Titor's 2001 Predictions Compared to 2011 Curent Time


Senior Member
John Titor told us a civil war was coming. Well, here it is. Perhaps we need to understand that all time lines are not the same. Still, I see what he saw. It will get worse. This is just the beginning my fine ones. Stay strong and survive.



Good video HDRKID! The occupy movement is now global! Every city or country John Titor mentioned, look at them now!

Melbourne, Australia three days ago!


Posted by John Titor on 02-21-2001 08:45 AM

((Just wanted to recommend a book I think might tell you volumes about present macro socio-economic conditions that lay the foundation for the evolving political divisions you state lead to a civil war in the US in the near future.
The book is "When Corporations Rule the World" by John C. Korten.))

I’ll look for it, thanks. I have a couple for you. The Nine Nations of North America and/or The Physics of Immortality (anyone recognize this author).


To much intelect for a hoaxter!


Junior Member

To much intelect for a hoaxter!

Certainly you're not attributing the intellect here to John Titor, are you? The first qoute in your post

((Just wanted to recommend a book I think might tell you volumes about present macro socio-economic conditions that lay the foundation for the evolving political divisions you state lead to a civil war in the US in the near future.
The book is "When Corporations Rule the World" by John C. Korten.))

was made by Roy Meserve, not Titor. Titor had never heard of the book. Meserver also posted

Posted by Roy Meserve on 02-13-2001 06:43 PM

A most compelling story and an interesting person. I am no scientist so cannot question adequately the physics invol-
ved in such endeavors- but I could not understand Al Bielek and his recounting of the science behind the Montauk episode
either, but I know he was telling the truth.

So, Roy believed Al Bielek thus Titor must also be the real deal.

As to the reference to Frank Tipler's book "The Physics of Immortality", it was a pop-sci/atl-sci best seller released in 1995. Boomer, the author of the Titor posts, had done some homework. But it's hard to credit him for any brrilliance on that one when you consider that Tipler's entire thesis in the book concerns the alt-sci/Internet forum-sci "Omega Point Theory". If you look at his opening lines introducing Chapter 12 "The Omega Point Theory and Christianity" he writes that he is an atheist followed by

I do not even believe in the Omega Point. The Omega Point Theory is a viable scientific theory of the future of the physical universe, but the only evidence in its favour at the moment is theoretical beauty, for there is as yet no confirming experimental evidence for it. Thus scientifically one is not compelled to accept it at the time of my writing these words.

Just brilliant. Tipler, at the time, had you pay him about $25.00 so you could read about his "theory" only to find after reading the first 11 chapters that he doesn't actually believe his theory.

Joel Garreau's book, "The Nine Nations of North America", talks about splitting the country into 9 political-economic areas. Titor talked about 5. Titor also said that the US Constitution looked (in his world) pretty much the same as today after "a few small changes in the Executive Branch" giving it 5 regional Presidents that split the country up into five areas based on their defensive and economic needs. Take a look at the Constitution as written today, add another level of government with five Presidents and ask yourself how Article I, Article II, Article III and Article IV could possibly survive with any resemblance to our current Constitution. He didn't do his homework here or he was simply horse-laughing at the posters knowing that few had ever actually read the document - ever.

Not so brilliant.


I was refering to Titor's Intelect. He gave a lot of hits Mr Darby! Lets investigate!! You were there!

Posted by John Titor on 02-21-2001 08:45 AM

((Just wanted to recommend a book I think might tell you volumes about present macro socio-economic conditions that lay the foundation for the evolving political divisions you state lead to a civil war in the US in the near future.
The book is "When Corporations Rule the World" by John C. Korten.))

I’ll look for it, thanks. I have a couple for you. The Nine Nations of North America and/or The Physics of Immortality (anyone recognize this author).

[ Note the author is Tipler!]

Posted by John Titor on 02-01-2001 08:36 AM

The 5100 had a very simple and unique feature that IBM did not account for and decided it was not in their best interest to advertise (which in hindsight was not very smart). This accidental feature was thus removed from any future desktop computers. In order to take advantage of this feature, the 5100 I have now required a couple of special “tweaks” that had to be done by one of the software engineers in 1975. Anyone who is familiar with this feature and was told to keep their mouth shut about it will be able to tell you what it is.

Yes we still have toilet tissue and some people still suffer from extreme anal fixation.

