Debate Should we change events if we have the abilty to time travel?


Isn't science a branch of philosophy

Philosophy can be seen as study of the fundamentals. Philosophy can also a theory. Both are right.

It is just the moon isn't made of socks... If only...

See i have a beef with scientist that publishes all these claims and mathematics and people simply accept it. Partly because they like the idea or they did the same math and got the same conclusion.

Me, i question stuff. i want to know how on earth they got the idea that a multiverse exist. Fundamentally it is only speculation. i mean we haven't even figured out what gravity is. We know what it does, we know how to calculate it and so on but we have no clue what causes gravity. Google it yourself but really dig into it because there is a lot of "not credible" stuff lurking around so make sure to find the source of the research you are presented with.

So i like to sit back and truly think about stuff. A multiverse cannot exist. And YES there was a time where i honestly believed it was possible. But now i know that we live in a universe. I know for a fact that time is linear and while i was staring at my screen i just realized that a time loop is impossible.

So lets get into the time loop. :coffee::coffee::coffee:o_O

Lets say i got my sock charged it with a billion lighting strikes and enchant it with the secret wand of secrets. Now i can open a door to my past. All good right i am going to travel back to 21 year old me and i am going to introduce 21 year old to the magic bullet of death. I see that handsome devil studying in his room walk up to him from behind and end him.

Now i will disappear. From that point on words i will no longer exist in any time line.

But wait a darn minute there Label! IF you do not exist and go back in time then the trigger cannot be pulled!

Well you are 100% correct. However i didn't kill poor 21 year old me. The wound did. And even if the bullet disappear along with future me the wound will not. See the wound became the "immediate past and future" and thus future me, my supper conductor sock and the secret wand of secrets are no longer needed nor the bullet that did me in. Because the wound was created in that time line, and it will continue to exist in that time line. Thus the "time loop" cannot occur because there is no future me to go back in time.

Sorry for the use of colors i just thought it would be easier to follow.



science is based off observation which can be inaccurate. Without understanding what causes your senses to observe the external world correctly not logically but impiracally, anything could be causing any image for you too see. Each image is as likely to be an accurate image of the external world as the last because without understand nothing makes any image more likely to be a false representation.

i think therefore i am... Or is it i am therefore i think?

As per usual that is brilliant way to look at things. Yes fundamentally we live in a mental construct and really have no idea how things look feel or taste. we cannot say that the sky is blue or the sea is red. We simply don't know.

That is why mathematics is the handwriting of God. See if i rig a instrument calibrate it and test it then i get quantifiable information that can be recreated and retested. Thus ruling out the human variable. But how sure am i that my test was done right and that i done it correctly.

How sure am i about anything?

That is the question isn't it? Well the only answer i can present is that we have no choice but to trust our selves in our observations.


Active Member
Philosophy can be seen as study of the fundamentals. Philosophy can also a theory. Both are right.

It is just the moon isn't made of socks... If only...

See i have a beef with scientist that publishes all these claims and mathematics and people simply accept it. Partly because they like the idea or they did the same math and got the same conclusion.

Me, i question stuff. i want to know how on earth they got the idea that a multiverse exist. Fundamentally it is only speculation. i mean we haven't even figured out what gravity is. We know what it does, we know how to calculate it and so on but we have no clue what causes gravity. Google it yourself but really dig into it because there is a lot of "not credible" stuff lurking around so make sure to find the source of the research you are presented with.

So i like to sit back and truly think about stuff. A multiverse cannot exist. And YES there was a time where i honestly believed it was possible. But now i know that we live in a universe. I know for a fact that time is linear and while i was staring at my screen i just realized that a time loop is impossible.

So lets get into the time loop. :coffee::coffee::coffee:o_O

Lets say i got my sock charged it with a billion lighting strikes and enchant it with the secret wand of secrets. Now i can open a door to my past. All good right i am going to travel back to 21 year old me and i am going to introduce 21 year old to the magic bullet of death. I see that handsome devil studying in his room walk up to him from behind and end him.

Now i will disappear. From that point on words i will no longer exist in any time line.

But wait a darn minute there Label! IF you do not exist and go back in time then the trigger cannot be pulled!

Well you are 100% correct. However i didn't kill poor 21 year old me. The wound did. And even if the bullet disappear along with future me the wound will not. See the wound became the "immediate past and future" and thus future me, my supper conductor sock and the secret wand of secrets are no longer needed nor the bullet that did me in. Because the wound was created in that time line, and it will continue to exist in that time line. Thus the "time loop" cannot occur because there is no future me to go back in time.

Sorry for the use of colors i just thought it would be easier to follow.

Isn't you the killed you the present you? And time being rewound is in the future and not the past relative to before matter was reoriented.


Active Member
Philosophy can be seen as study of the fundamentals. Philosophy can also a theory. Both are right.

It is just the moon isn't made of socks... If only...

See i have a beef with scientist that publishes all these claims and mathematics and people simply accept it. Partly because they like the idea or they did the same math and got the same conclusion.

