The Dulce Base

Carl Miller

Active Member
There are no rumors, no speculations-Yet if you insist to play the wise sceptic I have an answer to you- you must be feeling yourself great to be ridiculing the existence of ET communities in military bases. OK I clap hands to you. Another fool among hundred thousands. The rich are so glad there are so many moron types who keep on making fun of these whistle blowers who risk their lives to tell the absolute truth.

walt willis

Senior Member
There are no rumors, no speculations-Yet if you insist to play the wise sceptic I have an answer to you- you must be feeling yourself great to be ridiculing the existence of ET communities in military bases. OK I clap hands to you. Another fool among hundred thousands. The rich are so glad there are so many moron types who keep on making fun of these whistle blowers who risk their lives to tell the absolute truth.

My question to you Carl is: Who do you believe is the person that has ridiculed the report of the Dulce base?
I do firmly believe that the report is a true report and have friends that have first hand knowledge of working at the base.
The last time I questioned them they denied ever telling me about their working there.
I think they were told to shut up and stop telling people anything.

Carl Miller

Active Member
There are no rumors, no speculations-Yet if you insist to play the wise sceptic I have an answer to you- you must be feeling yourself great to be ridiculing the existence of ET communities in military bases. OK I clap hands to you. Another fool among hundred thousands. The rich are so glad there are so many moron types who keep on making fun of these whistle blowers who risk their lives to tell the absolute truth.
My question to you Carl is: Who do you believe is the person that has ridiculed the report of the Dulce base?
I do firmly believe that the report is a true report and have friends that have first hand knowledge of working at the base.
The last time I questioned them they denied ever telling me about their working there.
I think they were told to shut up and stop tellingdo e anything.

I do not know the person who has ridiculed the report of the Dulce base. Perhaps my comments on Whistleblowers are affected by a hurt feeling for Schneider's murder. What do they gain on exterminating people like Schneider-question. Well they just entronized him as a martyr and gave weight to Schneider s complaints. i only know, Walt, that people have offered their own lives in the alter of truth. Meanwhile back how would you judge these freelancing false investigators, you know there are many, you must have experienced yourself, they know nothing and pretend to know everything, and enjoy making fun of the true investigators.
i have experienced the alien reality myself as an abductee. You must have experienced the truth on Alien existence yourself. i hold grudges from being made fun of when i first told my true story and that did not happen on this website. i still hold grudges for Schneider s death. And i had never met him in my life nor known of his existence until he was killed .
i know from my own experience many et species are housed in the underground facilities. i have met them myself upon the so called astral plane from these facilities. They operate on the etheric realm as effectively as they do in our reality. i pray people go on thinking i am a liar, i am internet clown for the stupid jokes i tell. But when it is time to speak the truth let s speak the truth. Now if someone wishes to make fun of my experiences when i am telling the truth i have an answer to him....
The way i express may sound strange as if i were fighting an invisible enemy. That s cultural issue, i ve got an italian temperament.
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walt willis

Senior Member
I grew up in an Italian neighborhood and miss the food back there in DE.
Many friends and family are from Italy.
Now back to your being aware of the aliens on earth...
I do believe you were in contact with them and would ask if you ever heard of a guy named Jim Sparks?
I also believe his report because he explained things that only a person abducted would know about.
I do not like the folks that play games with a hoax that come here to make fun of people.
Glad to see you feel the same way.