I have noticed and gotten used to the act of verbal conflict as a cathartic entertainment. I don’t totally understand it but I take no offense by it either. Perhaps we could just arm wrestle some day and still be able to have a pleasant conversation.

The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over. The civil war in the United States will start in 2004. I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse. The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012 and end in 2015 with a very short WWIII.

The source of power for the C204 that allows it to distort and manipulate gravity comes from two microsingularities that were created, captured and cleaned at a much larger and “circular” facility. The dual event horizons of each one and their mass is manipulated by injecting electrons onto the surface of their respective ergospheres. The electricity comes from batteries. The breakthrough that will allow for this technology will occur within a year or so when CERN brings their larger facility online.

Perhaps it would have been clearer to state that the math has been around since 1970. I would urge you to examine the properties of Kerr black holes and Tipler cylinders. An actual working prototype was first tested in 2034. On my worldline, time travel is not a public recreation but we are all aware that it exists. You may be disappointed to know that the ability to manipulate gravity is not the technical challenge that had to be overcome. Miniaturizing the clocks and sensors, creating clever ways to vent x-rays and creating a computer system dependable enough to calculate the changes required to the field were the main challenges. There are no missing pieces…just missing energy levels and a few very interesting subatomic particles.

I know Roy was only suggesting that book!

Whats really interesting today is that the 5 section split is being discussed and talked about as we speak! Lets see a question Titor answered!

Posted by John Titor on 02-02-2001 06:34 AM

If you could change one thing about your government right now, what would it be?

The United States is still a representative republic in 2036 but it was touch and go for a while. After the war, the U.S. had divided into 5 general areas based on their economic and defensive strengths. Many people blamed the government organization for the war and the last Constitutional Congress was held in 2020 to officially scrap the Constitution and start over. Fortunately, this exercise in anger pointed out how hard it was to come up with anything better. It was decided the document wasn’t at fault. As a result, there have been a few small changes to the Constitution and the executive branch but you would easily recognize it. The average citizen is more educated about the Constitution and aware of the rights and responsibilities it gives them. Federal power has been decentralized and the focus of daily politics is in the state senates. Federal law has also been streamlined but much harder to change or make additions to.

The people who sign my paycheck told me why we needed a 5100 and sent me off to get one. I was not in a position to make alternate suggestions. As I recall, isn’t the Cray a rather large system? We need something portable. The 5100 isn’t required for its reliability, its needed to translate between APL, UNIX and a few obscure IBM mainframe languages.

The fishing is great and you’re more than welcome to join us but the “me” here is only three. I’ll have to tell him your coming.

The LAST constitutional congress 2020? Hmmm!


Junior Member
I was refering to Titor's Intelect. He gave a lot of hits Mr Darby! Lets investigate!! You were there!

Yes, I was there. And, yes, I've been involved in looking at his posts for the past 11 years. So here's the deal:

Where did Titor make a specific statement about the future, not subject to interpretation, that has come to pass? He hasn't hit any. There was no US civil war in 2004.

There hasn't been a single "Waco-like" incident in the US since, well, Waco, let alone "a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse."

And trust me on the Waco thing (or not). I asked starting back in 2002 for The Believers to define what a "Waco-like event" was so we could look at events with a common definition. No takers - not one. None of The Believers were ever willing to pin this down to a definition even though the actual Waco Incident is pretty well defined. It's not that hard for even an amateur to clearly define what it was. Why were they not willing to state a definition? Because with a definition beforehand one can't do some hand waving and self-define an incident after it has occurred. It's rather easy to claim a hit if you can define what a hit is after it has happened. And so they did. Over the intervening years people have claimed a hit on this one for just about anything. If a Delta Sierra standing on a soapbox shouted that he was upset with the gubmit some considered that Waco-like. Yeppers. Definitely a Waco-like Event, just without the dead people, Jim Jones-like character, children as shields, month long stand-off, FBI, Janet Reno... You know, inconsequential details.

There hasn't been a civil war. As I referenced above, has this been the real deal Titor would be out in the Everglades having just joined his shot-gun militia and heavily involved in armed conflict with the enemy - killing City Dwellers and Florida NG.

The Olympics have gone off without a hitch, each of them, in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010.

CERN's LHD didn't discover his mystery particle that was responsible for his time travel Gadget "within a year or so" of his posts. The LHD didn't even come online until 2009, eight years behind schedule. And it is still running at half power through the end 0f 2012. It won't go to full power until 2014 - a few months before the end of the world as we know it and half of us are turned to green glass.