Me, i question stuff. i want to know how on earth they got the idea that a multiverse exist. Fundamentally it is only speculation. i mean we haven't even figured out what gravity is. We know what it does, we know how to calculate it and so on but we have no clue what causes gravity. Google it yourself but really dig into it because there is a lot of "not credible" stuff lurking around so make sure to find the source of the research you are presented with.

So i like to sit back and truly think about stuff. A multiverse cannot exist. And YES there was a time where i honestly believed it was possible. But now i know that we live in a universe. I know for a fact that time is linear and while i was staring at my screen i just realized that a time loop is impossible.

So lets get into the time loop. :coffee::coffee::coffee:o_O

Lets say i got my sock charged it with a billion lighting strikes and enchant it with the secret wand of secrets. Now i can open a door to my past. All good right i am going to travel back to 21 year old me and i am going to introduce 21 year old to the magic bullet of death. I see that handsome devil studying in his room walk up to him from behind and end him.

Now i will disappear. From that point on words i will no longer exist in any time line.

But wait a darn minute there Label! IF you do not exist and go back in time then the trigger cannot be pulled!

Well you are 100% correct. However i didn't kill poor 21 year old me. The wound did. And even if the bullet disappear along with future me the wound will not. See the wound became the "immediate past and future" and thus future me, my supper conductor sock and the secret wand of secrets are no longer needed nor the bullet that did me in. Because the wound was created in that time line, and it will continue to exist in that time line. Thus the "time loop" cannot occur because there is no future me to go back in time.

Sorry for the use of colors i just it would be easier to follow.

Objects could be contained by a ts substance. No space in-between substances. These objects by definition are separate from the substance surrounds it. Everything is base and cannot be divided into an infinite amount of smaller parts because every object cannot move itself. The substance surrounding the other substance has no distance to move to cause the surrounded substance to move because otherwise nothing would cause it to move towards the other substance, interacting because of pressure? To move, the third substance abstractly exists to cause the other two substances to never stop moving? Ever substance abstractly is base but dimensions are not, because the substance exists having dimensions. the dimensions themselves could be every possibility for how everything interact in every way.

I need to describe what the object looks like because without doing that I only describe what it can not do, the recitation of the interactions. Is storing a copy of an observation all that thought is? how can something be stored?

how does a barrier exist? when something that cant mix with something else, because of the difference. parallel universes could exist because gravity can exist in multiple dimensions.

Thought is not two inanimate objects colliding.
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Temporal Engineer
How do you guys explain the guy that goes back in time and has sex with his mother, thus becoming his own father?


How do you guys explain the guy that goes back in time and has sex with his mother, thus becoming his own father?

First i would like to outline a few factors.
he had to be there doing "the deed" at the exact time.
the conditions surrounding this "action" had to be perfect.

As a scientist you can calculate the odds and it is less then zero. There is just no way he can be his own father. Not because of the rules of time travel but "timing itself" cannot allow for it. There are simply to many variables not to mention genetics.

Without going into detail the strongest swimmer will "win" there is no way for him to grantee that he will be the strongest swimmer. Why? well unless he has magical control over his genetics there is a 1 in 180 million chance that he would be a winner. That means he had to get everything right "first time" and not to mention the environmental aspects. Add to that other genetic principles things will get even less lightly.

i think what we have here is a "plot mechanic" and i don't think there is any real grounds. Yes the possibility exist but everything else is really almost impossible.


Objects could be contained by a ts substance. No space in-between substances. These objects by definition are separate from the substance surrounds it. Everything is base and cannot be divided into an infinite amount of smaller parts because every object cannot move itself. The substance surrounding the other substance has no distance to move to cause the surrounded substance to move because otherwise nothing would cause it to move towards the other substance, interacting because of pressure? To move, the third substance abstractly exists to cause the other two substances to never stop moving? Ever substance abstractly is base but dimensions are not, because the substance exists having dimensions. the dimensions themselves could be every possibility for how everything interact in every way.

I need to describe what the object looks like because without doing that I only describe what it can not do, the recitation of the interactions. Is storing a copy of an observation all that thought is? how can something be stored?

how does a barrier exist? when something that cant mix with something else, because of the difference. parallel universes could exist because gravity can exist in multiple dimensions.

Thought is not two inanimate objects colliding.

yes but space is not the factor as much as energy. Energy density has a limit to it as well.

Lets assume for a moment i can take a piece of gold and manage to pack more gold into it on a atomic level. At some point the atoms will be so tightly backed that the energy between them will become critical. Not to mention that it will be heavy as all hell. BUT because the earth has pulsation of 7.83 hertz it is safe to say its density has been unaffected for many years.

But lets get back to the thought experiment. What you will see when object becomes "so packed" it cannot move the energies WILL interact violently and you might find yourself in a state of fusion. There is really no telling at this point what will happen but it will be hot because all that energy has to go somewhere and as we all know most of the time it simply just get hot. But getting hot on this scale can be bad as it will not get hot slowly.

See a material in this state will probably form what some call High Mass Elements. Now you are welcome to google that. But i think you will reach critical mass long before that and the result will be something like a "Protostar or star or plasma but it will be hot" or some forum of fusion. Simply put atoms are claustrophobic they don't like to get trapped and when they do they start to react erratically.
