time travel

  1. OakFieldAlienz444

    Old painting seems to show smartphone----old news but still of interest

    here it is
  2. OakFieldAlienz444

    I time traveled to meet Emily Dickinson and I gave her John Titor's computer

    I didn't realize it was his computer at first before looking at the exact same IBM model. Then I regretted what I did. But Emily was thrilled to have an actual person to interact with when I entered her room and she thanked me for the computer she loved it she began typing away furiously writing...
  3. OakFieldAlienz444

    Videos that let you visually time travel

    and my personal favorite:
  4. OakFieldAlienz444

    Howdy. Is this real was it ever debunked what IS THIS ?

    Remember how there were all those Twilight Zone episodes where this dude was the last guy on Earth? Is this real?
  5. OakFieldAlienz444

    Another prediction by a so called "time traveler" that will probably fail, nonetheless my duty is to post this lol

  6. OakFieldAlienz444

    THE ACTUAL FOOTAGE OF JOHN TITOR TIME TRAVELING? PLus john titor looks just like an alleged time traveler in a photograph

    IMO the man in the video who is supposed to be Titor himself looks EXACTLY like this dude who is notably out of place with his time:
  7. OakFieldAlienz444

    What if outer space is only comprised of one molecule?

    What if all the molecules that make up reality are just miniature and are designed to reflect one central molecule that is supposedly everything but is only one thing? What if outer space is only one molecule? Discuss
  8. OakFieldAlienz444

    Creepy Computer Story for BBC

  9. Aone

    Why The Movie Deja Vu Revealed The Truth About Time Travel

    This is a really interesting video regarding time travel and how, more than likely, the government is already travelling back in time to promote their agendas. I'm not sure if I agree with everything, but it seems logical. Old movies and TV series often showed and still show things that were...
  10. Noah_A_S

    Debate Paradox Free Time Travel Is Theoretically Possible, Researchers Say

    "Researchers ran the numbers and determined that even if you made a change in the past, the timeline would essentially self-correct, ensuring that whatever happened to send you back in time would still happen." Paradox-Free Time Travel Is Theoretically Possible, Researchers Say "In other...
  11. Noah_A_S

    This could be Alexander TT's Twitter

    This link leads to a Twitter channel owned by someone, who seems to be Alexander TT, a time traveler from the year 2048. I haven't yet gone through the Alexander IRC chat logs, so I don't know what they say. But it looks like the same guy. Have a look. The Twitter is in active now, for a while.
  12. Noah_A_S

    F = 1/T -- Observing The vibrations of a guitar string. Determine the frequency of oscillations, & Determining the frequency of oscillations.

    Period and Frequency in Oscillations | Physics. Frequency f is defined to be the number of events per unit time. For periodic motion, frequency is the number of oscillations per unit time. The relationship between frequency and period is f=1/T It seems the relationship between frequency and...
  13. OakFieldAlienz444


  14. OakFieldAlienz444

    Things you can learn about the Montauk Project

  15. OakFieldAlienz444

    I don't quite understand this stuff, forgive me

    Can any radionics machine time travel or astral travel at the least? I own a radionics machine and I've been trying to get it to astrally travel. I saw some blue lights in my room and felt a lot of pulsing energy, thought I might have even seen an entity but beyond that I can't get it to work...
  16. OakFieldAlienz444

    If you subject a photograph to scalarwaves with a device that has silver on it

    Does this do anything? I've been trying it on a photo of Annie Oakley.
  17. OakFieldAlienz444

    If you have an HDR and don't want it? Or too many? Put it on Ebay and I'll pay you 360 for one

    Made similar topic in other time travel board but I am serious about this. Only price I'll pay is 250-360
  18. OakFieldAlienz444

    The Blueprints for a Time Machine now on ebay dirt cheap----Steven Gibbs device

    https://www.ebay.com/itm/254955938433?hash=item3b5c8ee281:g:sRMAAOSwVPFfa5vc I'm personally not that into building shit but here it is for anyone who wants it.
  19. OakFieldAlienz444

    If anybody has any HDR's like too many? I'd pay someone for one.

    Anyone have any HDR's they don't need?
  20. Friaza

    Why time travellers aren't talking here

    I just wanted to let you know the reason why time travellers aren't talking here is because John Titor was a hoax. There's no other universe or parallel worlds. To say he has a 'legacy' is ridiculous. This website has an entire forum dedicated to it which instantly lowers the sites reputation to...
