Confirmed Hoax Timetravel_-1


Junior Member
i,de like to think that its john, and not just some poor soul that the sun has done fryed
there brain and they woke up dreaming all this,
its all eventual,


Oh, I am new here also, but I been over at the other place you may know about. Don't have much time to post right now, so I may look around for a long time yet and post more towards winter.

To me, just my opinion, I don't think this person is the original Titor, and if another Titor, then perhaps there are just too many Johns around in the word. (weird sense of humor perhaps, but..................)

I also doubt if I get anything done by Oct. 28 this years or anything that is not just regular chores, since I had to retire early, and my foot has been bothering me, and I can not tell about Congress and I doubt anything good happens with the budget out of them or any thing else, it seems. I know there are just these negative message people in this Country now and I call it, if not unethical, then on the
verge of unethical. I find that "Freedom" is just a slang term tossed around for some people's benefit, and sounds good, but tell me where the comfort zone is in this Universe, and where around stars, because without it, space is hostile, and well, freedom to one day conquer it - may, maybe not.
There may be new particle found at the Trevaton near Chicago, but it has to be verified that concerns the top quark and top gluon interaction (?). Not quite sure without reading the article again in the News.


Otherwise I have made my last plea for insanity (another joke so don't get hung up on it):
Provide your own rap to it:

there's no charge and if I did anything worth charging for, I guess it have to go through those companies made for making a hit and marketing it. That does not mean that others have not been the author to a song that was only sung by someone else and you really had to look to find out who the actual author of the song was. Well, hope to be around a while here and not step on anyone's toes so to speak.



Oh, I am new here also, but I been over at the other place you may know about. Don't have much time to post right now, so I may look around for a long time yet and post more towards winter.

To me, just my opinion, I don't think this person is the original Titor, and if another Titor, then perhaps there are just too many Johns around in the word. (weird sense of humor perhaps, but..................)

I also doubt if I get anything done by Oct. 28 this years or anything that is not just regular chores, since I had to retire early, and my foot has been bothering me, and I can not tell about Congress and I doubt anything good happens with the budget out of them or any thing else, it seems. I know there are just these negative message people in this Country now and I call it, if not unethical, then on the
verge of unethical. I find that "Freedom" is just a slang term tossed around for some people's benefit, and sounds good, but tell me where the comfort zone is in this Universe, and where around stars, because without it, space is hostile, and well, freedom to one day conquer it - may, maybe not.
There may be new particle found at the Trevaton near Chicago, but it has to be verified that concerns the top quark and top gluon interaction (?). Not quite sure without reading the article again in the News.


Otherwise I have made my last plea for insanity (another joke so don't get hung up on it):
Provide your own rap to it:

there's no charge and if I did anything worth charging for, I guess it have to go through those companies made for making a hit and marketing it. That does not mean that others have not been the author to a song that was only sung by someone else and you really had to look to find out who the actual author of the song was. Well, hope to be around a while here and not step on anyone's toes so to speak.

welcome to the mixed nuts and fruitcakes TimeNot_O
not to worry bout slightly of center humor just look around the place and jump on in the waters great and the beers cold


New Member
I do not recollect starting my own thread. Thank you for taking care of this for me.

I am still in the process of traveling, but I was asked to continue speaking here. Please leave your questions and I will answer them to the absolute best of my ability.



Senior Member
Hi Timetravel_-1

OK you say - Please leave your questions and I will answer them to the absolute best of my ability.

Here is my question. Back in 2001 I was asked to go ten years into the future. I still saw on the road cars. There was food in the grocery. However, gas was more expensive. I quoted approx $4 per gallon as the price.

I said that many companies had gone bankrupt such as GM (biggest car company), Blockbuster (biggest video rental company), Borders (2nd biggest bookstore) etc. Unemployment was serious.

Then I was asked to jump 20 years.
What I saw was that cities were empty with no people in em. Highways had no cars. Things were dark with no power. I call this the dark city scenario.

OK so what is the main cause?

1. There are some people who say it is a disease epidemic that hits us. People are overcome via germs.

2. Others say it is due to an electromagnetic pulse similar to the Carrington Event in 1859 which would smash our electrical grid for many years. Perhaps civilization would never recover. That might be so. However, it did not feel like an EMP wave. Fact is, I saw no people and it reminded me of Chenobyl where people left in a hurry and houses still had stuff inside, but no occupants any.

What is the cause. Please tell me.


New Member
Good day, HDRKID.

What you are viewing is a probability of what may occur in your reality based on several things, not the least of which are your definitions, mindset and mental clarity.

As a crude example, a patient convinced a visit to the orthodontist will be painful manifests that reality based on those definitions and preconceptions. They are expecting it to be an unpleasant experience, thus it becomes one.

Where you may see desolate metropolises, others experience nothing more than your average city. There are some remote viewers who are unable to see past the events of October because during that time they chose to manifest themselves in a reality which has a much higher frequency of vibration; i.e. your most common definition of ascension.

This is not to say you are predetermined to experience this "negative" outcome, but the probability is high based on what you define to be negative. Some aspect of your personality considers this to be preferable as opposed to a future consisting of enlightenment or clarity.

Also, understand that there is no future which is inherently good or bad - Only those that you do or do not prefer. You are experiencing exactly what you choose and nothing else.

We are masters of limitation and exist only to experience reality through that lens, such that the whole may have a greater understanding of itself. The future you choose to experience is only a minute aspect of this.
