What is beyond Death?


Is it the end when our body uses the last bit of energy, or loses normal working conditions, or becomes as dry as a leaf in the summer? Perhaps there's too many ways of the body losing to the race of death. Though, there are many paths that lead to the death of the body, death itself is always the same and the same always happens.

But what does truly happen after the body dies?

I don't know, but we store information in our brain like a hard drive using electrical impulses, so when the brain has diminished, where does all of this information go? It doesn't seem logical to me that it would simply cease to exist. So, this basically becomes my premise for a soul.


Active Member
If I do die from the cancer I have I will be sure to let all of you know. Added to list of things to do from the "other side", whether cancer kills me or just old age but I promise to keep in touch....
I just know because of what i did before in my past before a long time i wont be going to heaven or to hell itself when i die but to someonelse from the future before who threatned me before last year.

Mr. Door-Chan_16

New Member
Is it the end when our body uses the last bit of energy, or loses normal working conditions, or becomes as dry as a leaf in the summer? Perhaps there's too many ways of the body losing to the race of death. Though, there are many paths that lead to the death of the body, death itself is always the same and the same always happens.

But what does truly happen after the body dies?

The senses, the knowledge we have gathered, the way we look to life and the world gives us the false perception of consciousness. We are not truly alive as long as we live as bodies. Such reality can be easily changed by taking out one of the senses, or not being able to retain the knowledge that we have gathered, not being able to move properly. But the way we perceive these and the rest, is also part of 'consciousness'.

So, are we alive? Maybe yes, maybe not. The word alive means differently to me, than what it means to you. And how I perceive this world and reality is also different from anyone else, as everyone else sees the world and reality in their own private way. There can be no one else with the same reality as someone else. Because of the experiences, the knowledge, the senses, between one another all of this is different, and even if two experienced the same things at the same time, they would still see things distinctively from each other - even for a very small margin.

However, Death is still the same for everyone else. Though the way one dies might be different, yet the process will still be the same. Consciousness gradually disappears as the body shuts off. All of the memories of life may or may not pass through their minds as this happens. Perhaps only a few more important ones, or it could be a feeling or more feelings, a cause or something they believed in. But as this passes, so does their consciousness pass to the 'other side' and then only the end comes to mind.

Could this be the end, or could this be the beginning?

If I may, your approach to it feels that it is more of the "empirical" side... though I digress.
I have seen death in the phase 4 times. (I didn't die), but my loving family did.
Based on my observation "before expiration", I talked to them, I interacted with them, I hugged them. Until... Death came along... I couldn't interact with them anymore... though I could see them, they couldn't be interacted with. (In a sense that is humane)
Witnessing death is different from experiencing it. Plato describes death the way I perceive it to be: in rational sense, "Of two choices that may lead to eternal rest or sleep, or perhaps an interaction with the great people of the past! To meet great heroes and anyone regardless of who they may be!" (In summary)


New Member
What better way to find out than hear from someone who has been there. In many ways what we each will experience depends upon our personal beliefs. We make choices in life based upon our beliefs that create our physical experience. These same beliefs influence the afterdeath reality that you create.

In Jane Roberts’ channeled book, “The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: The World View of William James,” James describes his subjective environment AFTER he dies, and the feel of All That Is within that environment. Here’s some of what he says about his amazing experience:
“Everywhere I sense a presence, or atmosphere, or atmospheric presence that is well-intentioned, gentle yet powerful, and all-knowing. This seems to be a psychological presence of such stunning parts, however, that I can point to no one place and identify it as being there in contrast to being someplace else.

“At the risk of understating, this presence seems more like a loving condition that permeates existence, and from which all existence springs. The feeling of safety is definitely connected here, in that I know that no evil or harm can befall me, that each of my choices will yield benefits, and that this loving condition upholds me in all of my ways.

“As in life I was always aware of an underlying melancholy, I am here always delightfully conscious of an extraordinary sense of safety that leads, say, to heroic acts and courage—naturally. There is the constant feeling that the universe is with me, for me, and with and for all others at the same time. Not only does it not conspire against me, but it ever lends its active support.

“This willingness to help is everywhere apparent and promotes, of course, a sense of ease that, at the same time stimulates the personality’s abilities in ways most difficult to describe. … All theological and intellectual theories are beside the point in the reality of this phenomenon.

“I KNOW that this presence or loving condition forms itself into me, and into all other personalities; that it lends itself actively to seek my good in the most particular and individual ways.”
The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: The World View of William James, Chapter 10, The Atmospheric Presence (originally italicized words in caps)

A life on Earth and the afterdeath environment are only the beginning of many levels of reality that lie ahead. In this book James tells of his adventures exploring the afterdeath environment. It is quite an interesting read.