This, of course, means no time travel experiments at all - assuming he was the real deal. Of course, in the nuclear war that completely destroys tiny Continental Europe, CERN, the main nuclear research center in Europe, miraculously survives? Titor's Russian buddies leave CERN off their target list? The scientists survive? Europe will to allocate vast funding and resuorces for Fallout: New Europe to the LHC? Fallout: New USA will allocate their funds and resources to time machines? The people, having just been nuked into the stone age, will happily go along with this?

Yes, let's do look at the Titor Saga.

Look, Liberty. Boomer told a good story. As far as Internet meme's go his was pretty damned creative. Definitely heads and shoulders above the norm. Good for Team Titor. But was it believable? Titor said it best, "I don't care if you believe me, in fact I don't want you to believe me." That single Titorism one should take to the bank.
lib the link you provide continues my dialogue with them real time, looks like the email thing did cause quite a problem, and seems that they adhere to my theory of why pam has no recollection of me... very intersting indeed, and did pam become a victim to this slip in time? suffering the slow same fate john is at in his present time, which oddly enough, seems to depend on the present he left behind here, this is from with in titors/messengers ill call ya for now on, to simplify the messages between us through time


I would be happy to prove how I know John but I think I should do this to the real Pamela not yourself.


Charlie "

real time instant messages through time, need more proof? now titors my response, yes i suspect the same, yes it would seem pam would have a reason to be so jaded, yet this is not the pam i remember, i do know that much, and it lead to a failure to communicate, which is why obviously we must communicate as i proceed through time, and john maybe i should have been careful what i wished for? when i was a child i wanted to travel through time so much so, did i really do it? hmmm blood very well may be on my hands

figures the plot thinkens...
"It’s the real Pamela, Charlie. If you can prove to Pamela you know John, it'll help stem the tide of skepticism and cynicism you'll otherwise face here.

If my experience with those deja vus was something created by my mind – whether a hallucination or manifestation – why would it be a shared experience with a handful of strangers? Especially since it was shared with ONLY those who asked John to send emails to the past? "

titors most importantly to john, my main reason of misunderstanding with your approach to contact with the timeline i was originally from, cause im fairly certain, ive left that world never to go back to it, yet my main concern was choosing a female to get closest to you, the negative side effects multiply immensly from that one move, cause a female is wired on emotion, and your existance in our time, was one of an emotional rollar coaster, which emotions are an under estimated force in time, cause it is force for movement in different directions, therefor that coupled with the emails of many others, which odd thing is, i was the fool who suggested a lil theory to see if it'd work, it worked for me, yet for me this is the first i see of more than just i sending the email to john, have we all been lost in time? has john taken any of us with the message? hence through time, now that they brought these things up, i have noticed these changes in perceived reality in my experience in this life, and is it odd that it was suppressed in my memories? or was it so scrambling to us that it severly haywired in a sense our wiring of our vessel the body? maybe i still feel to be all aware cause of self determined strength, maybe ive had help along the way, from very logical sources to a lower level density, or a higher level density of awareness most if not all in present time can fathom? hmm titors this is from with in, i know it is meant for a reason, so i give it to you, straight from the heart, in pursuit of helping us all, who have been lost in time, cause i know seem it is a certainty i am one who got lost in the shuffle, lets just hope i stay stable for as long as i chose to, cause my insight is clearly invaluable to the universe, not this lil rock of water im on for a blink of an eye in time/movement/measurement sense... time tells time, haha

damn it john, i told ya so

Check my profile. I added a bunch of stuff to prove it is me.
The picture is not a current picture of me but it is the only one I have online.
I had this picture up when John was here. So you should recognize it
he would have brought this picture back with him. "

"PamelaM, are you a time traveler too? If you are, how did you get that 80's glamour shot in your profile? Unless of course you traveled back to the 1980's just to get a picture taken? Doesn't make sense to me, but those future people are crazay! Something smells fishy. "

titors about this ^^^ i tend to agree with your theory, i think john may have taken her for a ride

"That picture is not from the 80's you dufus.
I have proof of that.
Infact my friends who talked me into getting it done in the first place
wants me to go with them and get another updated one of me and them.

