Titor's 2001 Predictions Compared to 2011 Curent Time


Senior Member
Darby II
"I swear to god...Internet time travelers are just about the most ignorant creatures on the planet. The very last thing that they seem to understand is the very technology that they claim to possess and use. Heh."

His grammar is sound.
He's either a lazy troll too lazy to research his story or he's the real thing and encrypting a message.
Hey Serb! Remember this post! Since this is an titor expert subject. Has anybody ever SEEN John Titor?
Im giving the world a riddle!
How many time travelers does it take to change a light bulb?
If I say its a must read, ITS A MUST READ.

haha lib i stay more hush hush here, cause apparently im just a nobody that dilutes topics about titor, yet im the one sending messages through time with him, and other titors, but who am i right? haha... anyways, weird thing is i read that post before, and it seems about a word or two different than i remember

i guess im no expert cause i know johns codes? i guess i have to be an expert when i say that has nothing to do with titor!!! even though i dont know his codes, boy can't wait to reach that expert level of ignorance!!! thankfully for john, titors, and i... we know the codes, and dont give a damn if anyone else knows them or not, cause id assume, our goal here is not to be beLIEved, by anyone but ourselves!

and the "experts" do you even realize we are sending more "faxes" to each other these past 2 days, then we have in all time lines COMBINED!!!

oh lib and ren, im clearly not the only one here, how many of my brothers are here? and ren looks like you were right i was wrong... EU is trying to correct their mistake, and embrace the guardians of the gate again, lets see if this is all talk, or they actually want to save the world

TheSerbRyder_ReTurns... haha thats quite specific!!!

lil true story for you so called titor experts... kosovo is the holy land... and one mountain over is the town where my family is vrom called VRATNICA!!! which in serbian means... TO COME BACK TO!!! kosovo is jeresuelam!!!

and id post word for word quote what i told the world less than 24 hourse ago... yet facebook, not letting me see my wall, i wonder why? haha... lets see if i can find it...

apparently i need to teach ancient lost his story truths...


click the user who uploaded the vids, watch all from beginning to end, they recovered the lost truth of the ones you humans called the GODS OF JUSTICE!!!

titors funny how this video means more than when i made it
Hey Serb! Remember this post! Since this is an titor expert subject. Has anybody ever SEEN John Titor?
Im giving the world a riddle!
How many time travelers does it take to change a light bulb?
If I say its a must read, ITS A MUST READ.

haha, you ever get that feeling something is very very wrong, but you can't figure out what it is?


Junior Member
Still, it was I who told people back in 2005 that they needed to prepare.

Because you are a Believer vis-a-vis Titor then I have to assume that you believe that Titor's War is coming in about 36 months when Russia nukes all of the major cities in the US. How have you prepared for a full on thermonuclear war - considering that you live almost in the precise middle between the major cities Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati, each within 200 miles of you? What is the half life of Uranium-235, Strontium-90, Protoactinium, Actinium, Thorium-234, Radium, Radon, Lead-210, Polonium, and all the other decay nuclides from the fission of Uranium-235 and Plutonium-239 plus the debris from the Uranium-238 tampers of the atomic bombs and primaries on the thermocuclear devices?

What is it you're preparing for with a bicycle when you'll be in the middle of several megatons of prompt nuclear energy release, fall-out and nuclear decay chains? Dad's a banker and understands the financial markets. Good for him. Really. But moving to the mid-ground between three nearby major cities (aka High Priority Targets) to escape Titor's War was probably not the best choice (assuming that you were truthful several years ago when stating that you and Dad made the decision to move there to avoid Titor's War). Sure, you have a farm. But who's going to eat the vegetables once the soil is irradiated?

So please - enlighten us with how you plan to survive the initial nuclear release going on all around you and then should you miraculously manage to survive what your long term plan is for sustaining yourself for several years underground while the landscape cools off.


Thats the problem! I figured it out!

1) In my 1st letter. What was the first sentence?
2) Timeline_39 theroy of autism is Bull! (Im being nice for a change!)
Try Mecury poisoning that congress was taking its own sweet time in getting drug companies to
get rid of the Thermersol out the vaccines that caused autisim. (investigate people,not in the genes)
1 in 3 children have it because its a man made problem that made the big pharma big bucks on both sides!

I do not expect a reply here but I need to give you a package from Hansen immediately. I only have a limited stay in this time before I am required to return. I will allow you two days to find this message. (I have read your logs, you frequent this forum often.) We will meet at designated drop point A19G3Z @ 20031111 1930UTC.

Thanksgiving 2011 IS today

That post was 8 years 16 days ago (if im wrong correct me)

Like Pam im probably not going to post much on here anymore!
I think my story of the 2 letters are told and even still hidden.
Happy Turkey day to e1!


Senior Member
Remember Darby II, that The Russian Federation's complaint is that the U.S. is deploying missiles that can get anywhere in less than 30 minutes. Given that capability, why would they even need a missile shield? It is to counter attacks stemming from the Middle East and North Korea.
