What is your rant?


People whom ask a question then turn your answer into some sort of contest.
(Here in the States it's called a P*ssing Contest[or match.])

For example, I hurt my hand on the job and had an incident report written, right?

The boss asks, " how's the hand?"

"Still hurting... I.."

He cuts me off," oh yeah?! Look at my finger...see how it gets locked at the knuckle...blah blah....so, don't tell me you're having trouble pal!"

He can be a real jerk.

Problem is that, I've watched others turn him in for the same treatment
then, they get treated like dirt...(!)

There's sometimes no justice working on an alternate shift.

Put up and shut up... I guess.



where the wild things are
My rant:

People who complain about others doing things, yet they do them as well. Like for example, eating fast food. You got people who WHINE about others who eat fast food. And then you see these same people EATING fast food!

I remember this one time I was at the grocery store buying some doughnuts and some lady behind me who looked like she had trouble fitting in the checkout lane tell me its UNHEALTHY to eat doughnuts, yet her cart was stacked to the brim of junk food, candy, and soda.

There's this part in my city where bikes aren't allowed, at all! I once got a ticket for riding in that zone. But, I saw a POLICE OFFICER riding his BIKE through the same zone! I mean, the nerve, complain to me about what I'm doing, but go and do it yourself. It just drives me up a wall!


My rant:

People who complain about others doing things, yet they do them as well. Like for example, eating fast food. You got people who WHINE about others who eat fast food. And then you see these same people EATING fast food!

I remember this one time I was at the grocery store buying some doughnuts and some lady behind me who looked like she had trouble fitting in the checkout lane tell me its UNHEALTHY to eat doughnuts, yet her cart was stacked to the brim of junk food, candy, and soda.

There's this part in my city where bikes aren't allowed, at all! I once got a ticket for riding in that zone. But, I saw a POLICE OFFICER riding his BIKE through the same zone! I mean, the nerve, complain to me about what I'm doing, but go and do it yourself. It just drives me up a wall!

Noooooo... kidding!

I nearly was in an accident involving a police car. He pulled across 2 lanes of traffic to make a quick left turn into the parking lot of a white castle getting to the drive thru!

I've witnessed people ordering a double whopper, large fries, 2 pies and a diet soda. Really?!

I boycotted fast food long ago, but yeah I know what you're saying.

Some people, eh?

I guess that's why I enjoy getting my groceries in the early morning after work. Less stress.


Active Member
When one of your "Best friends" deliberately hurts you:

I was friends with this particular girl in high school. We got along really well and flirted a lot but because I was too depressed to see she liked me I stayed friends with her.

Anyway I got back into contact with her recently and it seemed that she still felt the same, however this time I had feelings for her as well. Long story short we got into regular contact (Every day generally), and we both stated that we had feelings for each other.

This is the part where I start ranting. (In places I've felt like swearing, I've replaced it with either frak or tf)

She starts hinting that I ask her out, so I do. She keeps saying that she's busy but doesn't tell me why. Later she tells me its because she has to work with her dad. So she hints again, I ask, this time it's fraking "Family Day". She asks me to the Cinema to watch some chick flick called "The edge of 17". This is on a day that I told her I had work, Even IF I saw it I would be risking being late and losing my job. I later find out that she was going with her sister. I'm thinking "Well why tf would you want me to go then?"

Well anyway I had an argument over Facebook and she told me that she'd be free on Sunday, so I held off for a bit, giving her the benefit of the doubt because we were good friends in high school. If she was anyone else I would have ended it right there on that Sunday. Simply because girls love being frakwits and playing around with me and I certainly don't want it to happen again.

Well anyway I'm regretting giving the benefit of the doubt now. Remember how I said that she said it was good on Sundays? It went from Sunday to maybe to no... So I call her out on her shit and she says "I only found out we had plans today" (She was referring to her Family) And then decides she wants to go to sleep...

