Cobra CB radio for contact


Senior Member
So, why do you want to talk to the aliens anyway? I mean, what do you have to offer them? A free examination of your insides? A rare metal that makes a big boom? A truly dizzying intellect? Maybe, if you can show them why they should pick you out of the billion man-pile, they would be more interested in your presence. But, most of us are limited in our usefulness. The only thing we could do is post the encounter on YouTube, so people can pick apart the footage. We can't command the world to instate any changes the aliens might request or anything cool like that.
I did manage to get the attention of some aliens that were hanging out above the planet, when I was a kid and my spirit went out of my body. The aliens followed my thought back to my body and beamed me up. But, it didn't seem to last long and they certainly weren't interested in talking to me. It was pretty surreal, and I could almost imagine it was just a dream, anyway.
Just be careful what you wish for..;)

In my humble opinion, the reason ClassicalFan gave for wanting to meet Aliens, was a far superior and more honest answer, than the attention seeking example that you gave, regarding your spirit going out of your body and Aliens following your thoughts back to your body!!! ;)..


What if the history we have was the best result time travelers could achieve already.
That this history is the best one that exists so far, perhaps (I have no idea). But that this is the best result that could ever be achieved, I highly doubt that.
@Classicalfan626 if you achieve your goals. What will be the outcome for yourself?
Good question. I see the outcome for myself being very fruitful. In other words, I would be flourishing and soaring in this world, and perhaps the universe as well. I will only say that much about this, I don't want to spoil all the fun.

Displaced Spirit

New Member
In my humble opinion, the reason ClassicalFan gave for wanting to meet Aliens, was a far superior and more honest answer, than the attention seeking example that you gave, regarding your spirit going out of your body and Aliens following your thoughts back to your body!!! ;)..

Yeah, I was just a kid and didn't know what I was doing. Story of my life!o_O
Ugh. And, I've had too much drama in my life to crave attention. But, I don't want to live in fear, either. And, I am curious to find out what other people have experienced.
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Try to see things from an Alien perspective. They are intelligent enough to know one of two things. Either we're not ready for contact and to leave us alone, or we're ready for contact in some form to assist in our evolution. They would obviously know more about us than we'd even know of them - heck, we even contemplate their existence at times.

Assume you right now, are the advanced alien being. Pretend you can travel back into the past to see Neanderthals. What would you possibly want with them? To help them evolve? If so, how would you start to do that? You have no common language and these beings are so lesser evolved your interaction must be subtle to impose a large impact. If you simply want information from them, you would covertly observe in the shadows without interference. Perhaps you abduct a few of them, experiment on them, then wipe out their brains of that traumatic experience.

So there's really only two reasons for aliens to be here. Assist in our evolution, and observance to gather knowledge and data on us. Now think of all the abduction stories and how many are REAL. Let's say for the sake of conversation that 10% of abduction stories are real. The other 90% exist due to mental illnesses and attention seekers. The 10% that are real can recall the instances due to alien technology not being perfect, indicating they are mortal and subjective to error. They are not gods and therefore they too must be careful of their actions for they know the potential reactions can be negative. We experienced all of that during the Cold War.

Now let's pretend we find an alien planet in another galaxy with a form of primitive life. Is there a reason to travel that far to meet them? What purpose would we have for that? We can look upon our own history (1950's) to know even a seemingly intelligent species can be subject to fears that would cause undesirable reactions such as WAR simply by our presence being known.

We are lesser beings and we seek knowledge and truth therefore we have a high interest in Alien technologies and entities. Aliens see us as primitive beings and know how evolution works and they'd be advanced enough to know that they shouldn't be destructive because to advance to that level of evolution you'd have to face your own problems of war and extermination of your species by your own hand - like we have in WWII and the years following.

