
Very interesting posts on good and bad, and how people and situations as well as perceive ways to correct or neutralize situations.

Everyone should understand: "human thoughts are real things and things can do things", be very careful for what you wish for or you may get completely different result than you originally expected.

As far as your brother-in-law and his alcoholic ways, most likely he is possessed by the alcoholic demons within him. Trying to do an exorcism is extremely dangerous, personally I question the Catholic priests that perform exorcisms if they're really doing good or bad for the victim being worked on. ......

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kardecist spiritism have spread all over Brazil and had long become part of the religious syncretism which characterizes the brazilian culture. Of course that the Catholic church contributes in furnishing the religious basic framework since we have been colonized by Portugal, we have inheritted Roman Christian moral code, in a word, not differently from Western general culture. Kardecist spiritism also adopted a christian oriented moral basis contradictly either approaching to presbiterians debunking the images and ritual and differing deeply as long as kardecist spiritists do believe in reincarnation while Evangelists repel that concept as a real heresy and demon like thing. By the way Kardec denied the possibility that God-Creator could have created an entity originally devoted to evilness, but Kardecism states the existence of evil spirits who disrespecting the cosmic law would be subject to suffering in crucial existences to come.
Kardecism states the existence of evil spirits who disrespecting the cosmic law would be subject to suffering in crucial existences to come.
*sigh* Karma still takes too long to come flying back.

Breath in deeply. Now, breath out slowly!!!!
It may take time but one has to be patient.
P.S. = By the way we are receiving donations. Send 2thous dollars and have your name written on stone at the cape stone of the pyramid. Very close to Gosh!!
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Kardecism states the existence of evil spirits who disrespecting the cosmic law would be subject to suffering in crucial existences to come.
*sigh* Karma still takes too long to come flying back.

Breath in deeply. Now, breath out slowly!!!!
It may take time but one has to be patience.
P.S. = By the way we are receiving donations. Send 2thous dollars and have your name written on stone at the cape stone of the pyramid. Very close to Gosh!!