And something she said yesterday made me realise she had no intention of going out with me in the first place. She said that even if we were going out she wouldn't be able to do anything because her family doesn't trust her... (I guess I shouldn't be surprised, apparently she had a FWB relationship with her best friend's boyfriend... I wonder if she got caught in the act?)

Oh well, I'll wait until she answers my questions when she goes on FB next... After that I'll probably end up breaking off the friendship... As friends don't stab one another through the heart. (Which is something she LOVES doing...)


Senior Member
When one of your "Best friends" deliberately hurts you:

I was friends with this particular girl in high school. We got along really well and flirted a lot but because I was too depressed to see she liked me I stayed friends with her.

Anyway I got back into contact with her recently and it seemed that she still felt the same, however this time I had feelings for her as well. Long story short we got into regular contact (Every day generally), and we both stated that we had feelings for each other.

This is the part where I start ranting. (In places I've felt like swearing, I've replaced it with either frak or tf)

She starts hinting that I ask her out, so I do. She keeps saying that she's busy but doesn't tell me why. Later she tells me its because she has to work with her dad. So she hints again, I ask, this time it's fraking "Family Day". She asks me to the Cinema to watch some chick flick called "The edge of 17". This is on a day that I told her I had work, Even IF I saw it I would be risking being late and losing my job. I later find out that she was going with her sister. I'm thinking "Well why tf would you want me to go then?"

Well anyway I had an argument over Facebook and she told me that she'd be free on Sunday, so I held off for a bit, giving her the benefit of the doubt because we were good friends in high school. If she was anyone else I would have ended it right there on that Sunday. Simply because girls love being frakwits and playing around with me and I certainly don't want it to happen again.

Well anyway I'm regretting giving the benefit of the doubt now. Remember how I said that she said it was good on Sundays? It went from Sunday to maybe to no... So I call her out on her shit and she says "I only found out we had plans today" (She was referring to her Family) And then decides she wants to go to sleep...

And something she said yesterday made me realise she had no intention of going out with me in the first place. She said that even if we were going out she wouldn't be able to do anything because her family doesn't trust her... (I guess I shouldn't be surprised, apparently she had a FWB relationship with her best friend's boyfriend... I wonder if she got caught in the act?)

Oh well, I'll wait until she answers my questions when she goes on FB next... After that I'll probably end up breaking off the friendship... As friends don't stab one another through the heart. (Which is something she LOVES doing...)
Women...what can I say. I would just hang loose and let her come begging to you.
Of course I'm divorced so what do I know. lol


Active Member
Women...what can I say. I would just hang loose and let her come begging to you.
Of course I'm divorced so what do I know. lol

That is why I'm waiting until she's online so I can see if she begs when I cut her lose.

She probably wont though, that’s the kind of person she seems like now. Really disconnected from reality...


That's pretty lame.

Maybe it's time to play hard to get. You'll see if she goes ahead and asks you out. Should be safer and way less tedious to do something with her when she's the one calling the shot.

Don't be too sad about it man, from what I can see, she's the one to blame. You haven't done anything wrong, that's for sure.


Active Member
That's pretty lame.

Maybe it's time to play hard to get. You'll see if she goes ahead and asks you out. Should be safer and way less tedious to do something with her when she's the one calling the shot.

Don't be too sad about it man, from what I can see, she's the one to blame. You haven't done anything wrong, that's for sure.

I've tossing up whether to cut her lose for a while. Depends on what she says. If she doesn't say the right answers then I'll watch her beg (Hopefully).

I'm sick of her shit rn.

EDIT: She's gone online within the last hour or so. She hasn't checked her facebook yet though. (Messanger says she's got the messages now.)

EDIT EDIT: Wow I just realised that sound so much different when I'm in a rant like that... :confused:
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Active Member

She replied. It seems she basically only went on to send me a message.

And got angry because she seems to think that she was doing ME a favour.

Yea nah I ain't being friends with soneone like that anymore. So I've unfriended her but I haven't blocked her yet so I can see if she begs to remain friends. It Probably won't happen but I've got popcorn at the ready.
