
  1. OakFieldAlienz444

    The truth is coming---very soon.

    Face it everybody, it's comin' and it's fast approaching like a rocket. The Pentagon confirmed that every 180 days or so they will release new information about their UFO program. Trump is talking aliens on Lou Dobbs. I was never a disclosure type of individual------- But now------it looks like...
  2. OakFieldAlienz444

    Anyone here subscribe to Gaia TV?

    I do. I think it has a lot of good shows but it doesn't update enough. I feel bad for how the whole Peruvian alien mummy thing turned out for Jaime Maussan. But despite that I enjoy Gaia.
  3. OakFieldAlienz444

    Navy UFO Task Force Exists

    US Navy ‘UFO task force’ exists, Sen. Marco Rubio wants its data on ‘aerial phenomena’ threats
  4. OakFieldAlienz444

    Former Pentagon consultant claims Eisenhower met the space aliens three times

    President Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens, former Pentagon consultant claims
  5. OakFieldAlienz444

    Lights over Houston

    Mysterious lights spotted flashing in Houston sky
  6. OakFieldAlienz444

    Recent UFO Crash in Brazil---Real or hoax? Some in Brazil swear it happened

    There are many fake videos of the UFO crash, I believe this one to be authentic: People are convinced a UFO crashed in Brazil On another note this is not the first time this has happened: https://www.disclose.tv/three-sisters-found-an-injured-alien-in-brazil-the-varginha-incident-313339
  7. Classicalfan626

    UFO Calling

    A while ago, a fellow member here on Paranormalis suggested a technique, through private conversation, for getting UFOs to come close to where you are. It's called UFO calling, and I'm not 100% sure how it works. But from what I've heard, you go outside, sit down, close your eyes, and for at...