Carl Miller

Active Member
sNo, i do not know Jim Sparks. But i am going to search for his story on Google. Extraterrestrial entities while on Earth they often get self conscious inclined to be suspicious cause they sort of feel some feeling of aversion to us human. Let s say that they get jealous of the individual they have empowered. The power has to do to magnetism, the knowledge of it, how to use it to obtain their goals. They have a multi faceted sophisticated skillful know how on the usage of this force, magnetism. The so called multi faceted knowledge includes the usage of the energy called Prana which is the natural energy emanated from flora and fauna, stones, the Earth s many tatwas the subtleties and complexities when these referred tatwas or principles marry with the human bioenergetic field and its implications. They are fascinated by this kind of Science. So much so that it is understandable as once happened to me after having bent a little metal utensil in front of my sister married to a man who travels around the world searching for mysteries from Pyramids to archeological sites from antiquity. Well the explanation they both gave to my phenomenon was that it inscribes within the mysteries of magnetism. And when i heard people claiming to know something about ets, when they start and insist in talking about the things the alien like, the art of magnetism, the cycles of 7 years, the mystical number 9 that representes the circle. Someone else may provide a more complete and sophisticated version for what i am trying to describe, since he does not know what he is talking about, only repeating what he reads from google. What good will that do...these people i call them snobs and real clowns.
Abductees empowered, so to say, by the alien energy combined with their own energetic field, they somehow show a recurrent behavior. Resonating with the alien feelings of aversion and fear for humans the abductees develop a tendency to recriminate their fellow humans. Let me provide an example from the Bible. Moses was an initiate of the egypt mysteries and he was chosen to channel the alien force at his time. Notice how Moses' behavior is deeply affected by his mentors. Observe how he starts to create laws to take over the people under his command.
I said it once and i will do it again, alien just loves a process called Alchemy. Transformation, hybridization, movement towards improvement and so on so forth.
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Carl Miller

Active Member
Dan Sherman, Travis Walton, and few more out there may be of some interest to you.

I realize what they have been through cause I have experienced something alike.
Something worth wondering would be questioning on the consequences such an impact would have in the experiencer life. What role a mystical experience like this would play in someone s life. That is how secret societies name a close encounter to entities from other dimensions. What kind of impact would the magnetic alien devices have on someine exposed to them. Cause where there are these beings alien devices will be found. How monitoring implanted devices would affect somebody s health. Dr. Roger Leir studied that. How being exposed to a bilateral 4th dimensional creatures would impact mental health. The role these encounters play in inducing self destruction called suicide. What happened to my late wife.
These beings infiltrated in our house going through the walls scratching the furniture stepping on the roof producing strange otherworldly noises, In other words, uncle Sam friend-i can relate to my late wife s and my own experiences.
With the course of time we ,me and my late wife would be getting info from other people s experiences that corroborated ours.
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Senior Member
Hi Walt:
I did read "The Keepers" by Jim Sparks, and I am not sure. Well, I can only speak about my experiences. The aliens I saw did not abduct me. Also, they did not do experiments on me. He is right about the aliens having a sense of humor that seems warp to us. I will tell you that aliens hate humans more than you can imagine.
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Hi Carl:
Thank you for sharing you experiences with us. I will share some of mine with you.

Back when I was six, I was on the ship with them. Two little alien girls walked into the room. Both had hair as white as snow. Little fairy princesses ran over hugged and kissed me. Well, they were skipping, and they wanted to go skipping with me. I said. "I cannot skip because boys are not allowed to skip and girls are not allowed to whistle - that is how it is."

They said "HUH?" Both said in unison. "Ah, we can whistle some." After that, they started making noises.

Later they wanted to play jump rope. I said. "Boys are not allowed to play jump rope. It is sissy."

They said. "That is not true, boxers do jump rope."

I said. "OK, I will try some... nobody better laugh at me."

I fell a few times, but no one laughed and they told me to get up and try again.

After playing games... all of us were hungry and they brought out bowls of soup.

Little girls started slurping the warm soup.

I said. "People are not allowed to slurp soup... or make noises."

They said. "Hey, you are not on earth any more. Please try to have fun now."

Well, I did notice that they had many games. However, none involved hitting me.

Boys in human school liked to get in fights and throw rocks at duck in a pond, but I thought that was mean.

I lived on a farm, and I like animals, and try to be nice. However, the boys enjoy causing pain.

Aliens were telepathic and told me that I was one of them and that I felt sad on earth,
but not to worry. They would come to see me again soon.


walt willis

Senior Member
Boys can't...Girls can't...
I don't think they hate as much as they loath us because of the way we treat each other in a power hungry controlling way.
FREEDOM! This is what is missing in the human world and that is why we are incompatible to the aliens.
Take some time to give it more thought by looking at the world of human TV news.
Maybe you may gain more insight as to how we appear to intelligent life not of this earth.
