What is time and how does it work?


Time Travel Professor
Any High School kid could build a real working Time Machine, with the right tools
and information. This will be the case sooner than later when a kid thinks more
out side the box then current high school science.
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Senior Member
OTE="Opmmur, post: 160065, member: 13"]I think you need to think more out side the box and less high school science.
You just may find new answers to old questions.

Personally Prof i believe that if high schools are teaching such mixed up theories, then time-travel would never begin as any production engineer such as yourself or Eric Dollard will have seen immediately, i agree with you 100% :)..

If anyone wants to know what a production engineer is, its a guy who actually builds working things from theories..:cool:
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Temporal Engineer
What is time and how does it work?

It is very frustrating to me to see so many people and including members here, wanting to build a real working Time Machine. If you were to ask these people, the question: What is time and how does it work? Not a single person could give you the correct answer.

The second question: If you do not know “what time is or how it works”, how are you going to build a real working Time Machine without that knowledge?

It looks like to me, everybody is wasting their time until they can answer the first question listed here. Once that is accomplished they will have insight to the second question. Only with working knowledge can anyone build a real Time Machine.

Professor Opmmur
From my conclusions matter is a standing wave vibration in the aether that is constantly generating itself somehow. That vector is the time arrow. It's like matter is the 4th dimension. Would also describe the wave-particle duality. If that standing wave destabilized and shot away it would appear like a wave.

Time to us appears as movement. If everything stopped moving then it would appear like time stopped. However as we know near large suns and blackholes time stops through some magical force. Is that standing wave vibration of matter also stopping?

Like two different types of time. Large scale time(movement) and tiny scale movement(particle standing wave).

Is all time travel about generating a force with large scale movement that can affect tiny scale movements of particles? All the rumored time travel devices supposedly use electromagnetic fields that oscillate. Obviously they're turning EM into curvature but how would curvature even stop time(movement) though?

How does gravity or inertia actually slow and stop movement?

Nobody addresses that little issue.

Obviously time travel reveals that we haven't accounted for all movement of our reality.

I can see you have an interest in trying to find out what time is. I do as well. I don't think it is a simple answer. But I have discovered a path to take that has worked very well in acquiring knowledge. When you take a step forward, be willing to take two steps backwards with the knowledge that you think you know. Eventually you get back to something called empirical facts. Empirical facts appear to be the basis of our reality. What I am saying is, we don't get to decide how our reality is. We have to accept what the empirical facts say it is. This approach is not the accepted scientific method. NO MAKE BELIEVE THEORIES are allowed with the empirical method.

Some of your questions are coming out of fictional beliefs that you have. You can learn what gravity is through empirical observation. No theory necessary.

Most of the really interesting empirical observations come from some of Nikola Tesla's inventions. Apparently he had access to empirical knowledge that is no longer taught in the schools.


Senior Member
Well I'm making an empirical observation when time slows near massive objects or on fast airplanes. What causes that?

Since science is the study of cause and effect how does a fast moving object cause slow down of matter within and around it? This isn't a tiny scale quantum observation it's a macroscopic normal world observation where quantum rules don't apply.

Large scale normal world stuff abides by newtonian rules, conservation of energy, cant' get out more than you put in and the 3rd, action-reaction.

Why does matter slow down as a reaction to fast speeds or proximity to massive objects?


Temporal Engineer
Well I'm making an empirical observation when time slows near massive objects or on fast airplanes. What causes that?

Yes, but it is just another promulgated belief. The phenomena is only observed with atomic clocks. Why has no one recorded any slowing down of time with mechanical or electrical oscillator based clocks?


Senior Member
cuz it's such a tiny result. Crystal oscillators aren't precise enough, I think the GPS satellite issue with special relativity and their synchronization is proof enough. Satellites go much faster than jet planes.

Sun obviously bends light around it as well. Clearly observed with powerful telescopes that witness gravitational lensing between galaxies.

With those 3 empirical observations it's pretty conclusive and doppler shifting of photons as well which is probably linked to special relativity's time dilation effects.

Another observation is relativistic effects of particles going 99% the speed of light in a particle accelerator. Aka exponential momentum increase(again where does that come from?, why the incredible increase in resistance to acceleration going faster and faster?)

Point being what causes it? What causes momentum and gravity? What causes time and space to change at the same moment?
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Senior Member
people acknowledge these things pretty far and wide, my issue is why do they happen at all? What is causing it?

Why don't they just idk, increase in diameter rather than get more inertia, slow time and change color?

Hope I'm making some sense.

seems like there's strings attaching matter to spacetime somehow. What is the actual causal relationship? Quite clear the more massive an object is..harder it is to push, why? Something dragging on it?

Empirical observation clearly shows that the speed of light speed limit is some relationship of matter to space. What is it?

That relationship of exponential increase of momentum in special relativity is used extensively in nuclear reactors to determine the energies produced. We don't notice it much in daily life cuz the exponential increase is only prominent near the speed of light which exists in thermodynamic nuclear reactions.

So if people don't believe the time dilation effects of GR and SR...they sure do believe pushing a bus is harder than a toy truck.
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Senior Member
Well I'm making an empirical observation when time slows near massive objects or on fast airplanes. What causes that?

Since science is the study of cause and effect how does a fast moving object cause slow down of matter within and around it? This isn't a tiny scale quantum observation it's a macroscopic normal world observation where quantum rules don't apply.
It doesn't. That is, such a thing is only observed by someone in a different reference frame.

Why does matter slow down as a reaction to fast speeds or proximity to massive objects?
It doesn't "slow down" at all.

