Framework of the Future


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[Obama's "great" accomplishments:]
1 – Rescued the country from the Great Recession, cutting the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% over six years
2 – Signed the Affordable Care Act which provided health insurance to over 20 million uninsured Americans
3 – Ended the war in Iraq
4 – Ordered for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden
5 – Passed the $787 billion America Recovery and Reinvestment Act to spur economic growth during the Great Recession
6 – Supported the LGBT community's fight for marriage equality
7 – Commuted the sentences of nearly 1200 drug offenders to reverse “unjust and outdated prison sentences"
8 – Saved the U.S. auto industry
9 – Helped put the U.S. ontrack for energy independence by 2020
10 – Began the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan
11 – Signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals allowing as many as 5 million people living in the U.S. illegally to avoid deportation and receive work permits
12 –Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to re-regulate the financial sector
13 – Dropped the veteran homeless rate by 50 percent
14 – Reversed Bush-era torture policies
15 – Began the process of normalizing relations with Cuba
16 – Increased Department of Veteran Affairs funding
17 – Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act
18 – Boosted fuel efficiency standards for cars
19 – Improved school nutrition with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act
20 – Repealed the military's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy
21 – Signed the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, making it a federal crime to assault anyone based on sexual or gender identification
22 – Helped negotiate the landmark Iran Nuclear Deal
23 – He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to combat pay discrimination against women
24 – Nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, making her the first Hispanic ever to serve as a justice
25 – Supported veterans through a $78 billion tuition assistance GI bill
26 – Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"
27 – Launched My Brother's Keeper, a White House initiative designed to help young minorities achieve their full potential
28 – Expanded embryonic stem cell research leading to groundbreaking work in areas including spinal injury treatment and cancer
@Inquisitor - That list appears to me to be a mixture of fiction, speculation, opinion, with a few facts thrown in between. I seriously doubt it's 100% accurate. For one counter-argument, I will say I believe that the Iran Nuclear Deal was not of benefit to us at all; Iran can't be trusted, and I think they would have used that money to manufacture nuclear weapons and succeed in wiping Israel off the map. I'm curious where you found all that information; I'd bet my life savings it's from sources that are biased to the left. @Einstein & @TimeFlipper, more counter-arguments if you please?
I am eager to understand why you believe that. The stats are there declining prior to Trump, so what leads you to that belief?
@HeraldOfTruth, I'd bet my life savings that the unemployment rate declining under Obama is based on skewed statistics, playing around with numbers, and twisting the truth. The unemployment rate decline stats depends on where you get such information. No hard evidence I can see that indicates that this is 100% truthful.


Two important things which I think almost every American would oppose about the Obama administration would be 1) the blacklisting...and imprisonment...of journalists and 2) the relentless warmongering...including drone strikes against civilians, including Americans.

Even though the press constantly rails against Trump's so-called oppression of the media, he has not yet put a single journalist in jail. seems that the same Democrats who opposed the US entry into Afghanistan now oppose Trump's attempt to remove troops from there.

The following sources list many...but not all...of the misdeeds of a presidency which...thank now safely behind us. Whether or not you trust these sources is up to you.

Trump Scandals vs. Obama Scandals: What the Numbers Show | RealClearPolitics!

Obama’s Final Drone Strike Data

LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them

10 Biggest Scandals Of The Obama Presidency - Listverse

1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.

Obama KICKED Many Journalists Out of the White House - Here's the Complete List!
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Senior Member
If in the event Trump loses the election @Classicalfan626 what will you say, it was rigged?

That could be said from either side seems to be the way now in politics in some parts of the world.


Senior Member
@Inquisitor - That list appears to me to be a mixture of fiction, speculation, opinion, with a few facts thrown in between. I seriously doubt it's 100% accurate. For one counter-argument, I will say I believe that the Iran Nuclear Deal was not of benefit to us at all; Iran can't be trusted, and I think they would have used that money to manufacture nuclear weapons and succeed in wiping Israel off the map. I'm curious where you found all that information; I'd bet my life savings it's from sources that are biased to the left. @Einstein & @TimeFlipper, more counter-arguments if you please?

@HeraldOfTruth, I'd bet my life savings that the unemployment rate declining under Obama is based on skewed statistics, playing around with numbers, and twisting the truth. The unemployment rate decline stats depends on where you get such information. No hard evidence I can see that indicates that this is 100% truthful.

Our new member Yeats has already pointed out counter arguments against Obumma (y):LOL:..


Junior Member
@Classicalfan626 @TimeFlipper
This is where I got the list, it was a quick search and I picked the largest list I saw.
28 Of Barack Obama’s Greatest Achievements As President Of The United States

My thoughts on this are not very easy to explain, but allow me to ask a few questions to make sure I'm not misunderstanding anything.

1. Could you perhaps list which of the things I noted were false, skewed, speculation, or true?

2. You say information is easy to skew online like how some stats are skewed in favor of Obama where you say it wasn't the case at all. How then can you be sure the same is not true for your sources of information?

3. If Biden were to be elected or Trump to be elected, large numbers of people on either side will say it was rigged in favor of whoever won the election. You are certain it is his only way of winning, and seem to genuinely hate the man. Why do you hate or dislike him? If he does win, what do you think will happen? If he does win, what would you yourselves do?

4. What is your opinion of Kamala Harris? The smear campaigns between each party are obvious, but what do you think about her?

5. One of the common retorts to people who dislike the current President of the time, is to "just leave if you don't like it". How do you feel about such statements? On the same topic, how do you feel about immigration?

I have some other questions, but I am still working some things out myself.


@Inquisitor - Forgive me for not being able to answer your questions at the moment, but politics is a very sensitive subject for me, and political viewpoints from the leftist side drives me crazy, especially when I have OCD. That's why I don't trust Google when I do a search for answers that I find more objective. Whenever I search Google on those topics, I get flooded with stories from news outlets I strongly disagree with.

And while I don't know too much about the site you brought up, I assume that it's somewhat obvious that the author of that article, Tod Perry, has a bias to the left, as he cites from heavily left-leaning sources such as CNN.


Junior Member
@Inquisitor - Forgive me for not being able to answer your questions at the moment, but politics is a very sensitive subject for me, and political viewpoints from the leftist side drives me crazy, especially when I have OCD. That's why I don't trust Google when I do a search for answers that I find more objective. Whenever I search Google on those topics, I get flooded with stories from news outlets I strongly disagree with.

And while I don't know too much about the site you brought up, I assume that it's somewhat obvious that the author of that article, Tod Perry, has a bias to the left, as he cites from heavily left-leaning sources such as CNN.

I hope to receive an answer at some point, at least. One further question that just struck me, since you seem to share the opinions of @Einstein

What do you think about this post of his?

Also on the topic of Einstein, Do you agree with him that the Coronavirus Pandemic is a hoax?

Why do people call some guy getting high a real time traveler? Sure that was all hilarious, but it was not real, yet it is always said to be so on just about every single time travel claim, even off site.
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Senior Member
@Inquisitor - Forgive me for not being able to answer your questions at the moment, but politics is a very sensitive subject for me, and political viewpoints from the leftist side drives me crazy, especially when I have OCD. That's why I don't trust Google when I do a search for answers that I find more objective. Whenever I search Google on those topics, I get flooded with stories from news outlets I strongly disagree with.

And while I don't know too much about the site you brought up, I assume that it's somewhat obvious that the author of that article, Tod Perry, has a bias to the left, as he cites from heavily left-leaning sources such as CNN.

Well thats going to be your problem to deal with and coming to November there will be no escape. So dont blame us for discussing here.