"PamelaM, are you a time traveler too? " never know.

this leads me to 2 trains of thought, one i discussed with lib, what if she was titor, and or, how close did titor get to her, cause love clouds thy judgement love/evol

yup titors the words below ring true to me as well, the can of worms is wide open, yet seems its necessary given the unexpected nature of this expirments, implications, none of us, including my self, know of which potency are capable of.

"I am disappointed John. I know you would have seen these messages. I don't understand why you insist on hiding here during such a dangerous period in history. If it's to try to lend a hand then how much effect do you think you will have?

I will be back late on 20031122. I am sure you know what for. Please reconsider your position. I will access this site as soon as I arrive. Though it is harder than I expected due to the lack of wireless zones in this period and on this continent as I am sure you know.

To everyone else, I apologize for opening the "can of worms" (so to speak) with issues that have been raised while I was here. (Now you can see why I wasn't going to reply.) I will be back soon to answer and bring closure to as much as I can. I will also come back better equipped.


P.S. I won't be leaving a departure video because that is impossible for a number of reasons. One reason is the Kinetic energy produced by the distortion sphere alone will knock out any electrical device in close proximity externally. If John brought with him a VRU (which is not on his manifest) then he would have been able to record it for you.


Charlie "

damn pam, your a slick one
"Dear Charlie,

Being a time traveler yourself
you should know never to under estimate
the changes just one person can make. "

care to ellaborate on the following pam? i also wonder if you do know exactly who i am, but fear to admit the truth of the problem that john and i encountered, that he may have sucked you into it, for all i know

"I dont know but John did mention to me that he wasn't sure if it would turn out
or not because of interference but he seemed confident he knew how to overcome that. "


I asked this already, but I'm asking it again. It won't hurt you or anyone else to tell me the answer to this abstract question. Please tell us definitively what causes Mad Cow disease. John knew the answer, and so should you. Is it prions, pesticides or something else? Your refusal to answer this will clearly show us who and what you really are. That's a nice way of saying no one here will believe in you, or try to help you locate John. John was more than willing to tell us about things that we could do nothing about, and obviously knowing what causes this disease will help no one and it will change nothing, so let us in on it.

Have a nice day.

Mike "

mike to answer your question, someone once told me, never feed an animal the dead remains of its own kind

"Well...guess we have to wait until the 22nd. sigh!

I know what he is coming back for he wants to be one of the first
people to see the movie TIMELINE.

intersting pam, tomorrow is the 22, but is time really accuarte in present "time"?

"Charlie! I can help you stay away from Jacob. Lets see a prediction about 11/22/03 to validate your claims first. Florida Jim seems to be more on point then you bud. Let us know a prediction.
Do you watch recordings of x-files and st-tng or to you use a time machine to watch them on the original air dates? "

i feel i need to answer this, no i dont use any means of time travel devices to communicate, its either a natural ability/awareness i have found with in my self, or im that one guy in time, that his timeline journey stays the same as weird as that may seem... hmm hard to explain, lets put it this way, from what i can tell, every time ive been on earth, ive been at the time of my supposed "age" i should be on in the timeline, make sense? now not to say ive been in the same time line, i theorize with lib, i may have done a time split, best way to describe it, and a me from one worldline, and the one i am now, switched worldlines, simoultaniously, which would be quite the paradox. as a time line were i suspected id never get the message! and pam would not know me, cause in this time, she never heard of me, yet on the other time which i left, they may be searching for me, yet the me there knows nothing about this... now thats a paradox of epic proportions.


Despite a lack of evidence, I’ll continue to converse with you as if you are a historian from 2039. Though I think it would be a simple matter for you to confirm that as fact and therefore open a less skeptically hindered discussion, I leave that choice to you.

My name is Charlie Lionel Haynes. I am 34 years of age. I was born in the Flinders Ranges west of Sydney on what was the remains of the continent of Australia, on June 18, 2006. Being born post the Great Catastrophy, my early life was being a part of community of 57 families with only one thing on our minds. Survival. While Russia and other countries were punishing America for certain injustices, along with it's alligned countries like Australia, our community tried not to get involved as survival was hard enough. After the war and the eventual settling down of our planet, I went to Sydney to help rebuild the city as a major trade hub, communications relay and fusion power plant for the equatorial region of the Pacific side of the planet.