Therefore they have a low interest in direct communication with us and we have a high interest in meeting them face to face. It could be decades, centuries, even millennia before they make their presence officially known to all of us. For now, I believe it's specific individuals they work closely with in secrecy to assist in our technological evolution. I believe before the mass landings occur, we as a species must evolve past the need for religious superstition and undying faith in deities and face the unknown with logic rather than faith.


Try to see things from an Alien perspective. They are intelligent enough to know one of two things. Either we're not ready for contact and to leave us alone, or we're ready for contact in some form to assist in our evolution. They would obviously know more about us than we'd even know of them - heck, we even contemplate their existence at times.

Assume you right now, are the advanced alien being. Pretend you can travel back into the past to see Neanderthals. What would you possibly want with them? To help them evolve? If so, how would you start to do that? You have no common language and these beings are so lesser evolved your interaction must be subtle to impose a large impact. If you simply want information from them, you would covertly observe in the shadows without interference. Perhaps you abduct a few of them, experiment on them, then wipe out their brains of that traumatic experience.

So there's really only two reasons for aliens to be here. Assist in our evolution, and observance to gather knowledge and data on us. Now think of all the abduction stories and how many are REAL. Let's say for the sake of conversation that 10% of abduction stories are real. The other 90% exist due to mental illnesses and attention seekers. The 10% that are real can recall the instances due to alien technology not being perfect, indicating they are mortal and subjective to error. They are not gods and therefore they too must be careful of their actions for they know the potential reactions can be negative. We experienced all of that during the Cold War.

Now let's pretend we find an alien planet in another galaxy with a form of primitive life. Is there a reason to travel that far to meet them? What purpose would we have for that? We can look upon our own history (1950's) to know even a seemingly intelligent species can be subject to fears that would cause undesirable reactions such as WAR simply by our presence being known.

We are lesser beings and we seek knowledge and truth therefore we have a high interest in Alien technologies and entities. Aliens see us as primitive beings and know how evolution works and they'd be advanced enough to know that they shouldn't be destructive because to advance to that level of evolution you'd have to face your own problems of war and extermination of your species by your own hand - like we have in WWII and the years following.

Therefore they have a low interest in direct communication with us and we have a high interest in meeting them face to face. It could be decades, centuries, even millennia before they make their presence officially known to all of us. For now, I believe it's specific individuals they work closely with in secrecy to assist in our technological evolution. I believe before the mass landings occur, we as a species must evolve past the need for religious superstition and undying faith in deities and face the unknown with logic rather than faith.
Those are some very interesting theories you have there. However, I have do disagree with a lot of it because I feel that it is flawed due to your dismissal of faith and religion. Without a basis in faith and religion, the human race is doomed to socialism and communism. In other words, without a foundation in religion and the belief in a loving God, the state takes over and that leads to lower standards of morality, and thus socialism and communism. Socialism and communism are a threat to Western civilization, and have infiltrated various nations around the world, including the United States and the nations of Europe.


Senior Member
When obsession takes over clear thinking goes out the window.

You have some flawed arguments in my eyes, religion like politics is a controlling force.

There's more to the planet earth that western life.

When you supposedly contact aliens your going to ask them for help to send you back in time so you can fix some
problem you have identified which will make the world a better place?

As the previous poster noted why would you be any more special for contact than other?


Senior Member
Well, if any of you make contact, be sure to put in a word for me so I can go back to 1099 and capture Jerusalem with my crusader brothers.

I grow tired of waiting for the obviously forthcoming crusade to liberate Europe from the Caliphate the liberals created there, but I fear I might be too old when it finally happens. Need time travel assistance as well.


When obsession takes over clear thinking goes out the window.

You have some flawed arguments in my eyes, religion like politics is a controlling force.

There's more to the planet earth that western life.

When you supposedly contact aliens your going to ask them for help to send you back in time so you can fix some
problem you have identified which will make the world a better place?

As the previous poster noted why would you be any more special for contact than other?
Classicalfan just reiterates the point that humans want to meet aliens with high interest, but aliens have a very low interest in direct communications with humans. When you understand life and evolution, a lot of life's curiosities go out with window with it. When you know that 1+1=2, you don't require proof of it in order to accept it.

