Ancient Aliens


Time Travel Professor
Harte Why is it that you are so determined to poke a hole in everyone's balloon so to speak. Everyone is entitled to opinions but to be consistently negative is not the route i would take. Each idea shared someone learns something from it. So the positive route would be the way to go. Leave the balloons alone. LOL. ;):cool: Vamp1r3Goddess

Thank You Vamp1r3Goddess. I like your comments !
I feel the same about your posts Professor. Your posts are always thought provoking and usually backed up with some sort of intormation. You never fail to disappoint me. Hope all is well i took a little break for a minute. The energy seems to be getting back in balance. Love and Light Vamp1r3Godess :):D


Senior Member
Necroposting a bit to illustrate how many ideas around here get recycled:
I think CarpeNemo didn't like the way you repeatedly let him know about your views regarding Mr Sitchin's works.

I can't blame you for showing us the down to Earth and logical side on the matter. But, I think one should be able to enjoy discussing topics without considering the logical and "scientifically correct" side of things full time.

I'm aware you're not trying to crash the topic here, but if posters get pissed or scared by "critical thinkers" repeatedly pounding them with "hard truths", no one will ever dare posting in this topic again.

Harte, I think you're doing your job too well. :rolleyes: Go easy on us.
Harte Why is it that you are so determined to poke a hole in everyone's balloon so to speak. Everyone is entitled to opinions but to be consistently negative is not the route i would take. Each idea shared someone learns something from it. So the positive route would be the way to go. Leave the balloons alone. LOL. ;):cool: Vamp1r3Goddess

IMO, the idea that people won't post here if there is someone here holding them to their claims is an appeal for traffic, which I completely understand.

However, I'm "traffic" too.

If a person posts here that the Anunnaki came from Niburu, for example, then I provide a service to that person and all subsequent readers regarding the fraudulent nature of that claim. This actually occurred in this old thread.

It is impossible to have a discussion with only one viewpoint, and the point of view I provide is the valid one, as opposed to the fraud-based one.

Maybe I'm a little negative in some posts. But I chalk that up to the fact that the claims I address are made over and over all over the internet and it's very frustrating that, even in a thread where I provide quotes and links to materials that show the claim is a fraud, a later post (sometimes the very next post) just picks up the fraudulent claim again and runs with it.

I feel that, if a poster has any imagination, they can speculate on topics (like the Anunnaki) in an intelligent manner, avoiding frauds like Sitchin and his bogus interpretations of cylinder seal imprints.

That said, I want to address another post in this old thread:
George Knapp did a great job, as usual, hosting tonight's event. Here's a synopsis:
Producer of Ancient Aliens, and publisher of Legendary Times magazine, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, joined George Knapp to ponder the idea that extraterrestrials have been visiting us since the dawn of man and how they continue to visit us.
Written in the Egyptian text, al-khitat, "the pyramids were built by the Egyptians with the assistance of the guardians in the sky, or the watchers from heaven," Tsoukalos detailed.
Now, I always liked Mudpuppy, though Mudpuppy was quite the Ancient Aliens believer. I suspect she was posting a lot of the fringe material she posted here for the purposes of traffic, as I mentioned above.

But the quote above illustrates how Tsoukalos and his pals on that show have no qualms about outright lying in order to prop up their dead "theory."

See, the al-khitat is an Arab text, written by al-Maqrizi in or around 1400 AD. The likelihood that the Arabs knew anything at all about pyramid construction is quite small, when you stop to think about the fact that Herodotus, 1900 years earlier, reported what the Egyptians told him about it and he turned out to be wrong.

At any rate, the text by al-Maqrizi (the al-khitat) VERY clearly states that the pyramids were built by the Egyptians and mentions nothing whatsoever about any "guardians in the sky" being involved.

You can read excerpts of the text here, translated from the French (the al-khitat has never, to my knowledge, seen an English publication.)

