Debate There is no "God"


Junior Member
Here's what I believe as a Mormon:

I believe there is a Godhead. It consists of 3 people. God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. More specifically, Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. Even more specifically, Elohim [Christ?], Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.

Most religions just believe in either what mormons call "God" or "Jesus Christ". We believe that God & Jesus have Tangible bodies, but not like humans or anything, and The holy ghost is a (good) spirit. Kids gain the Holy Ghost when they are baptized in the LDS Church. The holy ghost helps us choose from right and wrong. So if you're not baptized (actually, I think it's if you're under 8 years old) then it's not your fault if you sin. Since you don't have the holy ghost, it's tougher to choose from right and wrong. So I guess you could basically commit any sin before you turn 8/get baptized and it won't defect you after death.

We believe that when you pray, you're kind of praying to Jesus and it gets directed to god.

PrayingWe Believe that a traditional LDS Prayer goes like this:

Everyone who is included in the Prayer Folds their arms, bows/tilts their head down, and closes their eyes. Then the pray-er says:
"Heavenly Father, We're thankful [blank], We're thankful [blank], Please bless us that [blank], please bless us that [blank], We say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."
Of course you can always change it around a little, and add more things.

There's also a lot more, but I'm too lazy to write a lot at one time, and I'm only 13 years old.


Junior Member
yeah I have a pretty good knowledge of the LDS church. Also, I'd like to point out some things:
The LDS TemplesPeople think the temples are weird or rituals or something, but I must say otherwise. Once you turn 12 you become a Young Man/Young Women and leave Primary. If you are YM/YW then you can get a temple recommend from your Church Bishop and then you can go inside the temple to do temple work. Such as BFTD (Baptisms for the dead; I'll explain later.) and CFTD (Confirmations for the Dead) (where elders lay their hands on your head to give you the blessing of the holy ghost) but the main part is the beauty. Everyone knows the outsides of Temples are beautiful, but trust me, the inside is 100 times more beautiful. And all Temples are the homes of God, and there is an extreme amount of spirit & good feelings at temples. It's hard to explain, but trust me, it's the best experience in my whole life.

Temple WorkTemples are made for Mormons to do Temple Work. Basically, when someone dies, and the Second Coming (the Apocalypse) hasn't happened yet, you are sent to either Prison or Paradise. Nobody goes to Heaven or Hell until after the Resurrection which is after the 2nd Coming. Anyway, We do temple work for people in prison. Missionaries from Paradise go over to prison to teach the gospel to prisoners. Once they accept the gospel, people down on earth need to Baptize & Confirm themselves (people down on earth) on behalf of the people in Prison. Once the B&C has been done, they will go to Paradise.

The Plan of SalvationGod has a plan for everyone. A lot of LDS hymns are about God's plan and how we should follow it. Here's the Plan of Salvation:

Everyone is in one place, as spirits. They have a choice to either go with god's plan or Satan's plan (satan is god's brother, pretty sure) 2/3 of the people chose god, 1/3 chose satan. Satan doesn't give bodies to any of his spirits, and they're called "Demons". Any ghost activity humans encounter on earth is just Demons sent to earth commanded by Satan.

Anyway, God has us go with the Plan of Salvation. Which goes like this:

Choice between God & Satan
Pre-mortal Life: All of God's children (everyone on earth)
Birth: People are sent from the Pre-mortal life to be born. As in, when a Woman gets Pregnant, someone from the Pre-mortal life loses all their memory of all past and gets sent down to earth. ~9 months later they are born.
Mortal Life: The stage we're in right now. It's a test to see if we'll choose the LDS church and go back to God, our father.
Death: We die and go to the spirit world.
Spirit World:
- Paradise: A wonderful place to be.
- Prison: If you haven't been baptized, you go here. Not such a great place.
Second Coming/Apocalypse: God comes to earth and all the wicked people are burned in a fire and all the righteous people are protected. Then all the righteous people and all the people in the spirit world are Resurrected.
The Resurrection: Gives everyone a ///Perfect/// Tangible Body.
The Final Judgement: Depending on everyone's holiness and stuff, people are sent to one of the 4 kingdoms.
- Celestial Kingdom: The most beautiful place ever. The highest-level Kingdom in Heaven.
- Terestial Kingdom: A really good place to be. Worse then Celestial, but better then Telestial Kingdom. Part of Heaven.
- Telestial Kingdom: Better then earth. Worst kingdom in Heaven.
- Outer Darkness: The one kingdom in Hell. The ONLY way to be sent here, is to have a complete knowledge of the gospel and have not just faith but proof that the Gospel is 100% real and still Deny it. I believe only a few of god's children will be sent here.

