Hall of Records

Re: Hall of Records

Yes, it is indeed similar. But of course scientist these days call it a hallucination brought on by stress and shrooms. Even when normal everyday "normal" people see them en mass. In the 70's there was a poll that asked if Tomarrow you found out that there is life in the universe other then humans would you basically freak. Back then 92% said yes. In 98 the same poll 20% said yes, and I think 10% said they might. 70% said they would welcome the news of outside life. The government though is still living by the '70's poll... tragic.
Re: Hall of Records


Stargate ! :cool:

They say that tv shows are always made to "program" us, that's why they call them tv programs.

I never heard about these polls before, but the numbers sound right. in the 50s-70s, people where freaking about ETs and mutants.

Re: Hall of Records

The whole thing with the poll was that it centered on religion. Aliens completely contradict most mainstream religions and it would cause panic and riots back then to know their beliefs were wrong. And thats why I believe we'll never have the government come out and say what they know.
Re: Hall of Records

One more time, religions have great similarities with each others. No doubt about the fact that we are not ready to know about ETs. It would scrap religion. It would create general panic.

Think about Vatican, if they were about to know that their religion is just.... nothing, but a myth. They would be mad, and would try to control the people, but would be unable.
Re: Hall of Records

Exactly... if you look back at most of this worlds history it would show most wars have a religious overhang to them. I don't care what they say about the separation of church and state, religion rules this world until we get some agnostics/atheists in power.
Re: Hall of Records

It makes me think about the Da Vinci Code. That's pretty much the same concept. The church doesn't want people to know about jesus, the Holy Grail etc.

They even condemned the movie when it came out... :(

Da Vinci Code is one of the most interesting book I've ever read.

Re: Hall of Records

Hola and welcome then Chip, sounds good. Edgar Cayce now theres a guy with predictions. Some cool stuff came from him.
Re: Hall of Records

Here is a link about Cayce's predictions. Edgar Cayce Prophecies
5. Will the Three Halls of Records Be Discovered?
According to the readings, the people of Atlantis became aware of the fact that there civilization was about to be destroyed. As a result, they hid identical records of the Atlantean civilization in Bimini, in Egypt and in the Yucatan. Numerous readings contend that this Hall of Records will be discovered,

Num7 :)
