Ren's General Comments


Senior Member
Ren, shouldn't you be able to locate her much easier than us? I was reading a thread yesterday (she hasn't posted in a few yrs) and in that thread from 2006, she almost seemed disappointed and sad being out of touch with John Titor. I felt as if she almost had an emotional connection with JT.

Nothing like that. I believe she spoke on a radio show not too long ago.


Senior Member
Maybe maybe not but you asked to be debunked did you not? It is a simple test question of my own. Something that haunts me for my being a witness to it. I know what the two websites said... apparently I am the only one aside from the sites creators. I know what which presidency John Titor is running for and what year... It was most likely a joke on his part.... Possibly it was a sign post of some kind for that time back in 03. So far I have never met another that knew the answer.

It was a joke. I have no ability to lead by popular vote. I'm more of a bureaucrat and manipulator than anything.


Senior Member
I didn't prove you wrong...Reality did...again and again. I'm not trying to bait you into anything. I'm not hurt or angry. I just compare what people like you say to what is real. I'm not trying to be rude or mean...just honest. Something you might try.

Well, at any rate, your response is much friendlier than the last. Be well!


Senior Member
I'm wondering how many people in the world missed my Ron Paul comment.
I'm guessing most people missed it.
Any of you catch my comment? What are your thoughts?


Senior Member
2011 November 2nd
The Federal Reserve Bank is no longer attempting to adjust the market. A DOW Jones market crash may be imminent.
Meanwhile a Georgia Militia plots against the Department of Justice.
History does not have to go down like this in a bloody mess. We can all still stop this.


Senior Member
If I was a time traveler, this is how I would answer this person's questions.

"Don't you feel bad traveling to the past knowing that people will suffer pain and die in the same way?"

I feel bad when anyone dies. Knowing how they are going to die and telling them how to avoid death is useless. They will still eat the same diet because they are chemically and neurologically wired to act the way they do. They are also wired to seek out dangerous situations and risk accidents. This is predestination of a sort.

"If you have the technology to change past events, what keeps you from changing them?"

If I could place myself in the grassy knoll and put my sights on Lee Harvey Oswald and shoot him before he shot John F. Kennedy, would I do that? No. Kennedy was destined to be assassinated as his brother Bobby and Martin Luther King was destined. These events shape society. But if I could tell a Russian that U.S. nukes are not in the air and avert him from launching causing the deaths of millions of people all over the world, that would be an important mission to accomplish.

"Why go back in time for a computer or a computer emulator when you could probably find those things in your future? Why not go back in time and stop the radiation by stopping a nuclear war?"

That is a good question. The answer being that I have very little influence. I'm posting on conspiracy websites. Most people will not heed my warnings. Now the computer story must be false. I don't need a computer from the past to fix the future. I needed to put a computer from the future into the past to stop a cascade of terrible events from unfolding. I'm also very interested in ways to reduce radiation in the soil and water. That is one of the reasons I'm in Japan. And yes, Tokyo has radiated sand. I don't need to go to Fukushima to do this work.

"What is a big risk of traveling into the past?"

I'm putting families in danger around me. I'm putting people who interact with me in danger. There are psychopaths that follow people who claim to be time travelers around. Ironic, isn't it.

"If you could go back and save Jesus, would you?"

Apollonius Jesus never died on the cross. He was symbolically crucified. I am deeply angry that people have the Internet yet they do not look into the historical basis for the Biblical fictional Jesus. That indicates a primitive mindset.

"Will the future be ruled by the Borg?"

Funny. The future will be ruled by the wealthy who can de-list websites without due process of law.
The future will be ruled by e-vote-cheating and we'll not do anything about it.
Or the future will be ruled by the people who are tired of being exploited.
It is up to you. It is up to us all. But as long as we don't question who Jesus was. As long as we don't question what the FED is doing, there is no hope. Only blood. There will be blood.


I would tell a time traveler "Good Luck on your mission!" Hope when you cash your paycheck when you get back was it worth it! We never get good news from any would be or real TT.
