HDR Is A Scam?


International price is $500, and it's fair enough too.

Shipping the electromagnet is near $100 on its own.
I can confirm international shipping is very costly for the HDR. I sent one back to HDRKID in 2013. It cost around 70$ (CAD) to ship it. The magnet is very heavy.

That being said, I feel that 500$ is a lot of money when you compare it to the 320$ or 360$ price Gibbs used to ask ... 5 years ago maybe? Nothing happened (as far as I know) that explains such an increase. Shipping has been expensive all along, and the parts to build the HDR pretty much cost the same as before.


Junior Member
I can confirm international shipping is very costly for the HDR. I sent one back to HDRKID in 2013. It cost around 70$ (CAD) to ship it. The magnet is very heavy.

That being said, I feel that 500$ is a lot of money when you compare it to the 320$ or 360$ price Gibbs used to ask ... 5 years ago maybe? Nothing happened (as far as I know) that explains such an increase. Shipping has been expensive all along, and the parts to build the HDR pretty much cost the same as True prices go up, postage becomes more expensive especially with the China trade war, so when you're outlaying extra coin is pays to be cautious about your investment.


Junior Member
True prices go up but that follows with expectations going up. No one wants to spend more money on something that may not deliver. People expect more for their money not less.


Senior Member
I can confirm international shipping is very costly for the HDR. I sent one back to HDRKID in 2013. It cost around 70$ (CAD) to ship it. The magnet is very heavy.

That being said, I feel that 500$ is a lot of money when you compare it to the 320$ or 360$ price Gibbs used to ask ... 5 years ago maybe? Nothing happened (as far as I know) that explains such an increase. Shipping has been expensive all along, and the parts to build the HDR pretty much cost the same as before.
Did you send the HDR back to HDRKID because it didnt time travel, and do any of your other HDRs actually time-travel?...I included in a members posting, about buying a pre-made electromagnet from an online company..

From what i recall the cost of the electromagnet including the post and package was only about $40...The electromagnet also looked very professionally constructed...Buyers of HDRs simply need to research, "Electromagnets For Sale", you might find a company near to where you are :)..


Back in 2012, HDRKID lent me an HDR device for testing. I shipped it back sometime later in 2013. I bought it from him several years later. Now it's somewhere in a closet, haven't used it in years. I'm thinking about it every once in a while, but never really get to use it. I was able to experience several times the feeling of almost having an out-of-body experience. That free-fall feeling. Pretty scary, I was never able to feel that while meditating or anything, without the HDR.

Is it possible to get a magnet that works for the HDR, elsewhere from a company? Can you show us? I'm curious about this. The magnet that comes with the HDR appears well made to me, but I haven't seen tons of them.


Senior Member
Back in 2012, HDRKID lent me an HDR device for testing. I shipped it back sometime later in 2013. I bought it from him several years later. Now it's somewhere in a closet, haven't used it in years. I'm thinking about it every once in a while, but never really get to use it. I was able to experience several times the feeling of almost having an out-of-body experience. That free-fall feeling. Pretty scary, I was never able to feel that while meditating or anything, without the HDR.

Is it possible to get a magnet that works for the HDR, elsewhere from a company? Can you show us? I'm curious about this. The magnet that comes with the HDR appears well made to me, but I haven't seen tons of them.
Ok, so you havent Time-Travelled yet....I cant remember the name of the company i spoke about in my posting on here...The magnet and wiring used in an HDR is just a small and basic electromagnet..
Check out this company in Canada...
Jobmaster Magnets Canada inc...Telephone, 905-337-8500..


Senior Member
Flypaper and pea shooter thread. Key question is, "why discount the use and verification of an HDR? What would be the motive for doing such?


Senior Member
Some people have a knee-jerk reaction to anything paranormal and instantly assume bunk.
I don't KNOW that it works but that's only because I haven't tried it.
TRY something before you assume it doesn't work.
Also if it's 500 dollars international what about if you live in the states?