By the mid 2020's, I had the fortune of going to America (now very different geographically to what you know) and join a special branch of the World Government. This branch has many responsibilities. These include:-

* Security of important structures
* Scientific wing to study the Earth after the Great Catastrophy
* Start recompiling our history and why the Great Catastrophy was hidden from the population
* Be the main liason with the Visitors

Now, more roles exist but this is what I had contact with personally. Initially I was a liason officer but I requested a transfer to be a historian specializing in the period between 1980 and 2004. The need to understand this period and how the structure of government in humanity evenutally failed the people of Earth is very important.

In late 2027, the very first prototype of what would eventually become the C204 and then the C300 was developed in conjunction with the technology exchange treaty set up in 2020 between us and the Visitors. This development comes after nearly ten years of beginning to understand the fundamentals of time travel by human scientists. Time Travel was developed as tool to learn. A Council oversees its use very strictly.

This is a very short overview of my life. You can either accept or reject it. After reading some of this, you should be able to understand why I did not want to say anything about the future. And I suspect that the reaction from what I have said here to be unfavourable by both the readers of this forum and my commanders when they read the logs from my vehicle upon my return.

As for something that will happen in the near future to validate who I am....... There is going to be an extreme earthquake on the Ring of Fire very soon. And when I say extreme, I mean extreme.

Well done, Jim. You got me to say something. I do not mean to illicit fear to anyone. As I said before. Whether anybody believes me or not is irrelevant to me. I am understanding more and more why John has such a love for this time period. Being here is sometimes overwhelming to me.... maybe thats why I let the information floodgate to open just a bit.

I will be back a bit later to see what the result of this is.



Charlie "

yes i can see why too, you guys thought we had it all, took it for granted and ruined it for you guys... come to find, not all were as bad as you stereotypically beLIEved. this notion is what fueled me even more so than before to uphold my vow, i will make this place better then when i came here, yet a huge uphill climb to make, yet we never said it would be easy, and i wouldnt have it any other way...
maybe this time traveling shed light on the heroes you wished came in your parents time, yet failed to see through the deceit, that we were always here, its easy to speak wisdom, its hard to get people to listen/learn, you may have realized in your brief convos in this time, what the patriots of this time went through daily, and then earn a respect for the forgotten few, who knew, the time to be true, was passed/past soon

"I find it humourous that your defence is that people shouldn't debunk you on the basis of your vague comments.

Nevertheless if I indulge myself in your story will you answer a few questions on the actual mechanics of the time line? Afterall over 10 years of research must have some interesting results. Don't worry, I 'm not looking for any actual figures - just a basic understanding of how your world views the structure of time.

So time extends into the future, only to the point of when you left, or does does it continue as if you were still there? What I mean is that to truly exist in the true present, you cannot simply return to your point of departure? Or am I understanding it wrong?

If a significant change were to be made through your voyage here, would the this then become the present, or would the next 40years of history be automatically written? If the latter is true, and history was changed, would your compatriates have time(relativally speaking) to send someone else back to put thinngs 'right'?

Does a time traveller suffer any negative effects from existing in a time that is not his or her(don't want to branded as sexist as well as a overt debunker
) own?

Yeah, so they are my questions.
I hope that you sincerely enjoy answering them. I may be skeptical but I am interested in your hypothesis of the time line.


"What will be, has already happened" "

haha this is funny titors, they missed the point in this post and the few before this, you were clearly pointing out they are dis info agents, yet they still try to keep the game of their own lies going, seemingly never realizing, the saying the wise kid spoke were a universal truth... "A FOUNDATION OF LIES WILL CRUMBLE TO THE GROUND, A FOUNDATION OF TRUTH WILL NEVER STUMBLE" and they don't get it, cause they had no idea, these messages were really meant for the future, haha... its unfortunate they made us look that bad, hopefully you titors have been archiving my public diary of the end of the world, the book of enoch in the end times, it would seem... remember look around i wanna say 2007-2008, TheSerbRyder was posting at the pistons official message board, as a jaded Yugo Thug, which became the Voice of Reason, after they censored my declaration of truth, titled... "THE MOVEMENT IS ACCELERATING" i think that may be a very important piece to your research, cause that is where in my perception, the ball got started rolling, the avalanche gaining more and more momentum, not even censorship could place a end date on, cause to this day, that movement is still accellerating more and more with each passing day... i urge find that historical work, its very important, as well with my facebook postings, which surprisingly made my archiving more effecient, yet heavily censored, cause after a certain "time" has passed they delete much of what was said, which is why the only possible way to archive the truth, is to ride this rids across natural time, as i slowly move along the flow, seeking to know, what is old, never to sell my soul, i hate the cold, haha

