. Thats how he invented remote control and radio. We are but false images in a solid cube. It`s TRU MAN.
