Debate will corona virus overwhelm the planet?

will corona virus overwhelm the planet? poll

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New Member
Something i was thinking about the last few days.

Coronavirus came from METEORITE which hit China last year - bombshell scientist claim

"Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology, said: “The sudden outbreak of a new coronavirus is very likely to have a space connection, the strong localisation of the virus within China is the most remarkable aspect of the disease. "

“In October last year a fragment of a comet exploded in a brief flash in North East China.

“We think it probable that this contained embedded within it a monoculture of infective 2019-nCoV virus particles that survived in the interior of the incandescent meteor.

“We consider the seemingly outrageous possibility that hundreds of trillions of infective viral particles were then released embedded in the form of fine carbonaceous dust.

“We believe infectious agents are prevalent in space, carried on comets, and can fall towards Earth through the troposphere."
I believe it’s probably a biological warfare weapon. Because the Wu Han hospital is not far from the Wu Han Military base. China is literally a country considered to be majorly over populated. Either the bill gates theory might be right or I reckon it could be the Chinese government used to control the population. And so they could begin to exert power, by keeping the people in fear and giving them the false sense that the government is there to protect them. Meanwhile everyone in China has to get their temperature checked wherever they go at the moment . They already started a points system ages ago like from the black mirror episode. Now I guess they will likely be microchipping everyone in the country and use the viral disease as an excuse to why it is necessary. All a big strategy to win over full big brother power. And cut the population down to a controllable rate!
There s a known way of infecting or poisoning himself in a controlled way. China infected itself and the whole world like a Russian Roulette game.
It is evident that this virus was made in lab.


Junior Member
the point for now is ... the govs has not the minimum fucking idea what to do !
the govs around the world thenor who rules the world)-the situation was this "hey we got a new virus , lets profit from it . Ofcourse we are not going to make the same mistake and loose a ton of money as we lost with the first sars that unfortunately vanished and all the money on those research made or to produce a vaccine lost in the wind after the interests on the cure lost with the virus gone. Now we have to be sure to have a virus stable in time so we will spend some money but we will make a lot more next . And also we will spare a lot of money with thousandshoundreds of old people that will die . They cost us a lot on meds and treatements . insurances companies are bound with banks so it will be a win win situation . Who cares about dead peoples ... just we have to infect as more as we can contain ! keep a stable % ! than all will be moneyyyyyyyyy for us . so come on guys don't panic it is a SIMPLE FLUE get out cheer up ...
the govs around the world now(or who rules the world )-the situation is "wtf just with this virus we are loosing more than we could ever profit , shit is going out of control . we need to contain it . wtf will happen if the virus structure change ? we need from 1.5 to 3 years to sell a vaccine or a treatement . who the fuck will explain to the world if we produce a medicament working against corona on 6 months ... and the price , the price will be low as hell ... let's try to profit on tests at least for now . oh shit , too many , too many ... what is going on ... shit ... we are loosing moneys ... moneys ... moneys ... we are loosing ... moneys !


Junior Member
with only 5% of total world budget lost this situation could have been prevented ! now is 15% lost ! and the govs are spreading money . letterary money to people . cash to them ... to keep them believing those are needed ! why noone is making a single publicity helping people around the world for free . bars restaurants people helping others on their own free will . risking even their lives . so where the fuck are the medias on these cases ? ... who the fuck will take responsability for all the deaths ? ... if there is an earthquake and a building falls and kills people the responsable who built the building get arrested . ( they arested people who spread panic for coronavirus yeah sure ) now who will take the fall ? prime ministers ? presidents ? ... they are direct responsable of 80% of the deaths . it is not the corona but the failed politics on containing it !


Senior Member
Whats going on in Sweden?, they dont seem to be under any form of lockdown or restrictions.


Junior Member
on sweden 33 % of the population is over 54and they are trying to play smart and use the sun rays :D ... people there believe a lot in the politics there and also they believe they have a plan B . so you have to wait 3 more days now that they are starting testing . you will see the numbers . Yet the deaths will be less than other country ! The nature in some cases helps also , as the sWeden case!


Senior Member
Im yet to see any sort of blood groups that it has attacked v some that it hasnt.

A medical one that i conversed with here is in the dark about it as well.


New Member
It is not gonna stop soon. But humans will defeat it like before.
Already China is okay. But other countries are fighting now.
Everything has a reaction and it will stop when tired.
This virus also will stop when it will be bored in the human body.