Even if one could make the world a better place, should one? Life begets contrast. Without evil there is no good. Could you consider life to be life if there is no contrast or variation? Sometimes seeing someone else flip out puts things into perspective and calms you down. You need to know what sadness feels like in order to know what happiness is.


Well, if any of you make contact, be sure to put in a word for me so I can go back to 1099 and capture Jerusalem with my crusader brothers.

I grow tired of waiting for the obviously forthcoming crusade to liberate Europe from the Caliphate the liberals created there, but I fear I might be too old when it finally happens. Need time travel assistance as well.
Pretty sure if you went back to 1099 you'd be dead really quick either from disease or being slaughtered. Them's not friendly times bud.


Those are some very interesting theories you have there. However, I have do disagree with a lot of it because I feel that it is flawed due to your dismissal of faith and religion. Without a basis in faith and religion, the human race is doomed to socialism and communism. In other words, without a foundation in religion and the belief in a loving God, the state takes over and that leads to lower standards of morality, and thus socialism and communism. Socialism and communism are a threat to Western civilization, and have infiltrated various nations around the world, including the United States and the nations of Europe.

I respect your opinion and your right to provide it openly without consequence or backlash for I believe it is a part of our social cognitive evolution.

I was raised or at least tried to been raised Christian. I was curious and had questions. Most of those were met with blanket statements or answers that required undying faith to accept rather than actual evidence or known truth. Maybe it's how my brain was wired at birth, I don't know... but I could never just accept answers of "because". For example, why is the sky blue? They would say just because it is. Now we know it's Rayleigh scattering which has to do with how light from our star interacts with the gasses that comprise our atmosphere at certain angles. Back then I didn't know that, but I could at least observe that the sky was blue and wait for modern science to catch up and give us an answer. Anything to do with religion seemed faux to me. I've come to understand in my own opinion... that all religions have stemmed from a base truth due to some similarities they ALL share. The simple fact they are different religions is that over time due to regional differences of people and their culture, they evolved each religion into their own adaptation. Indian religion is fascinating in that it includes multiple gods to appeal to multiple types of people. All gods are considered all powerful, which allows each individual to pick a favorite god they prefer to worship as the all powerful god. It doesn't make any one of their gods more or less powerful than the other so it's an all inclusive religion. That's why Buddhism is worldwide - a collectively larger religion than Christianity. If I was raised Hindu I very well could be a religious person today. Since they tried to raise me Christian and failed to convince me of their doctrines as fact, I chose to believe in nothing and therefore reject religion as something to put blind faith into. I don't actually believe in the after life or heaven or hell. If you are a genuinely nice person, good things will happen for you. If you are bad or evil, things can catch up to you. Not always, but generally speaking they do. Mostly due to you slipping up because you think you're invincible after committing 100 crimes and not getting caught. Ultimately it is the goal of religion to provide a guideline of a good life - but has been also used as a method of control over people, and of a method to illicitly filter and/or obtain funds. There are a lot of scary dark corners in religion, especially the old Catholics and boy... it's downright cultish and sadistically evil, not unlike what people would contribute to satanists or witches. I'm also close to people that undoubtedly live by the bible, and are extremely religious to the point they believe the stories of the talking snake and Adam and Eve. I mean... really, all humans stemmed from Adam and Eve? That means we're all products of eventual incest as their children would mate with one another to continue to the blood line. Gross. Not to mention the implied incest since Eve was derived from the rib of Adam.

So while I do respect your rights and opinions, I must also notify you that your argument seems foolish. I only dismissed religion at the end - so to dismiss everything I said simply because of that, is erroneous in and of itself. To me, it would be equivocal to say that you dismiss my thoughts or opinions because of the color of my skin. However, I'm still interested in yours, so I encourage rebuttal.
