What Evidence Would You Need for a Time Travel Claim?

We should consider our self's very lucky if a dimensional traveler even stopped to take the time to go online and chat with people and more over that person is not GOD LIKE knowing all possible events (for our timeline). Besides all possibilities have and will happen so whats the point. (JT already answered this paradox.......) (its all about the divergence % between timelines.....) also consider this if you could go back to the late 1800's and try to explain what a computer or a space shuttle is to the people of that time, you think they may believe you, with out actually having one on hand.........
T recon is a troll imho

.... I shared my opinon... I trust him not. not at all... in any sense.. Because of my STRONG misgivings I am opening my mouth.... sharing. I give warning just in case I am right... I think I am . hence why I speak up and such.
Thanks Titorite, I have researched the subject for many years now, I have seen you all post in many other places, after much long research (it has almost consumed me) I have decided to put my 2 cents in (or am I ment to?) why now, I dont know? but it feels right. I also feel I am so well informed on the theory, that I may be able to add where someone else has left off. In hopes we can figure out what is it we need to do for a better future now. Having said that I dont think our immediate future is going to be very pleasant one. Some thing big is about to happen and we need to figure it out or change the course of events so that we may prevent it or delay it so we can figure it out (even though I think it might be too late). I know we were suppose to have a Civil War (even though we might still get one) and that act would of caused other chain of events to happen (some say it is suppose to take humanity to the next evolution of mind and spirit), instead we didint get Y2K, which didint cause a civil war, instead we got 9/11 (inside job(maybe t-travlers had something to do with that)) and the war and terror. Does anyone have any thoughts ?

Now you and leslie both have my attention... I know not what to make of it. I even begin to wonder..... especially about you sliders.... I find myself agreeing with you on some aspects...No y2k meant other measures being drawn up and used. I mean the propagada prep was there... just not the event... which I never expected... I mean I knew better but those arround me freaked out about y2k.. they we unconsolable.. Then nothinfg happened.. I tried not to be too hard on any of them and moved on... although I do wonder which canary sang first and if it was documented... LORD HOW I HAVE LOOKED INTO MERCURY but not enough...project mercury.... IBM ahhh man...


yeah.... different realites.... dimensonal travel....

the precipices...

SO many do not get it.....

We canb shove our minds into computers nopw... no joke no conspiracys limits have been broken.... and the higg boson found for sure... the human genome unravels... kids with three sets of dna and genetically amped up intelligence or super strength or whatever,,,,, we live in these times.

HUmanity has changed....

I prayu to abe able to afford the change for my sons children... c
Titor doesn't want to be your hero. Titor doesn't want to die for you.
Sung to the tune "Johnny Hates Jazz" "I Don't Want to Be a Hero".
Good points though I don't necessarily agree with all. Reshaping past falls flat if you're following alternate time-line theory.
This is not necessarily true.
And your reason?

Finally! I've been leaving little "gems" all over this forum. Someone finally notices!

When Titor and others have said that it is impossible to return to the same worldline they were being truthful in their statement. Similarly, when they also said that world lines do not interact, this was also true. Many here and elsewhere posting about Titor and MWI have claimed that Titor used "divergence" to explain away why his predictions did not come true. This is incorrect.

Without getting too in the weeds of things and to stay on topic, Titor did not use divergence as an easy explanation as to why his predictions would (potentially) not come true. He doubled down on his statements by saying that the 2.5% div was not enough to avoid what was coming.

But the topic is, the true and real kernel of the question is: if a "time traveler" were sent back in time to (if we are to assume) change the past, why in the world would his mission planners send him on a mission that would have zero affect on the WL of origin?

This belief that there would be no affect is erroneous. The WL of Origin WOULD receive the benefits of the changes done in a "neighboring" universe.

MWI is not a stumbling block to changing the course of human history,
it is the mechanism by which it is possible.

Allow me to explain: In MWI, it is a given that an infinite number of universes exist (or will exist) and they are (for our purposes) arrayed as spokes on a wheel. The spokes closest to our origin (top dead center in this example) have the least divergence while those farther away have the larger.

Now, because these spokes (universes) are carbon copies of each other, this means that (if we're keeping the div's small) every universe has a John Titor on it doing the exact same thing. He is born on the same day/time, he grows up he dies. What he also does at some point in his life is "hop" world lines, resulting in "time travel."

So, let's say that Titor was telling the truth that he was from 2036 and in 2036 he traveled down his own WL of origin. At the point of turning his machine off, he hops over to the spoke to the left. He then exists on this spoke until such time that he decides to return home (to do he must return to his point of entry on the current WL and retrace his steps). We are all familiar with this and John explained this fairly well. We also understand that any changes that Titor makes while on his new "spoke" do not affect his WL of origin because they do not interact.

This is a lie while still remaining, technically, correct.

So far, in the above example, we have only been tracing the movement of ONE John Titor in his movements up and down and across world lines. In our example above, we followed the movement of John from the top dead center "spoke" to the spoke immediately to its left.

What has gone missing from this example and others like it is:

What does the John Titor on the spoke immediately to the right of the top dead center spoke do?

If you answer this question, you will be one step closer to understanding the larger picture of how "time travel" is used.

No, I am not a "troll."

As always,
Kind Regards
This is what was speculated to happen.
John Titor on the left convinces the Russians and the U.S. to talk about Syria.
John Titor on the right watches the JohnTitorLeft show and dreams of living in that kind of world.

This is the reality of what happens.
JohnTitorRight reads about the death of Henry Kissinger in 1974?
JohnTitorLeft also reads about the death of Henry Kissinger in 2011 but somehow Kissinger is still alive?
It is impossible to know if this guy is dead or alive. Which is it?

This isn't a result of a hoax or a hacked news site declaring someone is alive and well or someone died. Though that is more common these days. The latest was that Paris Hilton died.
That's what I shall use to refer to temporal recon from this point forward. (notice it's a "small" tr) The effort required to use his full "title" denotes some level of respect for the person referenced. I have none left for this person. He may refer to me in any way he chooses. I do not want nor require 'his' respect.
In another thread...John Titor - Original Conversations From 2001 | Paranormalis ... you state you have added the Titor posts to your blog site. What you should say is you copied them from other sites without giving any reference or credit to other people's hard work. It makes me wonder what's in your book...but not enough to consider buying one.
It appears (damnable assumptions) that since I won't argue with you, you have decided to try to incite others: Himalayan Hermit, Sliders, kcwildman, titorite, who's next? It's funny how you ask others for their opinion on a question you pose and then proceed to critique their responses as if "you" have some "authority" on the matter. May I just insert here that you "are a pompous ass"? But then, doesn't that give you more undeserved attention?
I appeal to those of you he tries to agitate to ignore him. He is an "attention whore" and I made the mistake of giving him far more than he deserves. If you do decide to take him on in his feeble criticism, feel free...he's easy...he doesn't think so because his ego is to large for him to see around.
Just for you tr . Just in case you feel I made a damnable assumption in the above statement. You need to "understand" the word. You don't yet.
verb (used without object)
1. to come into sight; become visible: A man suddenly appeared in the doorway.
2. to have the appearance of being; seem; look: to appear wise.
3. to be obvious or easily perceived; be clear or made clear by evidence: It appears to me that you are right. (don't affix any hidden meaning to this. It is part of the definition.
Everyone else. Have a happy 4th. Watch your fingers.
