Why time travellers aren't talking here


Senior Member
why do you keep breaking the open minded rule?
I say again:
You want time travel? I know a lot about most of the math and science of it, what is says about it, and why it says it,
But no one here feels the need to actually talk time travel, oh no. Don't even care to try and learn about it.
You guys have to waste electronic storage on bogus and ignorant claims about circuits, frequencies, time crystals, "proof" in the form of youtube videos, transparently fake claims about Tesla and, yes, "time travelers" stating absolute hogwash in the most ignorant way possible.
"Open Mind" does NOT mean accept falsehood as truth.



Alsoe "Open Mind" does not mean bullying herd of that?
Being told a truth you don't wanna hear isn't bullying. I'm not saying that's what you meant, here. I just want to point it out.

Like TF said, some people are very assertive and direct. Maybe they'll burst your bubble, but they don't do it in order to intimidate you, or to put you down.

I know it's a thin line to walk. If I'm to buy a weird-magic-time-travel necklace on Ebay, I'd rather have Harte tell me it's bogus. Then again, I love discussing the HDR and other time travel devices... So Harte probably doesn't agree with me there. See where I'm going with this?

I won't be surprised to see Harte tell a new member asking stuff about the HDR, or about a magic necklace, that he thinks it's a fraud. That's an opinion, that's fine by me if you're respectful. Now, is he allowed to harrass that member and remind him of his opinion everytime this new member replies or asks his / her next question? No, simply because it would prevent the discussion to take place. And that would be rude.

In other words, you're free to express yourself, as long as it doesn't prevent the discussion from taking place. Don't crash the discussion! :geek:

Does that make sense? Feel free to share how you feel and correct me. I don't pretend to know it all.

And thank you Harte for probably allowing me to take you as an example here. :alien:


Senior Member
Bullying?!?!....Harte was not only being truthful, but assertive in his postings, that you only perceived or "felt" was bullying :fp:..
If anyone was bullied, it was me.

God knows what else these crybabies have said about me. I only know about their recent statements because I read a response to one and wondered what they were talking about, so I unignored a post and saw what they were doing.
Haven't read anything from those posters in a long time. However, I have not forgotten why I put them on ignore.
My assertion now is that I certainly didn't miss much.



Senior Member
I know it's a thin line to walk. If I'm to buy a weird-magic-time-travel necklace on Ebay, I'd rather have Harte tell me it's bogus. Then again, I love discussing the HDR and other time travel devices... So Harte probably doesn't agree with me there. See where I'm going with this?
In most discussions there will always be two types of people, one who believes in the topic of discussion, and the other type who does not believe in the topic of discussion...When you stated (Then again, I love discussing the HDR and other time travel devices)...IMHO i believe you could have put, (Then again, i love discussing the HDR and "alleged" time travel devices) (y):cool:..

Nobody has ever proved beyond doubt that an HDR or any other type of time-travel device actually works!!...All we have seen are fake stories, fake video clips and photos that are purposely out of focus, that resemble absolutely nothing at all....All that including a member desperately and unsuccessfully trying to convince everyone of us that the photos were genuine :oops:..

I was amused a while back after members were saying the HDR didnt work, which prompted other members to say the HDR needed to be placed over a Vortex first...Then it went onto making a home made Vortex if you couldnt locate a natural vortex outside....When it still wasnt working someone said it will only work when theres a Full Moon, then it went onto the need of using Ormus :fp:..

More recently, the latest "add ons" to get an HDR working have been brainwave entrainment machines, and if you are NOT experienced in manipulating your own consciousness, then sadly the HDR will never work for you...Well at least you didnt need a PhD to get it working, did you? :ROFLMAO:..

HdrUserFor Manifesting

Junior Member
If anyone was bullied, it was me.

God knows what else these crybabies have said about me. I only know about their recent statements because I read a response to one and wondered what they were talking about, so I unignored a post and saw what they were doing.
Haven't read anything from those posters in a long time. However, I have not forgotten why I put them on ignore.
My assertion now is that I certainly didn't miss much.

well i'm sorry if you're bulled its not acceptable

HdrUserFor Manifesting

Junior Member
Being told a truth you don't wanna hear isn't bullying. I'm not saying that's what you meant, here. I just want to point it out.

Like TF said, some people are very assertive and direct. Maybe they'll burst your bubble, but they don't do it in order to intimidate you, or to put you down.

I know it's a thin line to walk. If I'm to buy a weird-magic-time-travel necklace on Ebay, I'd rather have Harte tell me it's bogus. Then again, I love discussing the HDR and other time travel devices... So Harte probably doesn't agree with me there. See where I'm going with this?

I won't be surprised to see Harte tell a new member asking stuff about the HDR, or about a magic necklace, that he thinks it's a fraud. That's an opinion, that's fine by me if you're respectful. Now, is he allowed to harrass that member and remind him of his opinion everytime this new member replies or asks his / her next question? No, simply because it would prevent the discussion to take place. And that would be rude.

In other words, you're free to express yourself, as long as it doesn't prevent the discussion from taking place. Don't crash the discussion! :geek:

Does that make sense? Feel free to share how you feel and correct me. I don't pretend to know it all.

And thank you Harte for probably allowing me to take you as an example here. :alien:
well the problem with harte he just be name calling people and stuff he also called me a moonbat,

This is not a time travel forum dude Get over your self.
its not hes expressing him self he attacking people for no reason ... but im in the wrong i guess i'm all wrong for trying to point this out i'm the bad guy in this situation ...this is my last post on this subject call all you seem to be hugely defending Harte so yeah.
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Senior Member
well the problem with harte he just be name calling people and stuff he also called me a moonbat,

its not hes expressing him self he attacking people for no reason ... but im in the wrong i guess i'm all wrong for trying to point this out i'm the bad guy in this situation ...this is my last post on this subject call all you seem to be hugely defending Harte so yeah.
Don't ever fret being called a moonbat, because that's confirmation of extraterrestrial life. :D
