School Shootings


Junior Member
The real world isn't as fantastical as a conspiracy theory, usually the mundane easy explanation is the real one.


Senior Member
The real world isn't as fantastical as a conspiracy theory, usually the mundane easy explanation is the real one.

Ok then a clumsy weak 20 year old with congenital conditions that prevent him from sweating or feeling physical pain became rambo , got into a secure school, and shoot a bunch of children because he hated his mommy, locked his rifle he killed everyone with back in the trunk of his car then went back into the school to kill himself with a hand gun.

and 19 arabs did the 911 attacks because they hated freedom.

stupid. Notions like that are just stupid.


Junior Member
What they need to do is ban assault rifles. Why they allowed them to be owned and sold in the first place is senseless. The word "assault" implies their nature quite well.

They also need to implement stricter licensing requirements. Sadly a lot of times, the people who tend to flip the s*** are ones with very little to no criminal history. However they need to dig deeper than that. Give each individual a full mental examination. Make sure there are no hidden fallacies.

Perhaps every six to eight months make it mandatory that all licensed gun holders have another extensive criminal and mental check.

Perhaps have fingerprint embedding on guns. That will only let who its registered to use it. Yeah they would cost a fortune. But that is the point. Only let those who have the money buy them. How often do you see some psycho going to spend 5,000 for a piece?

They need to do something. I have successfully avoided movie theaters and malls lately. I would like to go back at some point...

Yeah, because if there had been a ban on assault rifles, the deranged lunatic wouldnt have used two pistols (as the very first report stated) or a shotgun (which can be bought at Walmart for $189.00) or a knife (purchased at any gas station). The idea that banning anything would have prevented this is absolutely ludicrous. Like banning alcohol would prevent drinking or drunk driving. Like banning drugs has prevented people from using them. More bans = More Black Market = More Crime = More Criminals = More Jails = More Tax Payer Money....and on and on.

I understand the initial reaction to take away peoples rights to own WHATEVER this person "allegedly" used to MURDER CHILDREN, but the fact of the matter remains that it happened and NOTHING would have prevented it, or it simply would not have happened. A deeper inquiry into our souls is what is necessary here. Not taking away peoples constitutional rights, be it assault rifles or the right to carry a concealed handgun. People that want to kill simply find a way. Hyper-vigilance, preparedness, and awareness are the prevention.


Junior Member
The real world isn't as fantastical as a conspiracy theory, usually the mundane easy explanation is the real one.

Ok then a clumsy weak 20 year old with congenital conditions that prevent him from sweating or feeling physical pain became rambo , got into a secure school, and shoot a bunch of children because he hated his mommy, locked his rifle he killed everyone with back in the trunk of his car then went back into the school to kill himself with a hand gun.

and 19 arabs did the 911 attacks because they hated freedom.

stupid. Notions like that are just stupid.

Simple human error in relaying facts is alot more believable than a conspiracy, in my opinion.


Senior Member
Are you trying to bump off a post with your triple postings?

Also I posted facts. facts from the horses mouths. You have the power to click and watch. You can choose to follow through with web serchs and link verifications.... If you choose not to, then it is your right to wallow in ignorance and foolishness. Just do us all a big favour though and wallow quietly.


Junior Member
I wasnt degrading anyone personally or their opinions. I just feel like turning this whole thing into tabloid fodder is sort of disrespectful to those people. Sorry you felt i was doing that to you.


Senior Member
I wasnt degrading anyone personally or their opinions. I just feel like turning this whole thing into tabloid fodder is sort of disrespectful to those people. Sorry you felt i was doing that to you.

Not to me personally ,but to the whole of us at large and it is degrading to have our research compared to "tabloid fodder."

That is why you are highly offensive.

And distracting. Tell us Galileo have you been pooring over the news coverage, rewinding and rewatching vids, looking for any inconsistencies and then double checking that with others to confirm that you have indeed found inconsistencies?

Have you done anything aside from watching TV and Judging others online?
