Debate There is no "God"


Senior Member

Their is a God their for your argument is invalid!

LOL. Faith really is that easy. Should we beware of faith? only if it is in the unethical or evil. I have hope and faith in the positive. And acceptence that the negative in life will more than likely resolve itself even if I am not their to see it..... weirdly I am often able to be wittness.... and that is neat.
Yes we should be fearful of Faith, many many many many misdeeds are done daily in Gods name, Wars, Murders, Homicides, Child Molestation is all done in Gods name and all justified because it was in Gods name.

The church is a Billion Dollar Free Tax Exempt Charity all based on the fear of hell and the promise of Heaven and to question the church is no different in some eyes than Treason. The church is Defanitly something to be feared.

To be fearful of faith seems pretty darn silly to me. Faith can not harm you. People can. Their reasons why they hurt others in immaterial. They made the choice to cause harm regardless of the reasoning. Negative faith is something else... Anti faith. That is something for others I suppose. Something for them to take heed upon.

Also not everyone believes in the abhrahamic faiths.

Their is more to the spiritual world that christians muslims and jews.
Unless your Christian, Muslim or Jewish then there isnt more to the Spiritual World.


The Bearded One
Never mind "what" religion you are... In all the texts, "God" was always there, always around? Sooo, What happened to God exactly? Christianity... Where is God? Told his followers to kill their son? Had a son apparently that even rose from the grave? He'd help destroy cities... Fed starving people...Water into wine... Is he on holiday ?


Senior Member
Never mind "what" religion you are... In all the texts, "God" was always there, always around? Sooo, What happened to God exactly? Christianity... Where is God? Told his followers to kill their son? Had a son apparently that even rose from the grave? He'd help destroy cities... Fed starving people...Water into wine... Is he on holiday ?

God and Jesus are here. People have turned their backs on God, not the other way around. Miracles happen every day, but many people turn a blind eye. I'm a follower of Jesus. I have a personal relationship with Him. I worship God, His Father. They are always there for me, and have performed countless Miracles during my lifetime. I hope you and other unbelievers come to know them someday while you are still on this earth.

People try to fill their lives with materialistic things, with relationships, with drugs/alcohol, etc., trying to fill the VOID inside them, thinking that's what will make them happy. Everyone has a Void in their heart. That place can only be filled by Jesus/God. Once you accept God and Christ into your life, you will find peace. Know Jesus, know peace. No Jesus, no peace. It is not a myth. It is real.

Jesus performed countless miracles when He walked the earth to show us He's the Son of God:
1) He Healed the sick, blind, lepers, etc.
2) Fed the multitudes with a small amount of food, made it multiply. (Yes, turned water into wine.)
3) Raised the dead, including Himself after he was tortured and crucified.
4) Jesus died for our sins, descended into Hell, broke open the gates of Hell and took the believers to Heaven. After 3 days He rose again. He waits for us to call to Him.

John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

Jesus is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. He is the King of Heaven, the Son of God who sacrificed His life so we could join Him in Heaven. People can believe or not believe, but He is always there waiting for us to call on Him.

Romans 10:9: "If you confess with your mouth that 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

Check out this thread: The Boy Who Met Jesus: Segatashya of Kibeho

You said, "Told his followers to kill their son?" Where did that statement come from? Not the Bible.


The Bearded One
God commands Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. (Genesis 22:5 and 22:8) :) Test or not, really? Today we would have labeled him Batshit Crazy.


Senior Member
God commands Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. (Genesis 22:5 and 22:8) :) Test or not, really? Today we would have labeled him Batshit Crazy.

Yes, God put Abraham to the test, because God was going to sacrifice His only Son, Jesus, for us! God wanted to see if Abraham would sacrifice his own son. It was a test that Abraham had to pass inorder to join in a COVENANT with God, who promised that his (Abraham's) descendants would be saved. Abraham was willing, and God spared his child, Isaac...but Jesus was not spared. Jesus was offered up as the sacrificial Lamb...He died for our sins and redeemed us, so that we could be cleansed of our sins and gain entry into Heaven.

Who are we to question God? God works in mysterious ways. He is the Creator of all things.

What people today would label God's ways is irrelevant. People today are out-of-control. This was prophesied in Scripture. We are living in the 'Last Days'...

2 Timothy 3: "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people."


Senior Member
I have never been a big believer in the old testament... it seems less about walking in the faith of the spirit and more like a history lesson and some justifications for rape ,murder, and incest. Yaup the old testament is a god awful thing. now THE NEW testament... the gospels... those are worth giving a hoot over. The New Covenant is all that matters.

I do not believe God Trully asked abhraham to sacrifice his son... I think Abraham was on mind alterents.... Mosses too..... many of the older testament heros used substances... they did not know better... Diffetrent day different age ,.. different way of doing things.

As for who we are to question god?

We are his children.

It would be pointless nay foolish to make us with curiosity and intelligence and expect us not to question him and his existence....

My god does not mind being questioned. My god can not be insulted. My god does not want any forced converts or wars glorified in his honour.

My God only wants you to love god with all your heart and love your fellow human as you love yourself.

Seems easy enough o do that from my perspective.


The Bearded One
It's easier to just chalk existence up to something like having a God.​
Humanity has been doing it for a LONG TIME.​
You can answer any question with whatever you would like...​
It's like just previous religions Greek Gods and Goddesses.​
If we don't sacrifice this virgin, the sun won't come up. No that's stupidity.​
There's God controlling the Sun... No that's called Fusion.​
There isn't a God that throws lightning as his/your enemies. It's a electrostatic discharge in the atmosphere.​
Why'd this happen to this person and it caused this to happen... "God works in mysterious ways"​
It's as bad as people that have "prayed4it" license plates...​
Really... God wanted you to THAT car.​
Cute. o_0​


Junior Member
This is a topic that could go on for sometime depending primarily on your strength on endurance and how long you want to keep runing in circles. Most of us have not even tapped the potential of the Human Mind . I have to say here though, that there is no wrong answer,we are all right, we all choose to create the reality that we live in ( Albiet Some of us live in a Bubble HaHa) .We all see what we beleive to be the truth in our own eyes .

For the record if anyone @ all chooses they can take a close look @ every major religion and find that they are repleet with Texts from the Egyptian Scrolls .

Just an Observation of mines By The Way .


Junior Member
I agree with the thinking of qualia soup:

They have really good videos for the ones that want to be free of the hypnosis.

About near death experiences:

I had a bike accident when I was younger. Spent a couple of earth minutes "in the other side" (felt like an eternity in a selfless omnipresent realm) with no vital signs until they jumped me like a car...

Came back empty, total amnesia for 2 1/2 weeks, suddenly I started coming back.

This taught me a lot about who we are and who we think we are, it definitely thought me that there is no god as we want to believe there is. We are alive, we just don't remember we are all one thing, to keep it simple... It's kinda overwhelming... And boring.

To be everything, i must be nothing.

To be everyone, we must be no one but one.
