Debate There is no "God"

In the Old Testament also says that when a female is in her period must leave town and we the man shall not even sit where she sat. Then go get some birds and and kill them ass an offer and spread the blood in the temple's curtains, right? Lol! :D

I respect females way too much to agree with such a patriarchal belief.


There is no GOD (ie. a supernatural monotheistic being)

Genesis 1:1 KJV “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
This is incorrect. It should be
“In the beginning created God - the heavens - the earth”. Source: Genesis 1:1 Biblos Interlinear Bible

MEANING of the word ‘God’ used in the Bible:
Genesis 1:1, Hebrew word #430 “God”.
In Strong’s Concordance we are told that this word is the plural of 'elowahh’ and means ‘gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God.
Source: Strong's Hebrew: 430. אֱלֹהִים (elohim) -- God, god

SO, the use of the ‘supreme God’ as a given meaning (rather than its original Hebrew meaning of ‘gods in the ordinary sense’) is specifically and especially employed when the article ‘THE’ is used, as in THE GOD - being ‘The God’ to whom religious people refer.

BUT in Genesis 1:1 the article ‘the’ is NOT present, thus Moses was describing ordinary gods, plural.

In Strong’s Concordance we are told that #430 is the plural of Hebrew word #433.
Hebrew word #433 meant ‘a deity’.
As the original Hebrew etymology meant ‘deity’, hence as word #430 is the PLURAL of this word, then the word ‘God’ in Genesis 1:1 meant ‘deities’ (or ‘ordinary gods’).
Source: Strong's Hebrew: 433. אֱל֫וֹהַּ, (eloah) -- God, god

Moses was an Egyptian priest who was shown and told the ‘ancient Egyptian wisdom’.
The gods whom Moses knew were the Heliopolis Ennead* of nine Egyptian deities.
Moses knew of ‘gods’ plural, and as such, when he wrote Genesis 1:1, and as the original Hebrew meanings confirm, he was citing the Egyptian deities, plural, of whom he knew.

* Ronald Pegg has identified the actual source of those nine ‘gods’.
pp117-119, World Breaking discoveries- A New Era Begins, Adelaide, South Australia, 2007.

THEREFORE, in regard the the “GOD” to whom Moses was referring, the Context and Original word Meaning was ‘deities’ plural, not the singular God as portrayed by religious people in their traditions.

Christians may agree with the ‘plural’ aspect, and say that it is plural because of the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost, but that story was invented over a period of time during the first four centuries by Roman Emperors, some 1200 years later (probably based upon the Egyptian Triad of Gods).

If there is no singular GOD of the Bible, then a single supernatural monotheistic Being did NOT create the heavens and the earth.

While this has disproved a ‘single God’ as believed in the Bible, it only means that Gods plural may have ‘created heaven and earth’.

…more later during the week, about what Genesis chapter one is actually describing - and it is not a ‘religious creation’.

In Mormonism, we believe that no matter WHAT you do on earth, whether you shoplifted a pencil, or were a serial killer, or a Hitler, you have a chance after you die. Osama Laden is currently in Prison being taught by Missionaries.

As for all that no-god nonsense, let's just wait until we die then we'll see what happens?
I look forward to hearing more from eddy p and weee zard. You guys seem to be a couple of the few people on here with a logical objective view of things. You can't argue with people who believe in fairies lol, the problem with all religious teachings is you have to have an unquestionable faith in the teachings of scripture in order to create logic in religion. I'm glad some people are bringing things like this to attention.
And this is before we even get into the irregularities of translation and interpretation of scripture. Considering that the Christian bible even before king James' version went through several languages after Hebrew and considering that Hebrew uses some of its same words as a representation of numbers as well.
it was said earler that GOD has not left us but rather we have turned our backs on HIM.........

ok this very question has gotten me ask to leave right now befor they call the police to have me throwen out. from more than a few church's after asking the preacher,pasture,priest to please explane which way we turned, to turn our back to GOD ....

meaning that if GOD is every where, all the time, then no matter which way we turn we will always be facing HIM, no matter where we go HE will always be befor us.....we cannot escape HIS presence in any way, shape, or form....

so to tell someone they have turned away from GOD is a cheap excuse for judging them as a heathen,sinner,bad boy/girl.....
therefor the only other option is GOD has indeed left us,turned HIS back to us,abandoned us,.....

yet we are told that HE would never do that to us....he loves us unconditionally right??? we can not do anything to earn HIS favor....
we cannot earn salvation it is a gift from GOD to us, and how all the rightiouness of any man is fithly befor the glory of GOD....

so we are never going to be good enough..... yet we will be judged for not being good enough..... nothing we do is good enough to get us into heaven,, but anything we do is bad enough to get us condemed to hell.... even as babies on the day of our birth we are condemed for being born....

more than a few times the preacher's have tried to convince me that is some how it is my fault and I must be saved from the pit because of the mistake of Adam... even thow I was never put in the garden and told to be fruitfull and make lots of babies......we are given a standerd to meet or thats it buckoo your gonna burn.......

oh no!!!!!!! they try to say each man is judged for there own sin,,,, yet every man has been condemed for the sin of Adam.....

another point which has been a bone of contention for me is the whole death of CHRIST thing .....we are told that HE was killed for the sins of the world ok ..... then why does it also say that HE layed down HIS life, and that HE then took it up again, because the power of life and death are in HIS hands..... so the point being if HE has the power of life and death... then HE cannot die, or the power of life would vanish at the time of HIS death.... dead is dead,,,

then there is the whole question of the restorataion of man by the shed blood of the CHRIST and how HIS shed bllod payed for the sins of the world all of them past, present, future, and how we have been delivered from under the curse of the law as it was totaly fuffiled by the life and death of CHRIST yet we are still told we are in a fallen state......but wait didn't HIS death just restore us to a not fallen state.....yet we are now told we must confess our sin and repent to be saved,,,, so realy the the death of CHRIST didn't cover all the sin of the world,, or maybe just not mine,,, or I would not be judged for a debt that has been paid already .....sorry buckoo either we are free of the law,,, or the death of CHRIST ment nothing....
We are living in the Last Days, and this prophecy has come to pass. In my lifetime, people didn't always used to be this way.

2 Timothy 3:1-5:
But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these.
A friend of mine long ago would sit and debate religion and such fun topics with me. I have posted this before on here somewhere but seems appropriate to post again. This is from the word and mouth of Matthew. " We are not Sinners because we Sin, We Sin because we are Sinners."

God has been with man from the beginning of time. In whatever from to whichever degree. It is the choice of the individual into which God to believe. The one constant that can not be debated is the great vast majority of human beings on the planet Earth believe in some type or form of a "God" or Creator.

I carry no allegiance to any religion or denomination. I am however intelligent in enough to believe and understand, that there is more to our being, than just merely "being". There will always be questions unanswered, however we are all untitled to our own beliefs in what that answer may be.
Of course that there is more than just "me" there is a very beautiful an wonderful live planet that hosts wonderful harmless creatures that deceive our respect and care. None of which is even considered in androcentric selfish faiths. If you know what androcentric is...

To the lil Mormon:

For you, To say that there is no god as we have NO evidence of its existence is a non sense but to say that "we will see after we die" makes sense?

Well, lets say I believe that we're created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster, how do you disprove it's existence?

How do you disprove Santa Claus?

To not be able to disprove something doesn't make it real.

I have 2 heads! Lol!
