Hamas Attacks Israel


Senior Member
Netanyahu rules out a ceasefire, saying 'this is a time for war'

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu goes on to say he wants to make Israel’s position on a ceasefire clear.
“Just as the US would not agree to a ceasefire after the bombing of Pearl Harbour or after the terrorist attack of 9/11, Israel will not agree to a cessation of hostilities with Hamas after the horrific attacks of 7 October,” he says.
"Calls for a ceasefire are calls for Israel to surrender to Hamas, to surrender to terrorism," he says.
“The Bible says ‘there is a time for peace, and a time for war’,” he continues, “this is a time for a war”.
“A war for our common future. Today, we draw a line between the forces of civilisation and the forces of barbarism.”



Senior Member
The US has confirmed for the first time that it has been flying unarmed surveillance drones over the Gaza Strip since Hamas launched its attack on Israel on 7 October.

Pentagon Spokesperson Brig Gen Pat Ryder said in a statement that the drones were operating in "support of hostage recovery efforts".

"The US is conducting unarmed UAV flights over Gaza, as well as providing advice and assistance to support our Israeli partner as they work on their hostage recovery efforts," the statement said.

"These UAV flights began after the Oct 7 attack by Hamas on Israel.”

The confirmation comes after MQ-9 Reapers usually operated by US special forces were spotted circling Gaza on Flightradar24, a publicly-accessible flight-tracking website, by reporters.

Reaper drones have previously been used to conduct airstrikes in Afghanistan, but are primarily used as surveillance drones due to their ability to "loiter" above an area for more than 20 hours at a time.



Active Member
I wouldn't trust anything muslims report. They're fighting a propaganda war since their combat capabilities are so low. Most of what they claim gets overturned a week or so later. It's well known that hamass deliberately puts civilians in the line of fire for propaganda pieces like this.


Senior Member
  1. Hamas says a four-day pause in fighting it's agreed with Israel will begin at 10:00 local time on Thursday
  2. Israel has not yet commented on when the pause will begin - but Foreign Minister Eli Cohen says he expected the first hostages to be received on Thursday
  3. Under the agreement, 50 Israeli hostages taken by Hamas will be released and 150 Palestinian women and teenagers held in Israeli jails freed
  4. Families of those held in Gaza have said every captive "needs to come home" and that each hour is "critical"
  5. Up to another 150 Palestinians could be released - as well as another 50 hostages from Gaza - after the initial four-day pause



I wouldn't trust anything muslims report. They're fighting a propaganda war since their combat capabilities are so low. Most of what they claim gets overturned a week or so later. It's well known that hamass deliberately puts civilians in the line of fire for propaganda pieces like this.

That's messed up! :(


Active Member
That's messed up! :(
Why would hamass start a war they knowingly would never win? and NEVER even had a slim chance at? Why would hamass start this war by slaughtering 1400 people at a PEACE concert? Why didn't hamass start with military and government targets? Why did hamass take so many hostages (many juvenile and invalids, many beheadded)? The tunneling system is well known for going under their own civilian targets, then they go hysterical when they get WARNED and then BOMBED. Why did hamass bomb one of their own hospitals? In the past month, Israel has had mini-cease fires and safely escorted civilians out of the war zone multiple times, which is unheard of in any wartime scenario.

It's historically well known that Iran backs terrorists and starts proxy wars. It's well known that Iran doesn't give a damn about it's "proxies" so long as they cause havoc. Both hamass and hezbollah are around 90% Iran backed. Both use the saying "from the river to the sea", meaning the extermination of all Jews in the area (and someday the planet). So I counter, why so anti-semetic?


Why would hamass start a war they knowingly would never win? and NEVER even had a slim chance at? Why would hamass start this war by slaughtering 1400 people at a PEACE concert? Why didn't hamass start with military and government targets? Why did hamass take so many hostages (many juvenile and invalids, many beheadded)? The tunneling system is well known for going under their own civilian targets, then they go hysterical when they get WARNED and then BOMBED. Why did hamass bomb one of their own hospitals? In the past month, Israel has had mini-cease fires and safely escorted civilians out of the war zone multiple times, which is unheard of in any wartime scenario.

It's historically well known that Iran backs terrorists and starts proxy wars. It's well known that Iran doesn't give a damn about it's "proxies" so long as they cause havoc. Both hamass and hezbollah are around 90% Iran backed. Both use the saying "from the river to the sea", meaning the extermination of all Jews in the area (and someday the planet). So I counter, why so anti-semetic?


They hold Ancient Hatreds that run so deep that nothing else matters.

The most precious to us ALL as humans are our Children...Mothers....Fathers.....and
it's within us to hold them in highest regard. Right?

Hamas show this hatred and the depth of which it extends by
killing Children....Elderly Fathers and Mothers so no two eyes,
shall ever meet the enemies without them feeling repulse.

It never should have been politicized in the first place, imo.

But, you can never truly gauge that which we can only speculate upon,
for every country that becomes (or is) involved,
must then hold their OWN respective Cold War nonsense against their enemies most.

Some call it Just,
others....Not so much.

It saddens the heart, Doesn't it?

The US might justly learn from getting it's nose twisted every now and again
...But, being I am a resident here....I DO have my doubts.

And it's not just the US. ;)

Left versus Right and Vice verse, is total crap.
Our every day politics are eating us from the inside
and we KNOW IT.
But, that good old cavalier attitude of the
"We're better than you are!!" Brigade needs a time out.