"Hi Charlie,
If your story is true,How can you be sure your on the same timeline as John?,and are you sure the John Titor your trying to make contact with is the same John Titor from your timeline and not another John Titor from another timeline?.
Also if you are from the future,as a fellow human being do you not have a moral responsibility regardless of the implications to at least attempt to prevent or warn of such disasters as the recent suicide bomb attacks in Turkey which took place incidentally during your visit here?.
If John Titor really did stay behind to try and help us in some way,although I doubt he did,I would say its a good thing and suggest he has more balls than yourself.
Or perhaps charlie if you do not want to take the responsibility of changing your future by preventing forth coming disasters perhaps u could email me with the details and I will gladly take responsibillity for my actions.

Cheers Dylan. "

titors notice the every dis info agent wants you to tell them about planet x? haha they know you to be real more than they think they lead you to perceive, fools, ancient old tactics of manipulation of a heavily programmed psyche, honestly id assume you guys are aware of this, with out me having to say it, just need to say it, to show i been ahead of my time

"Maybe your right,But I dont think its possible to change the past and have memory of it,after all If tommorow I was to travel back to Aug 16th 1977 and move Elvis's dead body from the living room into the bathroom and onto the toilet it would have already happened now.It would already be our history so Id have no need tommorow to go back and change it therefore it wouldnt happen....damn this is all to confusing,and I think im losing my marbles,please ignore my last post as it would appear I have no idea what the hell im talking about.
Cheers Dylan.
Ill be back when my brain is functioning again,which could be some time,so please dont hold your breath

wow now this joke might be escaping my sense of humor, but in my time, elvis did die on the toilet!? did he die another way for you people?


If you're looking for something, no matter how hard you and all your buddies look, no matter how much money you spend, and people you tell you're looking for it, and people that believe you're the best qualified to look for it, and people who use your progress of looking for it as an absolute indication of the best possible progress of looking for it, and other people that join in looking for it with their own order and subsequent action, if you're all looking in the wrong place expecting to see it, you'll never find it. It's there. Eventually, someone gets to the right place and finds it. What if someone told you where to look?

The transistor was right in front of Bardeen and Brattain's nose, but it took them years to find it. "

years as in 8 years later? haha, i see this as prove that real time communication to different times is not only possible, we are fuckin doing it right before those eyes, who can not reject the truth

"Thanks for the plug good buddy!

Well, if it ain't my pal Darby from Anomalies.net;
what are you doing here?

It seems that John Titor is now being rescued by Timeline_39,
the plot thickens.

Strange, reads almost like the plot from the movie "TIMELINE"

Serious though, if John was in any real danger he would call
on Pamela; his true blue friend/confidant.

Still we appreciate Timeline_39 and his attempt to rescue Comrade Titor.

John, if you really are out there, I can loan you my backup HDR.

You can call me or Steven Gibbs. "

haha the titors are making the debunkers look so silly, funny how time works... hey titors is it funny that as i write this, you and yous all know, they nwo is taking this very seriously, and at the edge of their seat with every word i speak, i bet they regret all those attempts at killing me, what kept me alive?

"read donny's post guy's. very good point. If any of these guys were from the future and said they would not do something or another they would most likely just stay quiet. plus, keep in fact that future guys in little future clothing are coming onto a message board of all places. Don't those future guy's have anything else to do with their life? "

i pity the fool, who does not realize the magnitude of the real-story, of ones his-story. why wouldn't you wanna be a part of history, little did you know the history "books" documented your ignorance, so you will be re-membered for all the wrong reasons, but hey at least you thought you sounded cool, right? ha...haaaaaaaaaaaaaa

In reply to:​
timetravel0 may I ask where you get money? Do you have a job somewhere?​

My time in this worldline has had a lot of unexpected twist's. I was not expecting to stay in this worldline as long as I have been. I was originally going to leave 6 month's after my entrance to this world line. So to answer your question, yes. I have been working at a local resteraunt in order to survive in this worldline.

