Time to Build It


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
i am still alive, trying to meet with Dr Y , aour timing is hard i work all the time and so does he, as soon as i get some more $$$ selling my RM, i will start again , around october, i already posted the plan here if you are looking for the solution,
i always say it , here it is again, forget all you where endoctrinated in school its all a lie, no real physician ( neil Degrassi and his pals ) will ever tell you the truth about time travel, the philadelphia experiment was a sucess and so was the montauk, the US secret navy , have it for a very long time, they already have a control agency that track down time traveller who use hard to control machine, the HDR, the RM and all the other radionic machine dont register on there scan thats why i am still allowed to roam free after 15 years
time travel : frequency , energy ,gravity )
frequency is the stronghold of reality , it is in tune with us all from the day we are born, what i call temporal signature
energy : the level of energy does not need to be high, its all about the number 3. most of the power on the eldrige was in 12 vdc and equivalent
gravity : gravity is what gets you over the threshold , what open the gate to slip. like the nice creamy center of the chocolate eclair, without it , all you have is a mix of ingreditent that dont do much
there you have it and ho wait here is the plan
Revise BJK FC2.jpg


Active Member
hello what do you mean Radionic machine don't work are u saying the HDR Unit for time travel don't work..also how do they track u down when time travel? write back thank you.


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
hello what do you mean Radionic machine don't work are u saying the HDR Unit for time travel don't work..also how do they track u down when time travel? write back thank you.
Radionic usually do dimensional slippage, i would say they do work in a form but not with any form of precision, trust me we tried so much, and never had good result,

i am looking to sell more RM unit, i need funds to do the project and its the only honest way to make money by making something i am good at, thank you for your comprehension


this is the last draw, i made a rant video about returning to the past to most of the millenial here listen to this and grow the fuck up dont ever come and ask me to change the past
I saw the beginning of this video, and I agree partially with you're saying, hence your like from me. However, we can argue till blue about whether one can change the past or not. In my case, I'll say let's agree to disagree, and to each his own.

Additionally, unlike numerous others on this site, and many others, my motive is to look at the bigger picture and change things that are important, rather than changing personal mistakes. Nonetheless, I'm not asking you to change anything in the past for me, nor would I want you to, or anyone else who isn't willing to. I also don't want others to do such a thing without my participation; I want to contribute at least something, hopefully a great deal.

Important note: I do not wish to start a debate here; I only want to give you and others some food for thought. You may disagree with me, but if you do, that's your thing, and I respect what you believe. I hope I'm not wasting your time.


Active Member
look here i thought if you can change the past if you may end up in the different timeline that what i was thinking of..for example to save someone life i just wonder something would you be in the different timeline or not? or the same timeline.
another question can you preach the good news of Jesus christ to them in the past and see this A Time Travelers Blog - Temporal Tales Of Time Traveling Triumph

there this guy went to the Titiaic ship and save someone from that ship and she is alive from that sinking ship.
by the way and took her to the the present time and now the Time Cop is after this brother from this form Mysticinvestigations.com
is this all true can you really save someone from the past and or put a something in the past with thing from the future product and put it in the past like for example a watch...put it in the past and seee this watch in the future time line you see here there is more to time travel than to sit and do noting write back anybody i just saying that Mysticinvestigations.com it up to you believe it or not trueo or not.