"If I was yer Father....I would clank yer heads together and send you off properly to bed.....
...............................With No Dinner!"

We should've just left well enough.....ALONE.

I.M.H.O. Mind you ;)


Active Member

They hold Ancient Hatreds that run so deep that nothing else matters.
And here lies the problem. There comes a point when this self destructive behavior needs to be let go of. Has anyone seen what radical islam teaches their children about Jews? The words "pigs" and "monkeys" come up quite a bit. They actively sub-humanize an entire race to the point where killing them becomes a glorified duty. They blame an entire race for their problems when that race has practically nothing to do with them... or even wants anything to do with them. I have yet to see any Jewish mass training literature that states all muslims are "pigs" and "monkeys" and must die. I have yet to see the Jews have mass protest rallies stating death to islam and burning their flags. Given all the anti-semetic feelings in the media, if this existed, I think they would be hysterical about it... yet I see nothing.

During WW2, nazis kill millions of Jews in the name of ethnic cleansing and superiority. I'm sure there are still many Jews wary of Germans, but I've yet to see in history any Jews holding anti-nazi and anti-muslim marches, parades, and flag burnings... when history shows us that THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO. It looks like they've mostly put recent history behind them and moved on. (just as a major example)

Iran wants an islamic state and one world under iran. Typical dictatorial behavior (get in line with the rest). It's in their founding constitution to destroy Israel (Jews) and the US. They regularly attack us. Other muslim countries show some of the same hatred to varying degrees... and the rest of the world doesn't seem to care?

So lets flip this around for the sake of argument. Let's say the US has in its founding constitution that all blacks are evil and Africa should be wiped off the map. Let's say the US teaches that all blacks are "pigs" and "monkeys" and this is taught to white children as early as they can speak. Is this kind of behavior acceptable? I would clearly say "no". That's the very heart of racism. It doesn't matter the skin color or ethnic background. Racism is racism. In some isolated areas of the US this was taught for a short period of time, but thankfully it was eventually squashed and a lot of blood was spilt as the price of it. The politics you mention try to keep this memory alive in a one sided way, but that's another argument (and maybe even worse).

From what I understand, there are a lot of muslims living peacefully in Israel who have reject this blind hatred. The rest of the radicals need to follow their example. These muslims need to stand up against the radicals... and probably burn their flags in a mass protest. The problems is the radicals will see this as an act of war and start killing their peaceful brothers. What this all boils down to is a very long running islamic civil war that drags others into it who don't want any part of it. It's sad that the 3 major islam sects in the middle east can't get along with each other... and haven't for centuries... and they all essentially believe the same thing.


Senior Member
And here lies the problem. There comes a point when this self destructive behavior needs to be let go of. Has anyone seen what radical islam teaches their children about Jews? The words "pigs" and "monkeys" come up quite a bit. They actively sub-humanize an entire race to the point where killing them becomes a glorified duty. They blame an entire race for their problems when that race has practically nothing to do with them... or even wants anything to do with them. I have yet to see any Jewish mass training literature that states all muslims are "pigs" and "monkeys" and must die. I have yet to see the Jews have mass protest rallies stating death to islam and burning their flags. Given all the anti-semetic feelings in the media, if this existed, I think they would be hysterical about it... yet I see nothing.

During WW2, nazis kill millions of Jews in the name of ethnic cleansing and superiority. I'm sure there are still many Jews wary of Germans, but I've yet to see in history any Jews holding anti-nazi and anti-muslim marches, parades, and flag burnings... when history shows us that THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO. It looks like they've mostly put recent history behind them and moved on. (just as a major example)

Iran wants an islamic state and one world under iran. Typical dictatorial behavior (get in line with the rest). It's in their founding constitution to destroy Israel (Jews) and the US. They regularly attack us. Other muslim countries show some of the same hatred to varying degrees... and the rest of the world doesn't seem to care?

So lets flip this around for the sake of argument. Let's say the US has in its founding constitution that all blacks are evil and Africa should be wiped off the map. Let's say the US teaches that all blacks are "pigs" and "monkeys" and this is taught to white children as early as they can speak. Is this kind of behavior acceptable? I would clearly say "no". That's the very heart of racism. It doesn't matter the skin color or ethnic background. Racism is racism. In some isolated areas of the US this was taught for a short period of time, but thankfully it was eventually squashed and a lot of blood was spilt as the price of it. The politics you mention try to keep this memory alive in a one sided way, but that's another argument (and maybe even worse).

From what I understand, there are a lot of muslims living peacefully in Israel who have reject this blind hatred. The rest of the radicals need to follow their example. These muslims need to stand up against the radicals... and probably burn their flags in a mass protest. The problems is the radicals will see this as an act of war and start killing their peaceful brothers. What this all boils down to is a very long running islamic civil war that drags others into it who don't want any part of it. It's sad that the 3 major islam sects in the middle east can't get along with each other... and haven't for centuries... and they all essentially believe the same thing.

Problem is that Israel is often taking innocent civilians from Palestine as hostages, just like Hamas did to Israel before hostages were exchanged for each other. Abducting an unarmed civilian outside of one's jurisdiction to hold without charges is not a legal arrest by international standards. Doesn't matter what one calls it when the rules are broken. The provocations of a few has to stop before the good people on both sides can start to forgive each other.