In reply to:​

((( sorry for double posting this guys, but I put it in the wrong place to begin with :\ )))​


My question is this: if you are able to get back to your time exactly where you left off (or, "seconds later" from when you left).. then why have you been gone for 4 years? If, whenever you get this machine fixed, you can go back to 2036 and pick up there - then why travel to 2040?​

Believe it or not, someone from the future still has to worry about his own future. I've come back to see if this worldline even existed, what I found was shocking. Now I need to go forward, so that my worldline can prepare for it's own future. It's my job, and personal reason's why I am here. When I get back, my job isn't over. Believe it or not, my job isn't only limited to researching your worldline. "

damn seems like we fucked up pretty bad john, well looks like we gotta make it better than before

In reply to:​
Also, it was mentioned that much of this part of history was lost? So you can travel through time, but cannot read a book?​
If all information about this time period was destroyed or fragmented, how did technology continue to advance as fast as you claim?​

Indeed, the future has searched for history book's that were made in 2000 - 2010 (that is the part of history we lose). So far we have nothing, so I was sent back in time to find any evidence that this world line even exist's. As far as technology goes, you don't need a book to know how to build a radio, or T.V. some people just know. Those people help us to regain our knowledge after 2010, and pick up where we left off. For example, my father was alway's good with car's. After 2010 he helped other's with car knowledge to build car's. I bet you don't need a book for everything do you? If you do then maybe your not learning at all. Those book's were written by people who didn't have a book. People who knew from their own knowledge. Technology grow's from the human's knowledge. "
john they begged you for proof, haha do you think they'll accept these truths, they would appear to a sane person, as far to specific, to be a mere coincidence, which based on probability alone, would make the seamless integration of whats being said to a post that was from 2003, yet still be relevent in a time that is seemingly far past the time you originally wrote the words of wisdom in "stone" to stand the test of time

"Prove to me you are John. "
ahhhhhhhahahahaha see john! i told you, why is pam the one who is first to not trust you? yet i know you to be true, real recognize real my friend

"No, you misunderstand (probably because im more of the person who will use street slang over scientific words. that's where im from after all). See, my point right now is that whenever I get close it comes back to you or pamela, and I can't ask you or pamela half the time because I know that it is secret. It's part of something your hiding. I respect that it is your guys's information so I decide not to ask and i have to go back and recheck my steps, and see how i can get around what you and pamela know. I'm not saying "Oh you and pam are TELLING ME not to". what i meant by that was that you guys can be a road block sometimes, when i know you guys have information that no one can recieve. And it makes it kind of hard to find a source when the source i need is you or pam. If you need further depth about what i mean, tell me. I'm not trying to trash you or pam. Just saying that everything leads to you guys and i have to get around you guys somehow. you guys are the blank spot i keep having to fill.

Pam, you over exagurated the "love thingy" phrase. I'm pretty sure you know what I meant. I could have said "lovers" but let's face it. I'm not exactly close to you and darby, therefor i know only what i read on these boards. The way you talked about John in a past post made it seem as if you 2 were dating. Friendship, maybe, but it sounded like more. "

first of all ive read a lot of seemingly garbage of posts since the last quote, yet my gut says, pam im talking to you, this lad is geniune in his search of the truth, what are his motives? not certain yet, may come soon, the more i read, yet whats odd, is i never knew of this other person, who seems to have had the role of pam also, hmmm seems to me it could be john, maybe he fell in love when he came to a time so wrong for him to be in, yet seriously would they find out if he stayed, unless his will to stay was so much so he'd return to his time, as an older version of him self, physically speaking, and may not of used a shortcut time machine to get back to his time, cept the years away from his time, changed his 2036 so much so, his 2036 was long gone, never to be seen again... makes ya wonder i bet, yet i dont claim this to be true, just my lil outsider perspective, yet with insider knowledge, and pam i would described you and johns relationship/friendship/flirt as a love thingy also, in a slang you may not be aware of, thats really actually a light form of saying there was a crush of sorts, that reminds on of 2 youths claiming to be in love, with out ever knowing what love is... when i was a teenager my uncle gave me words of wisdom, he asked me do you really think this girl will stay with you? i said bro she fuckin loves me, he laughed and said you dont even know what love is, my young arrogance proclaimed, yes i do, then through time i found his words to be true, now i even doubt if love is real, or just a insecurity blanket we use, to hide our weaknesses we only have, cause we allow our selves to have them, then put all our faith in our "confidant" then go aww shucks another one bites the dust, time to find a new love of my live, im destined to be with for eternity, see honestly i gave up on the notion of love, cause once i stopped accepting its existence, it no longer clouded my judgement, now the only love i have is unconditional for all to feel, its my compassion for the progression of the human race, nothing less, nothing more, quote the nobody once more