Like I said previously, more to come.


Senior Member
The Plan of SalvationGod has a plan for everyone....Like I said previously, more to come.

We agree on some of the basics, but not all. We worship the same Lord Jesus and God His Father.

As for me, Jesus wasn't 'religious' and neither am I. (I don't hold religion against anyone though.) I worship and follow Jesus, Father God, and Holy Spirit, and I take my teachings from Bible Scripture such as King James Version (but not the Mormon Bible as it's different). I was raised Catholic, but became a Christian as a teenageer, and have been so ever since.

I've attended many different churches over the years, Catholic, Baptist, Non-Denominational, etc., as long as they are close to the teachings of the Scriptures. I'm not a Fundamentalist Christian (I'm not judgemental). I'm not homophobic...neither was Jesus. (Gay people are born that way.) And I don't think Mediums are going to hell for talking with Spirits in the Afterlife (Mediums are born with the gift of seeing departed spirits like in the movie "Sixth Sense".)

As long as we're worshipping Jesus and Father God, then that's the most important thing. :)


Junior Member
Mormon Bible? oh you mean the Book of Mormon?

And besides, in the LDS church, we believe that even if you live a life of bad stuff (drugs, swearing, smoking, etc.) you can repent in Prison. Everyone has a chance after we die.


Senior Member
Mormon Bible? oh you mean the Book of Mormon?

And besides, in the LDS church, we believe that even if you live a life of bad stuff (drugs, swearing, smoking, etc.) you can repent in Prison. Everyone has a chance after we die.

Yes, I meant the Book of Mormon. :)


The Bearded One
Shot out of a cannon: How would you react if it was 100% proven your religion was completely wrong?


Junior Member
Mormon Bible? oh you mean the Book of Mormon?

And besides, in the LDS church, we believe that even if you live a life of bad stuff (drugs, swearing, smoking, etc.) you can repent in Prison. Everyone has a chance after we die.

That is why I'm a very very viscous sinner without hurting anyone. ;)


What if I were abandoned in the forest as a baby and raised by wolves. Now being a wolf was all I ever knew. Would I be sent to damnation for not accepting something which I have no way of knowing?

There are many innocent children that have no way of learning such religious views. Why should their up bringing curse them into hell? If we all sin then why is one sinner accepted while another perhaps less educated in "gods" teachings punished?

These absolutes in taught behavior are man made and thus flawed.

Live by the golden rule is all one needs to know. In fact I argue that this would be the one thing that would not require any teachings whatsoever.

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Simple, sweet with no fillers currupted and manipulated by mans selfish intents.


Junior Member
There is no "God"
Australian researcher Ronald Pegg states an amazing assertion: “There is (and was) no GOD* and I have the evidence to prove it”.​
His statement is a conclusion based upon empirical evidence, not a belief due to ‘lack of evidence’.​
He then addresses the beliefs of Agnostics and Atheists with two more controversial assertions:​
AGNOSTICS are WRONG - as there IS evidence that there is/was No God*.​
* The Abrahamic GOD as documented in the Old Testament at Genesis 1:1.​
the (religious) Creation Theory IS a scientific theory - as such it has now been proven False.​
I have posted these comments as an introduction to some of the astounding discoveries made by Ronald Pegg.​
Everyone agrees that the GOD in question is the ‘God’ of the three main world Religions*, being the Abrahamic GOD as documented in the Old Testament at Genesis 1:1.​
* Jews, Christians, and Muslims (plus all their denominations and sects).​
That ‘God’, being their God, is part of the Creation Story debate.​
IF that ‘God’ could be shown to be something else other than what legends and traditional religious rhetoric says, then that God would no longer hold its supernatural status, and as such, having no supernatural GOD status means that there was not a God to do the ‘creation’ in the first place.​
Like a house of cards, the claims by Religions that there ‘is a God’ will fall one by one as the evidence is progressively produced and negates their assertions.​
IF evidence is found that shows the “God” descriptions in the Bible (and other ancient texts) are about something else that can be quantifiably confirmed, then would this be evidence that there was (and is) no GOD ?​

It may take me a few days, but I will come back and post an explanation regarding what Pegg has discovered.