The same source (different page) gives us the following:
But, as it so happens, I actually found the passage Tsoukalos has been talking about, no thanks to him! Here it is, from Book 1 Chapter 10, in all its ancient astronaut glory:

"Master Ibrahim bin Wasif Shah said that King 'Adim (= 'Ad), son of Naqtarim, was a violent and proud prince, tall in stature. It was he who ordered the rocks cut to make the pyramids, as had been done by the ancients. In his time there lived two angels cast out of heaven, and who lived in the well of Aftarah; these two angels taught magic to the Egyptians, and it is said that 'Adim, the son of Al-Budchir, learned most of their sciences, after which the two angels went to Babel. Egyptians, especially the Copts, assure us that these were actually two demons named Mahla and Bahala, not two angels, and that the two are at Babel in a well, where witches meet, and they will remain there until the Day of Judgment."

But do note: Ad built the pyramids, but the text doesn't say the "angels" had anything to do with it. They taught science, sure, but it says nothing about helping out with the pyramids.

I think it should be fairly obvious that this is merely the story of the Watchers from the Book of Enoch filtered down through Arabian folklore. Note that the passage even uses the Hebrew form of the name Ad, "Adim." The story of the "fallen" angels, the teaching of science, and the confinement underground, are all identical to the account in Enoch. Since we already know that the Arabs associated the pyramids with Idris, who was though to be Enoch, this is a very logical connection. So, this means that some 3,500 years after the pyramids were built, some people with pre-existing Enochian mythology attributed the pyramids to that myth cycle. I fail to see the aliens at work here.

It may be of interest to readers here that the al-khitat does provide us with the story of how arabs broke into the Great Pyramid, and what they found. You can read that at the first link

Now, the fact that the GP was broken into by Arabs is an accepted truth of Egyptology (there's a big hole in the side.) What was claimed to be inside turns out not to have any basis.

The point is, Tsoukalos fabricted the story about alien influence. Well, fabricated it himself or simply parroted another fringe author's original lie. This is typical of the "Ancient Aliens" crowd - find an obscure source that nobody can read and then make outrageous and false claims about what it says.

Hope this post wasn't too "negative." LOL



Senior Member
I am new here. What I read does not jibe with what the past history was in the Eastern Hemisphere. So, what is the truth?

For example Lord Rama Civilization was between 100,000 years and 200,000 years past. They had a space faring civilization that had people from other planets including the grey ones from another dimension. I could not find anything anywhere...thank you.


Senior Member
That is a matter of faith, not a matter of fact.

You are right...everything I could not see including electrons is a matter of faith...then why you are in paranormalis?...amazing....
Why are you at paranormalis?

Perhaps, if you spend a moments thought on it, you can come to see that there is no small difference between understanding and using the theory of electromagnetism that arises from the observed fact that some sort of single charge particle exists (electrons) and the invention of a superpowerful cosmic being to explain phenomena that the ignorant do not understand.

Put plainly, we can all physically experience electrons anytime we wish, but when was the last time you had coffee with Rama?



Senior Member
That is a matter of faith, not a matter of fact.

You are right...everything I could not see including electrons is a matter of faith...then why you are in paranormalis?...amazing....
Why are you at paranormalis?

Perhaps, if you spend a moments thought on it, you can come to see that there is no small difference between understanding and using the theory of electromagnetism that arises from the observed fact that some sort of single charge particle exists (electrons) and the invention of a superpowerful cosmic being to explain phenomena that the ignorant do not understand.

Put plainly, we can all physically experience electrons anytime we wish, but when was the last time you had coffee with Rama?


It's been a while for me; Rama always skimps on the creamer and coffee cake.


Senior Member
Back on topic:

@Harte is there any evidence you've come across that would support the ancient alien theory? I realize most of the crap they have on that H2 show can be explained somehow or another, but I'm curious if you've come across anything you haven't seen explained properly elsewhere.


Really enjoy reading the posts about "ancient aliens", have no opinion, one way or another, but the topic and other thoughts are well worth the time to read.
